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Goodbye Socialist Obamerica ... goodbye.


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It wasn't just the lying. That is nothing new at all, for either party. (how do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.) I think folks don't care for the direction the country is going, a president that is percieved as weak, and when he doesn't get his way, resorts to 'executive orders'. Some of which he got away with, some he did not. Now, if he decides to give amnesty to all the illegals, the dems won't stand a snowballs chance in hades of winning an election in 16.

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I don't think 'our' party agrees with us.


“The American people believe in the causes we’re fighting for.” Yeah, sorry but I don't. :mad: Reel it in some and get back to an agenda that doesn't make me work two jobs.

Don't look for the people who lead the dems to this defeat to find a way to better themselves. Mrs shultz first says they need a top down assessment of how they do things and in the next line she says the American public believe in the causes they are for. The politicians have separated Americans from Americans so effiecantly that it is more true that the politicians agree with the individual groups cause when they are talking to that group or need their vote.


They tell these groups that they have a problem and then set themselves as that groups best hope to gain what should be theirs. Then they do nothing for them, because they've got the votes they need and the next time around they point their fingers across the isle and claim they were stopped by the opposition party. They pander and they bribe and hope that the American public ignores the man behind the screen.

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This is why you cannot have self-righteous ideologues running a government.....



And, believe me, we have a government chock-full of liberal elitist ideologues.

When the "I" comes before the "we" - "we" have problems.
As far as I know (and I have been tracking) FNC is the ONLY news outlet that has aired this video. A culpable media is another problem.....Call 'em enablers.

This legislation has been fraught with a history of lies, deception and behind the doors dirty deals from the git-go.

Personally, i don't think the American people are stupid....just a little naive and trusting....That is also changing.

Edited by edgeburner
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This is why you cannot have self-righteous ideologues running a government.....




And, believe me, we have a government chock-full of liberal elitist ideologues.


When the "I" comes before the "we" - "we" have problems.

As far as I know (and I have been tracking) FNC is the ONLY news outlet that has aired this video. A culpable media is another problem.....Call 'em enablers.


This legislation has been fraught with a history of lies, deception and behind the doors dirty deals from the git-go.


Personally, i don't think the American people are stupid....just a little naive and trusting....That is also changing.

I don't place any labels on idealogues, simply because no matter there world veiw, they all have the same opinion of those they wish to effect. That is they are needed because their vission is the one that will guide everyone to their own version of the promissed land, wither we want to go or not. It'd demening and insulting and it serves no purpose other than to exault the perpetrator over everyone else.


Selfless people do small things to help others while ideologues do big things to help themselves, since it's always they who end up incharge of their little schemes. Have you noticed just how little effect the ACA has on he healthcare of those who passed it? It's the same as those who were against Gay Marrage. It's their ideal was theirs but they don't have to contend with the effects of either. They simply walk throught the graveyard patting themselve on their backs for being such wholesome individuals.

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Given the fact that SCOTUS is taking up the constitutional legality of subsidies in the Affordable Health Care Act, I may have to eat my prior words concerning the permanence of Obamacare. If the subsidies are not constitutional then the entire infrastructure of Obamacare will collapse. Normally I hate to have to eat my own words but this case might be the silver bullet that finishes off Obamacare....if that occurs..... pass the hot sauce.

If what Gruber said in that video that's posted everywhere gets in front of the court, ObamaCare is toast. Gruber might think I'm stupid (I was until last Tuesday) but I do know that when vague laws are challenged in court, the drafters of the law lose and those seeking relief win. The question is, how to get the court to consider it?


I hope ObamaCare gets overturned. That would be $808.00 each month that I could keep for myself. I could buy the insurance I want that fits MY needs and have money left over. And it would be a nice second-hand revenge on Obama; to see his 'signature legislation' thrown on the scrap heap. I voted for the dude TWICE and now I literally hate him.

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The issue was never about those who could afford health insurence and there in lies the key to keeping it or removing it. If people who couldn't afford health care before would not be able afterwords, then what would be the point. If these subsidies are removed then it will not stand for anything more than a snapshot in time fore the progressive movement.


As far as this video is concerned, the public, wither they were stupid or uninterested, they will be just as unmoved by it's leaving as they were it's arrival.

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The american public was AGAINST the ACA when it was being written. We hated it outright when it came up for a vote, yet no one had read it. 2500 pages written behind closed doors, with zero public input. We weren't consulted. We just had it shoved down our throats by congress.


I am all for overturning the whole thing, and chucking it out the window. Just call it a bad day, and be done with it.

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What did amuse me today is when asked about Gruber, Nancy Pelosi initially claimed she had never heard of him. After someone read back her remarks at the time of AHCA passage when she praised him to the heavens, her response was that she meant she didn't know Gruber personally. ****snicker****


On a side note..six years ago less than a handful here were against Obama' and his proposed policies..it was all hail "Hope and Change" and we few were called cynics and or reactionaries for attempting to point he had never governed ,never initiated a single bit of legislation and was a pure product of the Chicago political machine...not exactly what you want living in 1600.

Oh the chickens have finally come home to roost. :ohmy:

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What did amuse me today is when asked about Gruber, Nancy Pelosi initially claimed she had never heard of him. After someone read back her remarks at the time of AHCA passage when she praised him to the heavens, her response was that she meant she didn't know Gruber personally. ****snicker****


On a side note..six years ago less than a handful here were against Obama' and his proposed policies..it was all hail "Hope and Change" and we few were called cynics and or reactionaries for attempting to point he had never governed ,never initiated a single bit of legislation and was a pure product of the Chicago political machine...not exactly what you want living in 1600.

Oh the chickens have finally come home to roost. :ohmy:

Hey now. Didn't you read the politically correct thread? Pointing out inconvenient points in such a matter is 'impolite'.... :D


I don't even remember which side I was on six years ago....... I know I didn't want Romney as president though....... I was simply stuck with what was left. (pardon the pun)

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