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Some people don't apreciate the old games


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LOL, cool Dark, and so true!


I think most of these youngsters would be so fustrated at first playing something like The old SSI gold box games.

Sure they would adapt when they let their mind override their "twitch", but for a day or two, there would be oh so many deaths! LOL


heh, and I was a Donkey Kong man myself!


he he he, I find I die more in the old games because i forget i dont have all the crutches from the new ones, but honestly I PREFER dieing an insanely large number of times, as long as its for legit reasons (iow not because of unavoidable attacks or platforms you cant see until you are mid jump) because it makes it feel so awesome when you finally realize what you are doing wrong and conquer. By the way, am I the only one who likes to become insanely overpowered at the end of an RPG? But be really weak at the beginning? So that for most of the game its about tactics and skill but with the huge endgame payoff of wreaking anything in your path?

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The mention of Oblivion made me think of something.


I still install and play Diablo (the first, not that crappy so-called sequel) once in a while. Diablo came out in 1996. Will anyone even still be talking about Oblivion fourteen years after its release, much less playing it? Even with the modding community, I don't really think so. Morrowind has a fanatical following I just don't see for Oblivion. I bet it'll outlast its younger sibling.


With apologies to Keith Olbermann: WHICH of these video games will you be talking about tomorrow?

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The mention of Oblivion made me think of something.


I still install and play Diablo (the first, not that crappy so-called sequel) once in a while. Diablo came out in 1996. Will anyone even still be talking about Oblivion fourteen years after its release, much less playing it? Even with the modding community, I don't really think so. Morrowind has a fanatical following I just don't see for Oblivion. I bet it'll outlast its younger sibling.


With apologies to Keith Olbermann: WHICH of these video games will you be talking about tomorrow?


You make a good point!


Personally of all the games Ive played recently. Only a few might stand the test of time!


Morrowind (I hated it but its true, it has a fanatical following)

KotOR - people still playing it and asking Bioware for more

The Witcher - im not so sure if this holding up over time or do to no coverage out west here we finally just paying it the attention it should have got in 2007. Either way, currently its a hot deal

Mass Effect - Amazing sci fi game, follow up was a dud but the original will stand the test of time imo


After that It will only be shooters (which I personally hate so have no list for)

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The only modern rpg I've really found myself loving since the masterpiece that was The Witcher was Torchlight-which is Diablo II with purdy graphics.


Really good modern games exist, The Witcher is a prime example. I'ts got fantastic graphics to be sure, but they arent flashy or silly, and they simply are there to add realism to the storyline. And I"ve really got to commend a game who's developers put SO MUCH effort into. It's one thing to make the game of their year. But only a true champion recalls that game of the year because they arent happy with it and want to do more!


As for Torchlight, it's just a fun romp. It aint gonna go down in history for anything, but that doesnt mean I dont love it. You'd have to be pretty heartless to miss the apeal, it's a pure and simple Diablo homage and a fun and pretty one at that, with great, and original gameplay and a classical feel. Not anything terribly sophisticated going on under the graphic-just a lot of really simple stuff doing just the right thing at the right time!

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Besides the one thing I said about people unappreciating old games(witch I am still unable to play super mario without dying 30 times on lvl 2-3) is how too many games are almost pure kill and no story type games now. I remember when halo came out with a nice story line that was worth the torcher of seeing the same area over and over again, but after 2 and 3 they came out with odst, tactics, and now reach. WHY THE OVER SELLING!!! the story mode is to me, personaly, dying out and the mindless violence is taking over. Another example is morrowind and oblivion, morrowind had a complicated, long story line that took me a week to beat after having a help guide in a spot or two while it took someone I know just one day to beat oblivion!! The game makers are now just obsesed with graphics now and are sacrificing the gameplay and story. I admit that there are stuff I love about oblivion and things I hate about morrowind, but still, I am actually doing more stuff with morrowind just because it is a lot more free and interesting compared to oblivion, modding and playing the games.
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It makes me sick when I have this conversation:

Me: "Hey, I can mod for morrowind"

Idiot: "Morrowind sucks, Oblivion is better"

Me: "Why? You can do so much more stuff on Morrowind"

Stupid: "Nah Ah, Oblivion has WAY better graphics, and on Morrowind I die from bandits too much!"

Me: "Well, they kindof have about a seven level advantage on you, and what does that have to do with the number of choices?"

Lobotomized: "Well, I have full daedric armor with +5 strength on Oblivion!"

Me: "And so does every other schmuck, I have full daedric with shield, a belt with levitate, two rings and an amulet that have constant effect restore health, plus all my night eye enchanted clothes and spell absorbing robe."

Schmuck: "Well....well...... IT HAS BAD GRAPHICS!!!"

Me: "No, not really, and the story is much better."

Graphic-Man: "Who cares about the story, and it has too much reading! i JUST WANT TO KILL S***!!!!!"

Me: "Maybe Jack Thompson was right."

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Hope y'all don't mind that I didn't real all of the comments. My favourite game is Thief 2. So what if the graphics lack....it's game play that counts. Right now, taking a break from Oblivion and working on four city missions for Thief 2.
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I find that I enjoy old games that I played back when they were new but have trouble dealing with old games that I had never played before. I can still play Dark Sun, Castles, Mario Bros, Doom, etc but when I try some random NES game, I am usually left unimpressed.


I really don't know if that has to do more with gameplay or graphic, though.


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It makes me sick when I have this conversation:

Me: "Hey, I can mod for morrowind"

Idiot: "Morrowind sucks, Oblivion is better"

Me: "Why? You can do so much more stuff on Morrowind"

Stupid: "Nah Ah, Oblivion has WAY better graphics, and on Morrowind I die from bandits too much!"

Me: "Well, they kindof have about a seven level advantage on you, and what does that have to do with the number of choices?"

Lobotomized: "Well, I have full daedric armor with +5 strength on Oblivion!"

Me: "And so does every other schmuck, I have full daedric with shield, a belt with levitate, two rings and an amulet that have constant effect restore health, plus all my night eye enchanted clothes and spell absorbing robe."

Schmuck: "Well....well...... IT HAS BAD GRAPHICS!!!"

Me: "No, not really, and the story is much better."

Graphic-Man: "Who cares about the story, and it has too much reading! i JUST WANT TO KILL S***!!!!!"

Me: "Maybe Jack Thompson was right."


Sad but true.


That's exactly why I rarely bother playing online anymore, and why I NEVER bother with Oblivion's multiplayer. I do however feel compelled to add my own snippet before I go on.


Me: sorry kid, you're gonna be waiting otuside, you're only a 22, this is big boys stuff.


Him: Im tougher than you b****, I've got f***ing daedric armour, your b**** just got a shirt, the f*** you mean I stay here?


Me: You'll stay here because if you follow me into the dungeon you'll be eaten alive, and I'm not wasting MY mana reviving you.


Him: haha! you're the one who'd get eaten f*******t, look at your your stupid steel weapon, how the f*** you even get here?


Me: actualy, it's not steel, it's Ivory, from a mod, 4 tiers above daedric. And I'll have you know I'm level capped. I'm at the hardcap, which means I've got 100 in every skill. That's more than you do at level 22.


Him: cheating fag. get the f*** out or I kill you b***


Me: It's my server bone-head, and your funeral.


*he attacks me, I kill him in one crossbow shot, 170 damage X 15 sneak attack = PWNED!*


You dont wanna know what he said to me after that.


Fools like that inhabit every multiplayer game these days. They arent the majority, but they're so vocal they may as well be, I remember fondly the days when if you wanted to offend someone, you spawn camped them. Nowadays, all they do is offend people.

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