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Slow download speeds? Please use our Download Speed Diagnoser


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In response to post #20098014.

Likewise I appreciate the time & effort they put in to maintain this. In my case though, as an example, I have an 8Mbit connection speed & typically see download speeds of 600-800kBps, depending on the source site.

From Nexus & typically got ~100kBps per download stream. Now after the changeover I average ~20kBps...

How well you care for your computer has little to do with this issue, as it is the source that is limiting the speed for those of us affected by it. As a free user at the moment*, I don't expect to have unlimited speed. But it is the drop in speed since the changeover that is the issue for many people.

* edit: Despite the download issues, I have just paid for my premium membership since I intend to keep using it and believe it is worth it, now that I have some cash to spare! Edited by Myvekk
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In response to post #20159780.

I didn't miss the point. In fact, I completely agree with you, bben46. Perhaps "Compete" wasn't the word that I should have used. For me, Mod Organizer offers the specific features that I am looking for when I mod Skyrim, and it's worth noting that Skyrim is the only game I currently mod. I like NMM, and I wasn't trying to cut it down at all. It excels in its own ways and is a very viable way to download, install and manage mods. I'm grateful for having it and appreciate the amount of hard work and dedication that was necessary in order for NMM to be what it is today. Mod Organizer is just something that I started using a month or so ago, and my girlfriend and I share a computer so we rely heavily on the profiles that it offers.

In short, NMM is awesome and I agree that it has its own strengths, weaknesses and level of expertise required for use. I couldn't have said it better myself.
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In response to post #20098014. #20210610 is also a reply to the same post.

Hear, Hear. (Skyrim)Nexus and the crew behind it are among the most outstanding works (and teams) created out of simple love for a game. I am exceedingly grateful for nexusmods and while I understand the frustrations that come with downloading mods - or mods suddenly not working; believe me, I've experienced the first impulse from such problems many times - we should all remember this is a great service and resource being provided free of charge.

Bethesda releases good games but it's their willingness to have accessible code (and the collaborative efforts of Dark0ne and others to take initiative) which makes those games relevant years after the Console versions have been forgotten.

And if you read the User Agreement deal they've included with NMM it's really something; just compare to other User Agreements. It makes it clear their concerned about the integrity of the site and work of modders (as opposed to the almighty dollar). Please keep that in mind before raging at someone for problems, however, legitimately NOT your fault, that you experience.
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In response to post #20098014. #20210610, #20358489 are all replies on the same post.

Well said! I HAVE been part of the Nexus since the beginning and have seen the site and it's owner grow in so many ways. As one of the people in a part of the world that celebrates Thanksgiving. the Nexus is one thing I have always been thankful for. Like anything, there are growing pains, but throughout the years the Nexus has done nothing except get better and better. Thank you Dark0ne (and staff! Who knew back when there was only one that there would be a staff!) for all you do and provide.
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Maybe nothing really to add here. But my dl speeds are fine on this site. I'd like to get a higher speed, so I'm thinking about looking into upgrading my account. Plus I've been a member for long enough, and I'd like to contribute to help making this place better.


But my dl speeds are just under 1MB, however I've noticed a slight bump, they are capping out around 1.3MB. Now I can download files at over 15 - 16MB a second, which I consider that super fast.

But I'd like something higher than 1.xMB from this site. Nothing insanely high, but something better. :)

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@ Nicolas - not enough info to tell you anything to try. Please give us something to work with.


Are you using NMM? what version?

Some other mod manager?

What have you tried?

What browser? & version

What Operating System? & version

Have you tried manual downloads?

Have you tried a different browser?

What games?

Have you read through the forums for similar problems?

Any other info that might help us diagnose your problem?

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