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Bandit Chest in Market District IC - respawn?


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In the sewers of the Market District in Imperial City there is a locked chest (if you kill a bandit in there, he might have a key for that, but you don't need it). Does this chest respawn?

Would like to keep some loot there until I buy a house (just restarted the game with a new character).

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I just checked it in the CS, nope, all the chests in the cell respawn. However, if you go into the next room, there's a crate with a barrel sitting atop it. The crate doesn't respawn.
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Damn. Thanks!


I know there is another room down there, but there is a gate between the rooms I can't open. Says it has to be opened remotely ... guess I have to head back and find some other place :D

do you have any suggenstions for crates or chests in IC, especially Market District, that don't respawn?

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The sacks in the Market District, none of them respawn. There's only a few sacks which respawn in the game (About 20), but none of the Marker District ones do, except the Beggar's Bags.


To be absolutely safe, in case I forgot about some quest-related sack, none of the sacks behind the statue of the guy holding up a sword respawn. The barrels and crates do, though.

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