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Less Skimpy Vanilla Armours


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Hi everyone

I would like to request a mod that makes vanilla Skyrim armours less skimpy. I don't like the fact that most of the armours have nothing covering the arms and legs. I think the skirt style armours look incredibly stupid. For example, imperial light armour looks like a sleeveless dress, and iron armour is more like an iron vest :laugh: ! If someone could make a mod that adds armour to arms and legs and, ideally, gets rid of the skirts that seem to populate Skyrim, I would be very grateful. I think the Oblivion armours had a far superior design, so if you're looking for inspiration, check them out.

Thanks in advance :smile:


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But skirt style armours have been around for many years ( in the real world.) way before the leggings armor part. It guess it make you move better because your knees are free or something?

In Oblivion there is a leggings part, that way is leg covering in armor models, but there no such thing in Skyrim because making was harder or something like that. If you are talking about female armors, take a look at female practical armors.

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I appreciate that skirts are a traditional part of armour, but I just think they look silly in Skyrim. I can see the benefits to mobility which is why I don't mind the fur armour skirts but I think armour on front line troops like Imperial legionnaires should be more protective. I also think it's impractical to have bare legs in a cold climate like Skyrim. I am talking about male armour as most of my characters are male. I will use likely use practical female armours on my next female playthrough, so thanks for pointing that out. It's a bummer if it's too hard to cover the legs in Skyrim!

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Here is a mod for leather armor with pants instead of tunic. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5027/?


Other than this mod I'm not sure there are mods that change the imperial tunics.


Correction if found the mod that give light imperial and studded leather armor pants. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6947/?


Also this mod adds pant to the Companions Wolf Armor. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5442/?

Edited by Morgwynn
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Those "skirt" armors are the same on men, and have been around since Roman times irl. That's what the Imperial armors are based on anyway. Not to mention kilts. Kilts are a real thing too.


Have you checked out Practical Female Armors: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48160/?

or CNHF's armors: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44979/?

(CNHF is a body replacer that makes the female look stronger and more like she's ready to kick some ass, they armors have been remeshed to match male versions of the armors and work with cabal's Book of Silence).


IMO: Oblivion armor is terrible. Vanilla Skyrim armor is a little more realistic and a bit more practical. But only a bit on the practical part. I expect non-Nords at least to be wearing warmer clothing and armors since they aren't usually accustomed to the cold weather.

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