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Soulgem charges


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ehh... if u mean charges by how much u can use an enchanted item b4 it runs out of power, thats influenced by wot soul is in the gem.


if u mean charges as in how much capacity an item has for enchantments, then im not sure how u wud influence that, but u can make ur own uberly over-powered items in the CS easily. but i warn u: DOING THIS WILL SPOIL THE GAME!!


its better just 2 play legit :P

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You can change the soul value of a creature, I think - or if not, just make your own creature with the soul value you want - but I can't think of a way to change the maximum soul capacity of the soulgems.



I suppose if the editor did allow you to change soulgem capacity it would completely mess up the scripts which determine what souls go into which soulgems, and the scripts which remove filled soulgems from your inventory...

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  • 10 months later...

On the off chance anyone runs across this older post, I thought I'd reply quickly. There are actually two ways to change a soul gem's "soul capacity"; such that the gem itself and not the soul going into it is greater. The first way increases the value of the gem itself. Just edit the soul gem's properties and increase the "value". The higher the value the greater its capacity. The downside of course is that you'll have a soul gem whose gold cost is several hundred thousand.

The other way to do this without increasing the soul gem's gold cost is to edit the gameplay settings. (Under 'gameplay' and 'settings' is a second tab called 'gameplay.) Find "fSoulGemMult" and change the value which should be 3.0000 to a higher number. For example: A petty soul gem with a default value of 10, would need the fSoulGemMult value changed to 40 to successfully contain a Golden Saint (soul 400).


Hope this helps anyone who happens to run across this post.

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