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Some people don't apreciate the old games


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As has been stated, it's a lot easier to appreciate older games if you were around when they were created, rather than telling someone else who is used to a certain level of graphical quality how great an old game is.


I remember games like Frostbite and Dolphin for Atari. Man those games rocked. I can still play them happily because I was there when they were first produced. I played the bejesus out of Castlevania when it was first released, and I still love it. Those who think any games made these days are challenging should try their hand against the Grim Reaper (without the holy water trick, no cheating!) in the original Castlevania, or the first TMNT on NES. Those are challenging.


FF2 (or 4 in Japan) awed me when I first played it.


The fact that classics like these gave rise to the great stuff we have out now only makes me appreciate the older games even more. So to anyone who hasn't played the older stuff, I say give it a go! If you can get past the graphics, you'll be happy you did.

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I hate being the only person in my school to appreciate games like Fallout 1/2 and older elder scrolls games. Those games were much tougher and you couldn't have just picked up and played through it. Those were the games that made you cry. That made you laugh. The games that made you feel like you have achieved success.

But no every single person to play video games plays Black Ops posting every 30 minutes on their Facebook "omg cod black ops is teh best game evaa!" :confused:

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I hate being the only person in my school to appreciate games like Fallout 1/2 and older elder scrolls games. Those games were much tougher and you couldn't have just picked up and played through it. Those were the games that made you cry. That made you laugh. The games that made you feel like you have achieved success.

But no every single person to play video games plays Black Ops posting every 30 minutes on their Facebook "omg cod black ops is teh best game evaa!" :confused:

i agree 100%,I have a friend who Ive told many times to stuff it about Black Ops.


Never did beat FO 1.. FO2 got stolen before i could beat it><


I think the issue in gaming is plain and simple,greed. Look at MW1,The BEST modern shooter next to BFBC(I personally feel theyre equal),MW2 comes out,feels jumbled and incomplete but still fun(what 2 years?) Black ops,no fun,feels completely broken(when was that from the last COD?) I also feel the shooter genre is slowly heading downhill..


FO3-Years in R&D,came out,plenty of bugs,but so much fun,and riding on the hype and modding of 3 NV is out about 2ish years later. NV is released,EXTREMELY buggy,issues with every patch breaking everything etc,more DLC etc..as a side comment I will be doing my 3rd reinstall of NV,FO3? I never had that issue. Mind you,this is a PC that runs FO3 flawlessly with 0 CTD and the mods to make everything pretty going,in NV im actually hitting laggy spots.


SPORE is the best example of greed in gaming. go play it first,then watch the e3 demo thats like half an hour long so much is gone from SPORE. I have it,and I cant even get myself to play it for more than a hour or so,EA wanted to hit the childrens demographic? Sure good idea,but A)dont rush a game that is missing so much that was practically promised to the community B) fix a majority of the bugs so that way its more enjoyable,OR make it so we can mod it and fix it.


To me,I think that NV will end up relying so heavily on mods,that almost all the vanilla content will be gone. TBH,Ive enjoye the modded quests more. I think PC gaming is going to end up using the modding communities as a crutch to fix their heaps of poo. Bethesda,I really hope doesnt rely on the communities so much to fix their issues,I mean the Gambryo engine is going on its 10th year,dontcha think that most of these bugs should be fixed by now? the Unreal Tech Engine is 3 years older and only progresses in ability,and stability.


Singularity is the most recent game that Ive played that was relatively bug free.


ohhh dont get me going on DLC.....

BUT back on topic


Man I member the dolphin game,did anyone play the Lion King game on the Genesis? THat an Sonic iwas glued to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The title of this topic is so true it should be taught in school nowdays , i still remember the day years ago when i near ent a mate Atari 2600 into melt down on Pacman after not losing a life in 2 and a half hours ( boy was he pi$$ed ) , not that id go back to the 2600 , but i still get enjoyment outta NES , Snes and Megadrive games , what can i say , i get a kick outta such games as LHX attack chopper , Mario World , Elite , double dragon 2 . hell i even have some older PC games like Civ 2 , Blood , i even have Arena floating around somewhere .the people that say it are absolutely right , and ive said it before myself , to many gamers these day are focused on what a game looks like over how good it really is , and sadly this extends to the consoles as well sadly , one day the game companies might actually learn to listen to the people who actually buy their products and can make something " the way you wanted it " instead of " because we could "
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i used to find playstation final fantasy 8 game to be the best ever. i completed ff7 to 10 and found 8 the best. took a long/long break from console games. now i see that the game i enjoyed most was 10. i may have completed 7/9 8/ to 12 times. but my mind is telling me now that i wanna replay 10 even through i completed it over 10 times and hate the last part of the game.


its also telling me all latest games are bad bring final fantasy 10. my 3 copies are dead and all my friends copies too. must rebuy.


i find that the best game is most likely one of the first games you played(cause you were a kid then and loved it. rpg or platformer) you won't forget t, graphic won't count for that game. it will also be your base. which means you will always try to compare to your favorite game not notcing that you will never let go of you first fun rpg experience. and i thinks thats the reason why final fantasy 7 is sooo over hyped


i find that the best game out is the remastered ps3 psn tetris. it looks greats and feels good to play. second final fantasy 10 >age of empires series 2 / 3 > recetear(couldn't stop playing) someh0w addictive

final fanstasy 7 (completed 8 times 98% to 100%) was that good,but time is killing it . and black ops over hyped. if you stop thinking about that typed of game completely for 3+ years you see thwhat i mean

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Hype ruins a lot of games


New Vegas


NFS Hot Pursuit or whatever it is.


I honestly think EA needs to quit games in general.Only downhill...


Sim City 4 to Societies? Pfft,looks prettier,but nowhere near as fun.


Spyro,Syphon FIlter,Battle tanks so many good titles that people will never hear because their new reincarnations are so awful.


So far the only good last decade games that Ive enjoyed are






Those are the PC ones and theres more yeah but those are the ones ill keep going back to.


DOes anyone remember HEart of Darkness on PC?

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I'm proud to admit I grew up during the 90's playing games like super mario world, comix zone, super smash bros and final fantasy 7. Since 4 years old I was able t appreciate these old games because they were not only fun but challenging, even today I'll stop playing the new games today just to play some good ol' classic Castlevania because I grew up on that stuff.
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For me, it's the graphics of games like Morrowind that add to the entire atmosphere of the game (i.e. what makes it great).


Proof of the whole "Graphics" conundrum, is a perfect example: Minecraft.


It definitely does not have amazing graphics, but it's incredibly fun to play.


It's not the graphics that make the game - it's the experience.


That being said, when I put Crysis on Ultra High settings, my eyes fell out of my skull. :P

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For me, it's the graphics of games like Morrowind that add to the entire atmosphere of the game (i.e. what makes it great).


This is one of the big reasons I like Diablo more than D2. Diablo's low-res, downright grainy graphics contribute a lot to the dark and scary atmosphere it has. By contrast, D2's graphics are bright, cartoony, and not at all scary. This helped push it so far away from its predecessor I can't really acknowledge it as a sequel. Granted, I think D2 has many many other problems and even if it looked exactly the same as Diablo would still hate it, but the new look certainly didn't help matters.

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I got bored playing Command And Conquer 4 this afternoon so I pulled out, installed, dusted off, and re-addicted to Warcraft III,


I went from bored to enthralled in 3.3 seconds, and was rampaging across Durotar as a Tauren Chieftain in a futher 47.


Regardless of what's come out since, it's still the classics I go back to. WarHammer's various newer incarnations being the only new stratergy games thta can really intrigue me. It's the same with shooters, for me COD BLOPS can go soak it's datacentre, I'd rather be playing BattleField II

Edited by Vindekarr
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