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What Is The First Mod You Ever Downloaded?


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I played Morrowind for a long time before I downloaded any mods. Now, the first Morrowind mod I ever downloaded was Paradise Isle. It adds an isle. :dry: Not bad.


And you? What did you downloaded first? Could be a new armor or a tweak too ofcourse.

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Hmmm... I think... it was probably... guh, I can't remember the name of it now! It was something like Alexander's Hideout. Anyway, it gave you a spiffy little hideout in Seyda Neen underneath that old High Elf woman's house. It had a waterfall, bedroom, some armour mannequins and display cases, a pool and a training dummy. It's still one of my favourite house mods, even if I don't have it downloaded currently. ^^;
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I think my first mod was one of the texture packs - maybe Qarl's? It was so long ago. The first quest mod was the Cloud one (where you could join a guild and eventually control the weather). I wouldn't say it was the best I've ever played, but it was quite good.
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I think my first mod was one of the texture packs - maybe Qarl's? It was so long ago. The first quest mod was the Cloud one (where you could join a guild and eventually control the weather). I wouldn't say it was the best I've ever played, but it was quite good.


Ah yes that one is great! I love the blight storm gem (not sand storm). Another quest mod I liked was Illuminated Order, which was some sort of faction. At the end you can become a lich. Good old Morrowind times... The time I still saw doors as doors, and not as a teleporter to a new cell.... :closedeyes:

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I rememeber the first one I downloaded was the Dwemer Glider. I didn't even know how to put mods on my computer and my dad had to help me. Mind you, this was almost 3 years ago. Right now I am in the process of making a castle that is larger than Ebonheart. I've come a long way. The first mod I released was I think The Walled City of Ald' Ruhn. I put a wall around Ald' Ruhn and changed a bunch of stuff. It was horrible. Anyways, I do remember that being my first downloaded mod.
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I do believe mine was the Cliff Racer Remover - i had a screenshot of on my old PC of a strung-out line of dead Cliff Racers leading from Alh-Ruhn over the mountains to the Ghostgate because somehow I managed to continually blunder into the damn things.


Oh yes, and I also go the official mods, but the only one that I think I ever used was the area effects arrows mod.

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