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Why was my suggestion deleted?


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Wow. My legion to ISIS conversion suggestion was deleted by somebody, Even tho it was in the middle of discussion and had hundreds of views. Clearly the Nexus staff do not support freedom of speech or freedom of association. Not impressed right now.

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It was likely deleted because the discussion turned heated - or was likely to turn heated, given the subject matter.


This is a forum about modding, not exactly a place for people to have an outlet for their political views.


If you have problems with the staff then take it directly to them instead of venting here. This is likely to get you a warning or even a ban.

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The topic IS sensitive and one of the things about a game modding forum is it is likely to attract a lot of younger members who are apt to have strong opinions and express them with more enthusiasm than tact, then get offended when they feel their opinions are being challenged.


I take part in other forums that attract much older?.. more mature?... users, and 'delicate' topics like this hardly ever devolve into hate-fests and flame wars on forums about linguistics, semiotics or history. :mellow: Then again most of the big news agencies CNN, the BBC etc. have comments forums below their stories where volatile topics are regularly discussed.


The Nexus staff can't support people slagging one another off, which might qualify as 'hosting' cyber-bullying so I support with their decision to can it.

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i was not discussing my political views, other people were doing that. Perhaps you can still re-call the thread and see that I responded saying it should not be political. I cannot stop other people from commenting. That's the moderator's job. So don't delete the whole thing, just tell people to chill out.

Edited by Jimmy420X
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i was not discussing my political views, other people were doing that. Perhaps you can still re-call the thread and see that I responded saying it should not be political. I cannot stop other people from commenting. That's your job. So dont delete the whole thing, just tell people to chill out.


Would it help to think of your thread, idea, as putting a loaded gun down in a school and walking away? You might not mean for anyone to get hurt but on the whole, not a good idea.

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Last I checked, the thread started to become what people thought of the particular group rather than focusing on the discussion of the actual mod. As in actually providing ideas that could be incorporated into the mod or someone taking up the request. If you think it's something that really shouldn't be made, let the request be buried.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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You may not have been expressing "political views" but you were discussing a very highly political and religious subject. These tend to always end in bar fights. This is probably why the thread was pulled.


As for "Freedom of Speech" you have none. This is a private website solely owned by Robin Scott (Dark0ne). You post here only under the benevolence of he and his administrators. It is they that have any say on what goes up on here using the guidelines as set forth in the User's Agreement.




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Last I checked, the thread started to become what people thought of the particular group rather than focusing on the discussion of the actual mod. As in actually providing ideas that could be incorporated into the mod or someone taking up the request. If you think it's something that really shouldn't be made, let the request be buried.

No it did not. I provided suggestions on content, and in no way did I even begin to discuss peoples' opinions on the group. They did that themselves.

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Obviously this mod isn't going to happen so this will be my last post on the matter. Fallout 3/NV are two of the most graphically violent, and sensitive-content filled games I have ever played, which is partly what makes them so great. The freedom to be as evil and twisted as you can imagine, or as heroic and epic as you want is what makes these games so unique. There is every kind of gory, horrifying mod you can imagine for both games, that seems not to offend anyone, to the contrary; they are some of the most popular mods. So why then is it not okay to touch on a certain topic under the auspice that it *may* offend 'someone'? And even if it does, so what? Who cares? Should the artist not paint his vision for fear it will offend 'someone'? The writers of South Park got it right when they went through their own controversy with the drawing of the prophet Mohammed - "Either it's all OK, or none of it is."

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