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Noob Question about game saves & mods


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Hey Everyone, I'm new to Skyrim modding and a little confused about one thing.


It seems that after I add a mod and then save the game I'm required to keep that mod installed for the remainder of my play though on that game save...Is that true? Is there any way to "remove" a mod from the save file? Also, how can I see which mods are associated with a save file? When I try to load my game I'm getting a missing content error, which doesent crash.



Thanks... Sorry if this is a noob question!



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yes You can mostly just turn it off in the launcher. Whichever you use. Note that Items the mod added and everything else will probably be gone. But I didn't have any major problems yet.
It just warns you that some stuff you added might be missing.

Any way, next time you install a new mod it's probably a good idea to make a backup-save file BEFORE you install it so in case IF anything goes wrong you always have a Backup

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With most mods it is safe to remove them during a play session unless the mod is script heavy. This can leave orphan scripts in the save game that can cause troubles later on down the line.




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Heaviness of scripts is a misleading term. The major factor is what the scripts do and when they run.


There is one other situation that can permanently damage your character: if you remove a mod that has a magic effect currently applied to the character, whether an enchantment, ability, whathaveyou. Even if the effect is not scripted, it may permanently damage your stats or have other negative effects.

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Really you should read the desc. page carefully of any mod you are thinking of uninstalling or installing. There's usually instructions/tips about either installation or installation on the mod pages. Some mods should never be uninstalled and some can be uninstalled with out consequence. Read the desc. for the individual mods.

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