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Suggested ENB for someone who appreciates 50-60fps? GTX 780


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I understand that its not "FPS" that we see in, what i'm refering to is that we cant appreciate the difference above that. Its just easier to say "i cant see FPS above 24" so i don't have to explain human biology to people that don't understand it.


Also, what makes you think i havent tried higher hz monitors? I've done Interactive media at college, its something i've looked into. Besides, as has been said, im not complaining. If i could pick between playing skyrim with 2k textures at 60 fps or 4-8k textures at 24 FPS i would pick the latter. Every, single, time. I've just installed Skyrim HD in order for my card to be able to actually handle the game, the quality is absolutely appaling. i was counting pixels on the cart ride in :S. As soon as the GTX 980 TI comes out i'm buying one and getting my textures back.

Edited by Nazgren
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Movies are quite different than games. Each frame of the movie has a decent amount of motion blur. This is to reduce the differences between each frame and make it feel smooth. Video games generally don't have any motion blurring and that's why you need more FPS. Otherwise the game will feel like you're jumping between frames. So in short, blurring simulates smoothness while sharpness simulates stuttering.


Also there is no limit on human eye like "24 fps", most people can see up to 150, while someone with trained eyes is able to see up to 300(like pilots). Basically It's not the same for every people.


I would say that you're really unlucky if you can't see the differences between 24FPS gameplay and 60FPS gameplay.

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IIRC that thing about pilots being able to pick out 1 frame from 300 was due to it having a plane in it or something wasn't it? The reason we can see that is because we subconciously see all 300, but our brain picks out that particular one due to the difference, namely the plane. From what i remember, the only limit to how many "frames" we see is how fast our occular nerve fires, which is pretty damn fast, however, our brain will only bother "perceiving" so many, because more then that would be pointless. What our eyes see clearly is basically a very small area in the center of our vision, maybe the inner 25% of our field of view. The rest is fuzzy and undiscernable. Think frosted glass. However our brain is capable of sharpening the images to what we see. It, obviously, does this so well that when neuro science eventually figures out exactly how, texturing will likely achieve a similar potential via a program capable of replicating the process. My point is, our eyes suck, and are the biggest limiting factor.


On the contrary, i think its a massive boon. If somebody else needs at least 60 FPS in order for the motion to appear smooth then they need the extra processing power to put out that many more frames, wheras i can put that extra processing power towards higher textures. I am massively of the opinion that quality beats FPS. While going up from 24 to 60 FPS may provide, a 2% increase in quality, going up from 2k to 4k is absolutely undeniable, and thus would be i would say, at least a 75% increase in overall quality. As i said, i have for the moment, downgraded to the most popular skyrim 2k texture pack and am struggling massively with the decrease in graphics. I think i would need a 4k Monitor for 3840 x 2160 res before i could use these textures for any extended period :(

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If i could pick between playing skyrim with 2k textures at 60 fps or 4-8k textures at 24 FPS i would pick the latter. Every, single, time.

And I think it's safe to say are in the minority. 24 fps is almost a slideshow to me. 60 has been known as the gold standard for years especially in the competitive fps scene where smoothness matters more. 24 -> 60 for the majority of people is more akin to 75%.


I distinctly remember another topic like this where FPS/eyes was discussed. Before anyone has anything else to say do your homework first before saying anything. Otherwise you are misinformed and wasting everyones' time.





To OP:


Try Realvision performance + Climates of Tamriel + Realistic Lighting Overhaul + Realistic Water 2 (no enb water or texture) + recommended ini file


Tweak the settings (I didn't like how bright it was and the dark shadows so I changed them). I myself have a GTX 760 with 2GB VRAM and 4ghz intel i4670k and run Realvision mostly at 60 fps outdoors and interiors. Performance may dip down to 45 during massive battles or areas where too many npcs or content is added (JK's whiterun or too many npcs on screen for example will ALWAYS lag you no matter what). I have edge AA turned off in favor of the games FXAA. For the most part I'm happy with my fps and setup.


As for textures I strongly advise against going for 4k+ textures for outdoors. Inside dungeons/caves are ok. For most textures, 1-2k optimized with parallax is more than enough. Going 4-8k everything will just bog your GPU down and increase risk of CTD with little visual difference. This is especially important when you are running a lot of mods that add content (like npcs and new objects).


My texture list is mixed and still being worked on but atm here are some packs I have loaded (lower ones override the top files). Bolded for must haves:


Skyrim HD v1 4 LITE

Skyrim Realistic Overhaul optimized 1-2k (as main base! imo best looking and needs to be downloaded not from nexus)

Enhanced Distant Terrain 1 and 2 - SRO version

Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack

Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack

aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures, uniques, Armors, Dragonborn, Content Addon, Weapons

Bellyache HD Dragon Replacer Final

Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins 1k

Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area

Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax 2k Grey

Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised + patch

aMidianBorn Caves and Mines

HD Enhanced Terrain Lush

HQ Towns and Villages

Visible Windows

HD Misc

Divine Talos Statue HD-2K

Dust Effects

Weathered Road Signs

Moss Rocks + DB

Project Parallax Remastered - SRO version

better embers

Unique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement - best grass mod imo

HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit for Hearthfire

Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture

Natural Lighting Bark - CM_bark from Natural Lighting and Atmospherics ENB

aMidianBorn Imperial Forts + vanilla style textures


Will text out NobleSkyrimMod HD-2k when it finishes downloading - looks promising


I have also used Optimizer Textures afterwards to reduce file size and VRAM usage with no quality loss.


Pictures to come...


Edit: Pics http://imgur.com/a/UnSEI

Edited by lolmetimbers
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Sometimes it isn't down to "what mods you use" it's how you set them up. For example, Using RLO+CoT+RealVison ENB is what most people seem to use (as they are the most endorsed and common ones)


Having your ENBlocal.ini set up right can have a good impact on FPS, same goes for Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini. Lots of tweaks you can do to spare some FPS.

If you have issues with FPS, run the game in "Fullscreen windowed mode" it boosts FPS quite a bit. (Do it threw enblocal) "ForceBorderlessFullscreen=true"


Most heavy impact on FPS is, more than enough NPCs on screen than you really need.


Also FLORA can impact FPS like hell, E.G. if you have way to much grass on screen, specially with a ENB creating shadows for all that grass. It can reduce FPS by a bit

I would also suggest leaving Ugridstoload at default which is 5


A few set ups I have tried is


RLO=Realistic lighting Overhaul

CoT=Climates of Tamerial

RV=RealVision ENB

PW=Pure Weathers

ELFX=Enhanced lights and effects

ELE=Enhanced lighting for ENB

RS=Relighting Skyrkm

  1. RLO+CoT+RV is doesn't drop FPS a lot but I personally didn't like it (GTX 770 tested on)
  2. ELFX+CoT+RV same as above but I didn't quite like it, way more sautuation with RealVision than needed (GTX 770 tested on)
  3. ELFX+PW+ Grim and Somber ENB,very nice and it's color can mostly depend on what ENB you use. At dark is looks awesome and nice mood to all colors (GTX 770 tested on)
  4. ELE+RS+PW+Grim and Somber ENB, Most likely the best set up for Weather+Lighting+ENB mods I have ever used, looks amazing all round and the dark is what a fantasy game like Skyrim should look like. (GTX 770 and 980 tested on)

The main textures mods I use (For landscape and buildings),Vividlandscapes all in one and his new mountains mod, Skyrim Realistic texture overhaul, AmidianBorn, Langleys Textures, Skyrim flora overhaul 2.0c,Realistic Water 2, and used with WATER for effects it does that RW2 doesn't change(I don't use any WATER ESP only it's texture/mesh files and ICE glacier). I only use Skyrim 2k for a base texture pack (to fix the low res stuff of the vanilla files) and Same for Skyrim Ultra HD texture pack (To fix the low res stuff of the DLCs of Skyrim). If you really want



If you go for this persons mods "http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1047732/?tb=mods&pUp=1" I woulnd't go for 2k or 1k unless you have a lotta vram left as it will drain FPS a lot. Go for 256 or 512 as it's not really something that's important that needs high res textures. His/her stuff is great in any res anyway.


After all that I would say, try different set ups and what you think works best for you go with that one :)

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Yup Realvision has by default way too much contrast and saturation. The sharpening is also too strong. You really have to tone these down among other things. While I like ELFX I felt that the fps hit was too much for me.


Within the provided skyrim.ini itself, I find that reducing actor/object/item distance to 11-13 can boost your FPS a fair bit when outdoors - again it depends on your rig. The most FPS hit I get is due to stuff like Expanded Towns and Cities + Interesting NPCS + Inconsequential NPCS + Immersive Patrols + Populated Towns, Roads, Forts mods (not on nexus) - npcs really kill my fps when there is an all out brawl.




- it makes trying out mods (especially textures) a thousand time easier. If you don't like it uncheck it.

Edited by lolmetimbers
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