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um what mod is this


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im sort of new to mods and have a question about some armor in a pic that i saw i have been looking for it for about two hours and i really feel like i wasted my time anyway its a brown hood but it looks like altair's hood and the face is shadowed i would like to know what its called because it looked like a cool hood oh also is there anyway to be able to equip the heavy or light belt from the thieves tool belt mod while wearing shrouded armor because in the pictures for the mod it showed the guy doing exactly that he was wearing both the belt and pack from that mod anyway i hope someone can tell me what the hood is
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Please use punctuation and proper capitalization in the future. I had to read your post several times to understand it.


If you would post the picture of the armor you're looking for we may be able to help.

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im sort of new to mods and have a question about some armor in a pic that i saw i have been looking for it for about two hours and i really feel like i wasted my time anyway its a brown hood but it looks like altair's hood and the face is shadowed i would like to know what its called because it looked like a cool hood oh also is there anyway to be able to equip the heavy or light belt from the thieves tool belt mod while wearing shrouded armor because in the pictures for the mod it showed the guy doing exactly that he was wearing both the belt and pack from that mod anyway i hope someone can tell me what the hood is


Whoa man. BFG's right. Periods: learn 'em, love 'em, live 'em. Now, the second part, wearing the belt and armor is a simple fix, just requires a quick tweak in the Construction Set. I can do that in five seconds for you if you want. As for finding your hood, you may wanna try posting it to the Mod Detectives thread. We're sorta there to help people find mods. Though, without a screenshot, you're gonna have to be a bit more descriptive than "brown hood." Can you post the picture you saw with the hood? Preferably in the above thread.

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Sorry about the grammar I'm sort of distracted right now and I tend not to pay much attention to that when I am. Ok I posted my question about the hood in the other thread also I would appreciate it if you would do that fix you were talking about thanks. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/30601-2-1271027638.jpg
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I sent you a message about my email and I don't think that is the shrouded armor hood because the face is shadowed and the shape is a bit different.


I'm almost certain it's the hood, 'cause the texture is so similar and it looks about right, I think... I could be wrong though. As for the shadowing, that's not actually shadowing. If you zoom in, it looks like he's just wearing a mask . The best mod I can think of that adds a mask is "Apophis Armory of the Silver Dragon." Check out the stealth gear from that mod. Adds some masks. Also, just search for ninja mods on the Nexus, you'll find a few more.

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