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Hate Crimes?


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Just exactly what is a "hate crime"?

Does hate distinguish and judge by race, gender, nationality or religion?

I really have a hard time grasping this concept.

For example, I'm a white Christian male, If I assult another white Christian male that I hate, it's not a hate crime. If I do the same to a White/black Muslim of any gender, it is surely a hate crime.....Even if I don't actually "hate" them.

Perhaps the folks that designate and attempt to qualify such terminology are the ones who harbor real hate in their hearts?

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Hate is a commody that is bought and paid for by those wishing power. It's a word like Extreme that causes others to repel from anything or anyone who gets painted with it. It's a form of intimidation and is used and abused by those wishing to control those they deem controlable.


Hate like love can only be felt. It can't be designated by any other than those feeling it. Those who paint others with either of these do so out of wishfull feelings.

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Fortunately both of you are not old enough to remember segregation. In the bad old days lynching, intimidation and arson were not exceptional events south of the Mason Dixon Line and for that fact north of it either. So there is such a thing as a Hate Crime, it's just that it's moral currency has been somewhat devalued due to constant use in non applicable events.

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As a White Christian Male from a Western European descent, you cannot hit, question, insult, or refuse anyone who is not of a similar demographic without it being seen as racially motivated, even when that person is part of a higher secondary social group. Other people spitting on you, calling you a racist in public, defacing your property, hitting you, stealing from you, insulting you, or excluding you is perfectly fine though. Welcome to a politically correct society and enjoy that White Privilege. :confused:


Just saying... If we want to open this particular can of worms, it isn't exactly pretty and won't accomplish much.

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As a White Christian Male from a Western European descent, you cannot hit, question, insult, or refuse anyone who is not of a similar demographic without it being seen as racially motivated, even when that person is part of a higher secondary social group. Other people spitting on you, calling you a racist in public, defacing your property, hitting you, stealing from you, insulting you, or excluding you is perfectly fine though. Welcome to a politically correct society and enjoy that White Privilege. :confused:


Just saying... If we want to open this particular can of worms, it isn't exactly pretty and won't accomplish much.

That was basically my point. The lines have been blurred by attempts of revenge for wrongs not commited by those living today to those who died long ago. It has become the playground of those who draw power through devisiveness to conjure up images of the past and place it on the realities of today.



This is the stumping grounds of the Idealogue who in a need to be needed openly searches for anything to be offended by. Once they have found anything, no matter how far they stretch it, they will pounce upon their target. Make their accusations and stand back, hoping that they can subdue the situation before reasonable questions can be raised. In many cases I could resonable argue that the seeker is the hater and the crime is letting these charlatans outside without a muzzel.


I don't fear to open up any can of worms. What I fear most is once openning that can, not being able to make some headway in a society that has the strongest military in the world but is terrified of a word.

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I don't fear to open up any can of worms. What I fear most is once openning that can, not being able to make some headway in a society that has the strongest military in the world but is terrified of a word.


The can of worms I refer to is the one as it relates to here, and the fact that what is said in honesty can still be genuinely offensive to others. The part where things get ugly very quickly because we all have some sort of ethnic baggage that we're carrying around. Meanwhile none of this will benefit anyone, not the world, not the community, and probably not even individuals since there is no "right" answer to debate.


The only solution to this problem comes from encouraging diversity until we finally come to a point that the lines become so blurred that nobody can be bothered to base their biases on skin color, physical features, gender, sex, and instead finds something else to hate eachother for.

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I don't fear to open up any can of worms. What I fear most is once openning that can, not being able to make some headway in a society that has the strongest military in the world but is terrified of a word.


The can of worms I refer to is the one as it relates to here, and the fact that what is said in honesty can still be genuinely offensive to others. The part where things get ugly very quickly because we all have some sort of ethnic baggage that we're carrying around. Meanwhile none of this will benefit anyone, not the world, not the community, and probably not even individuals since there is no "right" answer to debate.


The only solution to this problem comes from encouraging diversity until we finally come to a point that the lines become so blurred that nobody can be bothered to base their biases on skin color, physical features, gender, sex, and instead finds something else to hate eachother for.




Peoples baggage is nothing more than a heart of angst, hatred, jelousy and greed that have been piled upon itself by those who would use that to become and stay relivant. I've talked to people champion the rights of people who they've never associated with or would have in their lives, but having lead a life where such people are considered downtrodden and having only been fed onesided information stand up for them against a preconceived delema. They've never quite have got the handle on actually speaking to these people or understanding anything about them, but they are ready, willing and able to portrey some as victims and others as demons as if the destiny of others wasn't a matter of choice not chance.


Offense is another dodge used by people hoping to effect others with their own debilitating brand of anxiety. I've seen my fair share of those who insidiously nodge a topic with their so-called concerns. Being uncomfortable is usually the term used and I've had that would tried on me as a description of my responces. I don't know how many times I've wanted to *censored* slap people like those, just for cause.


Ugliness is a product of rigid ideology that won't suffer being confronted and disected. Those people suffering from this are the ones who need not enter a debait area in the first place, they have no desire to examine themselves or others, because they have been given their own sets of truth ans cling to them as if they were a lifejacket.


This is absolute, total maddness and no society can grew and get past any situation they aren't willing to confront openly.


As far as diversity is concerned, the fact that a pack mentality has replaced the melting pot of America pretty much means that diversity remain a catch phrase. People talk all the time in this country about individual civil rights. They speak of this groups rights and that groups rights, but I've seldom heard the word Human rights used for anything inside the country. It's always used for China or Afganistan or some other third world country that we are trying to tell how to act as if we know ourselves. I ask you. Why is that. Why do we use seperate group rights in this country as if we aren't all human beings? It's because those who deal in such things want to excentuate that which seperates us and keep us at odds. They may claim they want the opposite for us, but if that ever really happened their relivance would nosedive to zero and that would be their unduing.


I can understand your concerns about the site. I've been personally attacked by some of these very people I've described and I see no upside in bringing them to a full boil, but while these people stand around as land mines ready to blow if nudged the rest of the country burns and to some point, I thank they welcome it. I do not. I Love this country and I love this place. I'd rather see civility and cooperation within both these borders, but that depends on more than just me.

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