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Some people don't apreciate the old games


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It kinda ticks me off when people say " I don't play games with bad graphics" and don't even consider the actual game! Like morrowind or daggerfall, I keep seeing people bellyache and moan about how ugly the graphics are and claim that it is unplayable. I went from oblivion to daggerfall without any complaints about the graphics, in fact, I think they are not so bad, at least you can see a person standing there. I bet other games are being treated like this as well.


I played games when I was a kid but stopped for about 20 years.A little over a year ago I got into pc gaming and lately I've been looking into older games as the newer ones may look good but they seem easy.I bought Baldurs Gate 1 and it's good but hard.I'm so sick of spending $50.-$60. for a game and beating it in 10 hours.Once I get into a good game I'm not even paying attention to the graphics.Any suggestions on older games is appreciated.I want to get a Final Fantasy game for the pc thats not a online only one.Any suggestions.

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Bazerka250... theres only one i know of... FF VII.. that or try and find a good emulator


as for old games.. what would the wourld be with ourt them.. look at asteroids... the first space game

pacman the first ???? game, theres sooooooooooo meny clasic games out there that are acturally better than therte modern day counterparts


asfor where to get theese games(ligit copys) try gog(good old games) or some outher DRM

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I thought FF11 was the only strictly online one (naturally since it's an MMO). Then again, I never played any FF games, PC or console. I never even owned a Playstation.


For some really old stuff, check out Abandonia. Home of the Underdogs, one of the largest abandonware sites ever to disappear, seems to be back. If the new HOTU has even half the stuff the old one did, you'll find a ton of old goodies there.


Linking to abandonware sites is kosher, LHammonds himself posted links to them before in another thread.

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Oh man, i remember Legacy of Kain, the very first cinematic where the guy rips his wings :S I was profoundly shocked when i first saw that years ago.


And at OP, yerp. I have no problem from switching from Modern games to Old game (Stone Keep on Dosbox and Zelda on n64 :woot: )



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I know exactly what you guys mean, though I have to admit(and somewhat defend) the "graphic-whores of gaming" when I say to each their own.


I've been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600, so "old timers" like me should have the right to pass judgement on such things, not these little 15 year olds that are torn between sneaking away with their girlfriend for a romp in the backseat of mom and dad's car or playing Halo 1 Million(let's be honest - Microwhore won't let the Halo franchise die - and no I'm not really a fan of Halo after playing Halo 3, for personal reasons, let's leave it at that).


Let me clarify - and with all due respect to gamers the world over, both veten and newbie - many of today's younger gamers are brainwashed by Call of Duty, Fallout, Oblivion, etc. by thinking that the best graphics makes a game superior or makes one version superior over another version. If, say, the PC version of a game let's you see your own reflection in a pool of blood and the PS3/360 versions don't, then the PC version is supposedly superior for having better graphics. Yet such claims are ignorantly made as that same "superior" version will have multiple crashes and freezes while the "inferior" versions run smoother with fewer(if any) crashes.


Or, perhaps(in the case of call of duty) the combat is so realistic that you feel like you're actually there. Yes, I'll confess to having the same feeling when I played the latest CoD. BUT, having never been in real life combat, I refuse to even think of making that claim - I honestly don't know how "glamorized" or "graphiclly upgraded" the game is from reality.


And that is the whole problem - a lot of younger gamers keep clamoring for more and more realism in games, and they fail to see the more realistic you make a game, the less real it actually is.


Give me well balanced gameplay and a compelling storyline over graphics anyday.


And to the younger gamers who keep bashing the older games - without the older games you wouldn't have your precious Call Of Dutys(or whatever you hold near and dear to your gaming hearts) today. In fact, one "ancient" game is responsable for saving the gaming industry - Super Mario Bros.


Oh, and in response to the FPS debat going on - you got to give the award to the grand daddy of the FPS genre - the ORIGINAL FPS - Wolfenstein 3D(the PC version not the horrible console remakes).

Edited by chrisinnyshotgun
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