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Several questions...


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I will start with what I expect to be the easiest question. I use Elven Maps, Eleswyr and New Roads and Bridges. The two latter mods change the world, and have extra mods that reflect these changes on Elven Maps... maps. Obviously, each of these overwrites the other. Is there a file out there for Elven Maps that has both Eleswyr AND New Roads and Bridges added to it?


Secondly, some body mod questions. I currently use HGEC and my character is essentially Tabaxi (Ohmes-raht, from COBL), so I needed to install HGEC Tabaxi textures for her to appear properly. If I were to change to TGND, would I need special textures for them too, or are they already compatible? If I need them, do they exist? All the pictures on that page show a girl with scars and tattoos. If I install this, will every woman in the game have scars and tattoos, or did the modder use a custom race for the screenshots (which seems counter-productive)? If they are of a custom race, could someone direct me to more `normal' TGND pictures so I can decide whether or not I want to use it?


I also have a question with the new armours added in Francesco's. I see the new weapons it adds often enough to know it is working, but I have not yet seen a single item of the new armour. I also use MMM (I installed the two as per the instructions in the MMM manual), and see the new armour it adds FREQUENTLY. If the weapons are there, does that mean I should assume the armour is too? Is there any easy way for me to confirm whether or not it is working? Are there any likely causes for them not appearing? I use Wrye Bash, so I thought it should be fine.

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For the first one.. You can probably use both if you merge them together in GIMP. Want some further instructions on how to do so?


Second and third.. I don't use any body mods or overhauls, so someone else will have to answer that.

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