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Ok! So what is up with all the "sexy female clothing and armor." I don't need a lvl 15 warrior with t&*s hanging out and flopping all over the place with thong going up her a%#! I literally had to search yesterday for 3 hours to find 3 mods that didn't have to do with EXTRA HUGE BOOBS or see through armor.


Sure people say "i would rather play a character with an ass like Rihanna and not Arnold Schwarzenegger" well sure, but do you need the mods that turn her to HHH Cup realistic bouncing and sex poses, no! get some cool looking armor like everyone else and stop being a pervert! Some nice armor with maybe a little cleave on a NATURAL looking body and, whos goal in the game isn't domination via sex and perversion. No, I'm not a religious member, but enough is seriously enough.


just had to get that off of my chest.

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Lists exist of the non strumpet armors. But you have a fair point. Pornographic armors should be relegated to a serperate section or removed alltogether. Because in my honest opinin, far, far too many mods are simply vanilla items with more skin showing. Likewise most new armours only have a male version.


Its unacceptably sexist, firstly, a rule should be instated that an armour or clothing mod have both a male and female version(many do not) and that please, for goodness sake, before you post something, ensure nobody else has done something identicle first. I mean, just how many "hgec KKKK++++++++++++++++++++

" stripper outfit mods exist do you think? a thousand? a million? please, somebody cordon these off, its becoming impossible to search through them in any reasonable amount of time.


The problem is not the mods. It is that the mods are swamping all other mods in their genre, are often poorly made, and are what most people who posted image share nudity have moved onto. Please, someone move em.

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Lists exist of the non strumpet armors. But you have a fair point. Pornographic armors should be relegated to a serperate section or removed alltogether. Because in my honest opinin, far, far too many mods are simply vanilla items with more skin showing. Likewise most new armours only have a male version.


Its unacceptably sexist, firstly, a rule should be instated that an armour or clothing mod have both a male and female version(many do not) and that please, for goodness sake, before you post something, ensure nobody else has done something identicle first. I mean, just how many "hgec KKKK+++++++++++++++++++++++

" stripper outfit mods exist do you think? a thousand? a million? please, somebody cordon these off, its becoming impossible to search through them in any reasonable amount of time.


The problem is not the mods. It is that the mods are swamping all other mods in their genre, are often poorly made, and are what most people who posted image share nudity have moved onto. Please, someone move em.


Well the foreseeable argument coming up here is "lol who plays male characters." Which is lame, because lots of people do, but that's still what we're gonna hear at least once.


Anyway, it's sometimes tough to tell where to draw the line. I mean many of these still hide enough skin in the right places that they don't have to be considered adult content. And I mean, that kind of outfit is just insanely popular. -.- Just look at the screenshot board.

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Lists exist of the non strumpet armors. But you have a fair point. Pornographic armors should be relegated to a serperate section or removed alltogether. Because in my honest opinin, far, far too many mods are simply vanilla items with more skin showing. Likewise most new armours only have a male version.


Its unacceptably sexist, firstly, a rule should be instated that an armour or clothing mod have both a male and female version(many do not) and that please, for goodness sake, before you post something, ensure nobody else has done something identicle first. I mean, just how many "hgec KKKK+++++++++++++" stripper outfit mods exist do you think? a thousand? a million? please, somebody cordon these off, its becoming impossible to search through them in any reasonable amount of time.


The problem is not the mods. It is that the mods are swamping all other mods in their genre, are often poorly made, and are what most people who posted image share nudity have moved onto. Please, someone move em.





Why should somebody make a male version if they don't want to? Do you know how much work it is just to make one thing? They make what they want in the game, and share it.


Removed altogether? That's just plain wrong. You have the freedom to post what you want, with arguments back sometimes; so too do people have the right to upload whatever mods they want with arguments against.


And so what if it's been done before? Lots of different versions of the same thing leads to variety and improvement. Maybe you don't consider swarms of skimpy armor mods an improvement on armor mods in general, but that's only because they're not an improvement on practical armor mods. For those of us who like skimpy armor mods, there is a lot of stylistic variety to choose from. (I actually don't use very many. You can call me a liar if you want. I use Robert's Female, which has jack-squat skimpy armor mods for it. I can't stand the way HGEC looks. I also only have one custom race, Tantrivalia Chimer, which is part of a quest mod. And I only have one character of that race, and I don't play her that often.)



Separate categories for skimpy armor and clothes, and practical armor and clothes is a good idea, but a requirement to make a male version, or not being allowed to post something because it's been done, or "pornographic", goes against the artistic spirit of modding in the first place.

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As far as forcing someone to make a mod or addition to the mod i agree that people can put whatever they want in a mod, but really the level of "Adult" content has become appalling. Thats all i'm saying. It just annoys me how much when I look for something I have to sift through "sexy boobs" "h cup boobs" "real bouncy h cup girlfriend boobs xxx porno style" before I find anything useful.

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Well regarding female armors the most "revealing" that doesn't break my immersion is the slightly different breastplate for women. Yeah and maybe the standard dresses ingame atm.


It just seem too farfetched for me to have an "armor" that leaves half the chest and thus vital organs exposed. I'd like a few more realistic armors that just looks good in themselves


Now whether the mods are perv?!?! To some they are and to others theyre not. As long they dont get pushed out like a steam automatic update for everyone.



PS. We still doesnt have the tail clipped, vaseline covered with a string tied around it rat perv mod. YET....

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