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Goodbye Socialist Obamerica ... goodbye.


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Six years ago the orld was as tired of George Bush as it is of President Obama today. America was tired. Worn out and tired and was looking for something fresh and President Obama stepped up to fill that void. I too was wanting a change and I hoped for someone to stand up and pull america out of this rediculous race thing and hopefully bring us to a place where that nonsence would be obsolete.


Leading us in the world didn't even enter my mind. The world matters less to me than America does and it was that America I wanted healed. That didn't come to pass. This whole administration has been a discipointment on both sides of the political bend and to me, that's why the left stayed away in droves, this ellection season. Those people I know on the left and right aren't far apart from eachother, when it comes to the charactor of the people they want to represent them. These leaders can be as loud and as quiet as they want to be, but they must be sincere and that's what I think President Obama lacks completely.

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Read this morning that CBS, the Chicago Tribune and a few other main stream outlets are now covering the Gruber comments. I don't think this is going away the way the Democrats want it to and I don't think they can spin their way out of it. There isn't one instance of Gruber gloating about the deception and calling voters stupid; there are four and they are spread out over a period of maybe three years. In one of the videos Gruber says,"because American voters are stupid." The crowd laughs and he laughs with them. I don't like being laughed at after someone lies to me.


Another point about the Obamafication of America, the Feds have taken away the M4 rifles issued to the Border Patrol. I didn't know what an M4 was so I looked it up. It is one of the standard weapons issued to our military (it's like an M16 but better). The Feds claim the weapons are unsafe and are taking them away from the Border Patrol for the safety of the agents. The Feds are not taking these 'unsafe weapons' away from our troops, just the Border Patrol. I never was one of the people who questioned everything the government did, but with all the recent news and facts coming out about Obama and his government, now I question everything. Obama is ready to start giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. In the same time frame the feds are taking away weapons from the people who guard the borders. That's suspicious to me.

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It might be of some solace to you to know that an M-14 has better long range accuracy than an M-16 and more stopping power, it's down side is it's weight, which is why it was replaced for general issue military use. Back in the 60's, there were strong advocates of the combat effectiveness of the M-14 over the M-16. I do not trust this administration farther than I can spit, but this time it's really nothing conspiratorial.

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@JRRaff and kvnchrist,


It seems things over there weren't done quite in the way or as well as I would've expected. I hadn't expected (though I should have) that Obama and his lot would 'forget' that insurasnce companies always over-charge and then over-complicate things to confuse their customers (or 'mugs' as I think the insurance industry refers to them) so they don't have to pay out as much or as often as they should.




Governments always redistribute it's peoples' assets. Usually to the rich and powerful and sometimes to others. When it redistributes those assets to the poorer end of society, such as the unemployed, at least that money gets spent back into the economy via shops etc.


Did anyone ever find out where that 5 Trillion missing US dollars went? Is anyone actually looking (as opposed to saying they're looking) and does anyone believe they'll ever find it and if so, will they tell the truth about where it was?

Edited by seany65
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Governments always redistribute it's peoples' assets. Usually to the rich and powerful and sometimes to others. When it redistributes those assets to the poorer end of society, such as the unemployed, at least that money gets spent back into the economy via shops etc.


Did anyone ever find out where that 5 Trillion missing US dollars went? Is anyone actually looking (as opposed to saying they're looking) and does anyone believe they'll ever find it and if so, will they tell the truth about where it was?

Oh.... I did not realize that the rich do not spend any money, employ others or invest in business. So they sit on piles of gold coins in a vault like Scrooge McDuck?

All governments do not redistribute wealth but Socialist ones do....

Last but not least, which trillion has gone missing? With the all the trillions added to the debt by Obama it's a tad hard to keep track. Congress spends it like it was monopoly money anyway.... and you want accoutablity......get in line at the rear, it's a long queue.

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I don't care about wealth distribution. The main things I dislike about this healthcare is the following


(1) they leave the fox incharge of the hen house when they leave insurence companies in control of health care and then gaurentee that if those companies don't make it, they will be bailed out by the government.


(2) Then we got all the people that, for political reasons have been given a waver on the thing. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, even if that gander dontates to their champeighns.



As for this Gruber thing, no one really knows anything other than this guy likes to talk about himself. Of all that I've heard he's playing to his audiance, who seems to be soaking it up. He could very well be exagerating everything that he said happened between members of the administration and himself, which to me matches the personality I've seen him display.


I really get tired of this gotcha politics where the exploits of one person are painted on those who for some reason or the other share something in common with the person. There are good people everywhere and there are always those who prey on those peoples goodness in order to exault themselves. I just wish that when the crap hits the fan these politicans would not seek to hide from the issue. Off course they guy short sheeted the nation, but those who claim they don't know him, after touting his work only makes them look guilty. They should be real and come clean. They might have worked with him, but that dosen't mean they knew he was an ass hole.

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Governments always redistribute it's peoples' assets. Usually to the rich and powerful and sometimes to others. When it redistributes those assets to the poorer end of society, such as the unemployed, at least that money gets spent back into the economy via shops etc.


Did anyone ever find out where that 5 Trillion missing US dollars went? Is anyone actually looking (as opposed to saying they're looking) and does anyone believe they'll ever find it and if so, will they tell the truth about where it was?

Oh.... I did not realize that the rich do not spend any money, employ others or invest in business. So they sit on piles of gold coins in a vault like Scrooge McDuck?

All governments do not redistribute wealth but Socialist ones do....

Last but not least, which trillion has gone missing? With the all the trillions added to the debt by Obama it's a tad hard to keep track. Congress spends it like it was monopoly money anyway.... and you want accoutablity......get in line at the rear, it's a long queue.


@Aurelius, I didn't say that the rich don't spend any money (although they never spend as much, relative to how much money they have, as the less well off), it's just that when people complain about the poor being given money by the Government they forget that money gets spent back into the economy.


All governements do redistribute wealth. Partly to pay for its armed forces, partly to pay for roads, partly to pay for Law-enforcement, partly for government 'projects' (new computer systems, High-speed railways etc.) partly for what amount to bribes to either big companies, other countries or voters etc. and often it is partly to pay for the education, health and welfare of it's people.


As far as I'm aware, there was about US $ 5 trillion went missing in the years before 9/11. Apparently there was going to be an enquiry about it. Maybe the little I've read about that was wrong.

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Most of the ones who voted Republican didn't do so for them to compromise with Obama. So the Republicans can safety stonewall Obama and not take very much political damage over it. Obama pretty much screwed the Democrats from getting someone elected president in 2016. They're going to be about as popular as Republicans were after 2 terms of Bush jr.


Gruber spilling the beans has pretty much stuck a fork in Obamacare, its done. There is a new challenge up to the supreme court, because the federal goverment used statements and statistics from Gruber in their case for Obamacare in the Supreme court ruling. If it comes up again, its likely to be overturned thanks to Gruber opening his mouth. And Gruber was 100% correct about the American people. Most of them vote based purely on emotion. Whoever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside....

Edited by Beriallord
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2016 depends a lot on just who the republicans run for president....... I voted for Obama the last time, because he was the lesser of two evils...... if they run romney again, I will gain vote democrat. (but, I will do my best to make sure the repubbies hold the house and senate.....)


This year, people weren't voting FOR the republicans, they were voting AGAINST the democrats.....

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