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Inspirations behind this story of stories


*Fallout Games

*Logan's Run

*Sesame Street

*Firefly, Serenity

*Terminator Series

*Planet of the Apes

*Borderlands Game

*Gilligan's Island

*Oblivion Games


*Super Fluffy Bunny

*Dancing Banana Show

*Buffy the Vampire Slayer

*pretty much anything that might come to mind


Takes place not in the DC but on-in a great artificial floating continent in the Atlantic Ocean which moves slowly around the ocean. The continent of Centralia is based partly on the DC Map from Fallout 3 and includes many of the same settlements. It also has Washington City as one of the cities moved there are the original Washington DC was destroyed by a huge 'dirty' thermonuclear weapon.


Settlements of the Unified Settlements of Centralia, the USC.


Centralia City. Easily the biggest of the USC cities, this is the USC capital city. It is also a major centre of industry, government, commerce and much else.


Megaton as based in and around a great big crater as left by an experimental fusion weapon. Based also on a union with a Bunkercomplex beneath it which has its own society and many valuable resources that help keep Megaton surviving. Megaton and Deep Megaton.


RivetCity as based in a great big battlecarrier ship that constantly moves along the great Circle River, stopping for trade purposes at its large mobile markets. RivetCity has many assets including workshops, small factories, hydroponics, fishing, the markets, a fleet of motorised longboats and even two small riverships. With RivetCity travel a fleet of other ships and boats taking advantage of RivetCity's resources and who work with RivetCity in many ways to their mutual benefit.


Sugartown is a large river island settlement that grows plantations of mutated sugargrass. From this very thin bamboo like sugargrass is made biofuel which is sold through out Centralis. Sugartown also has related industries that build Wastelander Survival Vehicles, WSVs, of various kinds. They also rebuild the huge atomic motorised Landliners in various forms and sell them along with small biplanes, boats, motorcycles, bicycles and a few other products.


Canterbury Commons is a fortified settlement linked to TekVault0115 where the Vaultfolk and Canterbury Commoners work together to prosper. The CCs run the trade and the Vaultfolk manufacture a broad range of basic goods for sale. The CCs also get goods from abroad and sell them to the Vaultfolk. Canterbury Commons has many small industries, including traditional cottage industries, a large tannery and others including a robotic reconstruction and repair centre.


Greyditch is a moderate sized settlement of scavengers who go amongst the urban ruins around the settlement. The settlement suffers at times from night time attack of zhouls, monstrous versions of ghouls.


Arefu is an odd settlement based on and inside a great surviving highway bridge spanning part of the Circle River. From the start they used both the resources of the great bridge and made a living off those using the bridge to cross the mighty river safely.


Girdershade is a fair sized settlement focused on brahmin herding and goats. It also has cottage industries, shops etc. Yet its oddest call to fame is the NukaCola Museum of Cultural History.


Ironstrong is a settlement much like any other but is most famous as being the unofficial home base for the Ironsides Mercenaries. Not to be mistake for Fort Ironsides which is the official base for the mercs.


ValourTown is a mixed settlement of fair size that conceals the secret HQ of the Secret Regulators.


Circle RiverCity is a major river port, a boat and rivership building centre and has the official Regulator HQ.


Settlements of the Orders


Citadel of Steel is both the fortress outpost of the Orderhood of Steel with its various capacities as a military base, a centre for exploration and charting, a research and development centre and also an offside protected settlement of civilians known as CitadelTown. Includes a small S/VTOL airbase, an underground robotic manufacturing complex and a military hospital. Sometimes the Citadel of Steel is called Fort Steel.


Fort Independent is almost identical in construction, design and appearance to the Citadel of Steel but is emptier. The Brotherhood Outcasts dwell there and though in theory they have nothing to do with the locals that they disdain, they do have a protected settlement of camp followers to carry out many basic services. Sometimes known as the Citadel of Outcasts.


Atomicus, like Megaton, is also based in around a great crater but also a large nuclear rocket-bomb in a cradle at the very bottom of the crater. Atomicus is the home of the Children of Atom, an offshoot from the main Church of Atom rising from a sharp factional rift about a hundred years ago. Despite the atomic rocket-bomb, the settlement is generally a normal one.


HolyVault or Holytropolis is TekVault0002a2, an experimental TekVault not actually meant to be used but which was upgraded in a hurry to actually take people when it turned out not enough vaults and bunkers had been built for the population to survive. Reclusive, isolationist home of the Ormons, a fanatical religion distantly linked to the Mormon Faith, to Hinduism and to other faiths but with a hidden religion buried beneath the official one. Sometimes the HolyVault is called Ormona. Ormons hate Followers of the Atom and have become hated in turn.




JuRajo is the Clansfolk one and only surface city. It is a fortified city on the northern coastal area that is dominated by the Clansfolk. This might be called the capital city of the Clansfolk where the Clansqueen and-or Clansking can always be found.


JuTarento is the largest of the Clansfolk surface towns. It is an important fishing, trade and travel port for the Clansdom.


VeRajo is a fortified town settlement fairly isolated from other Clansfolk settlements. It acts as a diplomacy and trading place where Clansfolk deal with other peoples. Clansfolk prefer that other peoples stay out of their territories.




TekVault0002a2 or HolyVault mentioned above.


TekVault0101 is a surviving TekVault with officially enforced isolation as a policy that is controlled by the absolute rule of the High Overseer who nobody gets to see in person. The vault has many oddities and contradictions about it.


TekVault0115 is a surviving TekVault that has formed a working relationship with Canterbury Commons but this settlement is not part of the USC and has no intention of becoming part of it. This TekVault has a large manufacturing and other light industrial capacities. Normally none leave or enter the vault except for about 100 Vaultfolk who deal only with carefully chosen people of Canterbury Commons.




Little Lamplight is an isolated settlement found in the remote Lamplight Caverns of the one big Lamplight Mountain. Only children and teenagers live there. At the age of 16 all must go to Bigtown. Outsiders are rarely made welcome, especially adults. There are many mysteries about Little Lamplight. Traders do stop at a special place in the Lamplight Caverns.


Bigtown is a settlement close to Lamplight Mountain. Only adults live there who once lived in Little Lamplight as children. When anybody turns 31, they vanish and nobody there seems to know or want to know where they have gone or why. Outsiders are rarely made welcome, especially children. Like Little Lamplight, there are many mysteries about this place. Traders do stop at the outskirts.




Paradise Falls is a dark place based in a great semi-underground shopping complex that survived surprisingly well on DD. It is a place that buys people, that buys and sells other dark goods and services. The mystery is that people get taken by slavers to Paradise Falls and vanish. Slavers normally only take ghouls as slaves.


Dave's Republic is a joke of a settlement except that 'President Dave' seems to have the ability to influence the minds of people, at least some people, in a most odd fashion.




Technologies are generally primitive like an odd mixture of the late 1800s of the Wild West, World War Two and has even some medieval elements. In some areas musket-rifles are used for hunting and the use of such as bows and crossbows is common. Horses and mutant rhorses are used to ride on and to pull vehicles or for other functions. Windmills are favoured. Rugged, basic, safety-bicycles are becoming more common along with tricycles (some for adults) and quadcycles. On the rivers sailing vessels are fairly common as are rowboats and even galleys in some areas. Books are fairly uncommon as only a minority of people can read and write but there are some publishing efforts of new books taking place.


Common forms of robot are actual roboremotes as controlled by humans and-or AI-supercomputers. There are also so called dumbots or dumb robots of the most basic kind because they have basic smartcomputers but nothing like AI-supercomputers.


Brainbots are definitely classed as a kind of unique cyborg even if the brains are cloned. Brainbots are vulnerable and are only found inside complexes or buildings unless they have gone insane and have wandered outside but this is rare.


While there are some rogue robots of the kind once used commonly in the Predoomsday (PreDD) realm, a major threat is from old Soviet infiltrator-assault robots still functional in the region.


Special technologies like power armour suits, or PASTs, vertibirds, helicopters, battletanks, mechas, 3DTV and true AI-robots are uncommon and linked only to certain groups and settlements at first.


Citadel of Steel is both the fortress outpost of the Orderhood of Steel with its various capacities as a military base, a centre for exploration and charting, a research and development centre and also an offside protected settlement of civilians known as CitadelTown. Includes a small S/VTOL airbase, an underground robotic manufacturing complex and a military hospital. Sometimes the Citadel of Steel is called Fort Steel.


Fort Independent is almost identical in construction, design and appearance to the Citadel of Steel but is emptier. The Brotherhood Outcasts dwell there and though in theory they have nothing to do with the locals that they disdain, they do have a protected settlement of camp followers to carry out many basic services.


Atomicus, like Megaton, is also based in around a great crater but also a large nuclear rocket-bomb in a cradle at the very bottom of the crater. Atomicus is the home of the Children of Atom, an offshoot from the main Church of Atom rising from a sharp factional rift about a hundred years ago. Despite the atomic rocket-bomb, the settlement is generally a normal one.


HolyVault or Holytropolis is TekVault0002a2, an experimental TekVault not actually meant to be used but which was upgraded in a hurry to actually take people when it turned out not enough vaults and bunkers had been built for the population to survive. Reclusive, isolationist home of the Ormons, a fanatical religion distantly linked to the Mormon Faith, to Hinduism and to other faiths but with a hidden religion buried beneath the official one. Sometimes the HolyVault is called Ormona. Ormons hate Followers of the Atom and have become hated in turn.




JuRajo is the Clansfolk one and only city. It is a fortified city on the northern coastal area that is dominated by the Clansfolk. This might be called the capital city of the Clansfolk where the Clansqueen and-or Clansking can always be found.


VeRajo is a fortified town settlement fairly isolated from other Clansfolk settlements. It acts as a diplomacy and trading place where Clansfolk deal with other peoples. Clansfolk prefer that other peoples stay out of their territories.




TekVault0002a2 or HolyVault mentioned above.


TekVault0101 is a surviving TekVault with officially enforced isolation as a policy that is controlled by the absolute rule of the High Overseer who nobody gets to see in person. The vault has many oddities and contradictions about it.


TekVault0115 is a surviving TekVault that has formed a working relationship with Canterbury Commons but this settlement is not part of the USC and has no intention of becoming part of it. This TekVault has a large manufacturing and other light industrial capacities. Normally none leave or enter the vault except for about 100 Vaultfolk who deal only with carefully chosen people of Canterbury Commons.




Little Lamplight is an isolated settlement found in the remote Lamplight Caverns of the one big Lamplight Mountain. Only children and teenagers live there. At the age of 16 all must go to Bigtown. Outsiders are rarely made welcome, especially adults.There are many mysteries about Little Lamplight. Traders do stop at a special place in the Lamplight Caverns.


Bigtown is a settlement close to Lamplight Mountain. Only adults live there who once lived in Little Lamplight as children. When anybody turns 31, they vanish and nobody there seems to know or want to know where they have gone or why. Outsiders are rarely made welcome, especially children. Like Little Lamplight, there are many mysteries about this place. Traders do stop at the outskirts.



Paradise Falls is a dark place based in a great semi-underground shopping complex that survived surprisingly well on DD. It is a place that buys people, that buys and sells other dark goods and services. The mystery is that people get taken by slavers to Paradise Falls and vanish. Slavers normally only take ghouls as slaves.


Dave's Republic is a joke of a settlement except that 'President Dave' seems to have the ability to influence the minds of people, at least some people, in a most odd fashion.




Technologies are generally primitive like an odd mixture of the late 1800s of the Wild West, World War Two and has even some medieval elements. In some areas musket-rifles are used for hunting and the use of such as bows and crossbows is common. Horses and mutant rhorses are used to ride on and to pull vehicles or for other functions. Windmills are favoured. Rugged, basic, safety-bicycles are becoming more common along with tricycles (some for adults) and quadcycles. On the rivers sailing vessels are fairly common as are rowboats and even galleys in some areas. Books are fairly uncommon as only a minority of people can read and write but there are some publishing efforts of new books taking place.


Common forms of robot are actual roboremotes as controlled by humans and-or AI-supercomputers. There are also so called dumbots or dumb robots of the most basic kind because they have basic smartcomputers but nothing like AI-supercomputers.


Brainbots are definately classed as a kind of unique cyborg even if the brains are cloned. Brainbots are vulnerable and are only found inside complexes or buildings unless they have gone insane and have wandered outside but this is rare.


While there are some rogue robots of the kind once used commonly in the Predoomsday (PreDD) realm, a major threat is from old Soviet infiltrator-assault robots still functional in the region.


Special technologies like power armour suits, or PASTs, vertibirds, helicopters, battletanks, mechas, 3DTV and true AI-robots are uncommon and linked only to certain groups and settlements at first.


Psychic, psykers, mutants


At the start are only fairly common and mostly in the form of mutated monsters. Only limited impact through out story of stories.


To be edited and added to in future. Ask questions if you want me to add information to this post.





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Bobby dived and came up behind a boulder holding his powerful six-shooter revolver-pistol with one hand. It was a nicely made, reliable copy of a late 1800s Colt adapted to fit a more modern type 5mm calibre bullet with a much more efficient design to it. He aimed and fired.


He looked to be a typical Wastelander wanderer in his body-armour and basic but tough enduring other gear. He looked to be a tall, slimly muscular older teenager but a hardened one. His skin was light brown, tanned white, and his hair was dirty blonde while his eyes were pale blue. He was very handsome, almost beautiful, but seemed unaware of it.


The raider jerked horribly and collapsed onto the ground, his black spiked body-armour having done him no real good at all even though it was light power armour. Even as he hit the ground, Bobby was on the move again.


Raiders came from offshore, raided the continent as expeditions for a few months, and then fled with their loot back to their mysterious homeland. They were mutations of some kind, hairless and of rough leathery skin, perhaps distantly related to the darkly whispered of supermutants of North America. Many were women but if anything, the women tended to be more savage than the men. They brought with them big, savage hounds and large hawk like clawbirds. They rode big mutated horses at times but also came in fast, lightly armoured raiderbuggies.


Bobby used to hate raiders but he decided that hating raiders was a useless waste of time because they were only being true to their nature. Still, he liked to kill them because every dead raider meant less death and destruction to come.


He rolled down a small slope as a volley of urailgun slugs shot through the air to explode just behind him. A woman raider in raider power army, not very modest, leapt to catch up to him with her cumbersome but powerful urailgun in hand. Such guns used small slugs to devastating effect and so a shooter could carry a great deal of ammo.


She stepped right onto the small mine he had left behind. The antipersonnel mine jumped up into the air and exploded, spraying pellets everywhere on a horizontal plane. Bobby was safe enough but the woman raider died, blood exploding from her mouth.


It was done. An exhausted Bobby could sense no more living raiders in the area and only one dying one. Then the dying raider killed herself and even that problem was solved.


He had run into only a scout party of five raiders and had killed them fairly quickly but the sounds of battle would bring unwanted attention. He went amongst the dead raiders and carefully placed on each chosen item a small silvery bracelet device. Then he tapped a button on the bracelet and both it and the device would vanish.


Even he did not know where the vanished items went because his memories had been deliberately suppressed. He sent the more exotic items such as the urailgun, a fairly rare weapon amongst the raiders but before the raiders came, unknown to those on the floating continent. Yet he kept much as well including the EIDs (Emergency Issue Dollars) in metallic alloy card and coin form, some hard plastic tokencoins and even a partly credit charged smartpaycard.


Then he was picking up his compact backpack and was running lightly across the broken landscape with impressive speed and agility. The revolver-pistol was back in its holster but now he held a twelve gauge pump-action shotgun that he had taken from a dead raider.

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The Wastelands are found around the world where once civilization thrived or at least civilization of sorts existed. Doomsday was the final creator of the Wastelands but before that was World War Three and then World War Four which saw the unleashing of terrible weapons of destruction and the clash of large armies.


Mutated animals are common in some areas as are such threats as rogue robots, muties, and yet the greatest threat to those struggling to live is the harsh landscape itself, the severe climate and weather, the toxins and the high radiation of some areas.


Finding good life supporting water, food and medicines is the real trick and the big struggle of many.

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Jacky was a young man who styled himself to be a Regulator even before he had approached any Regulators to join. Now he fumed as he left the Regulator’s Outpost at the settlement of Sugartown where he lived. Yeh, he could shoot damned well, live off the land like a mutie, track down almost anything anywhere and he had a few other survival skills up his sleeve. So why did the Regulators reject him?


Because he was an electrical apprentice and their were shortages of skilled workers. The Electricians Guild had made sure the Regulators would turn him away. His family had made sure the Regulators would turn him away.


In his hardened leather body-armour and with his pair of six-shooters, he grumbled his way from the Regular Outpost building of salvaged materials and new made bricks, past various shops and warehouses, then stopped as his grinning cousin stepped in his way.


Jacky was a young attractive man with dirty blonde hair, pale blue eyes and lightly dusky looking skin. He looked identical to Bobby Bobbins and indeed he could have been his identical twin.


What could he say about Benjamin Jackson except what many others said? Benjamin Jackson was a bully, a petty criminal thug, a drunkard on cheap local brew, a suspected rapist and other dark things.


“Didn’t want a coward like you, did they?” Benjamin spat at Jacky’s boot but Jacky moved his boot at the last moment and the spit bomb missed. “No wonder Katrina chose to go with Damien instead of you, fuker.”


Jacky slammed a fist into Benjamin’s guts. Benjamin double up and went sliding down only to meet Jacky’s up coming knee. Benjamin was hurled backwards and he hit the wooden decking in the area with a painful grunt.


Jacky grinned. “How many times do I have to tell you, Benjamin, to stay away from me? You know why the Regulators wouldn’t have me; the whole town knows.; You are just a piece of brahmin s***.”


Jacky walked away from Benjamin, after stepping over him, and down the wooden walkway above slippery, thick mud left by the recent rains. In the sky above an airship was coming into land. Full of liftergas as taken from the genetically engineered liftergas plants that grew thick in some parts of the floating continent of Centralia, the airship could carry far more weight for its size than a helium or hydrogen airship would have been able.


Nobody was sure why Benjamin did what he did, at least not at the time. Indeed there were a few mysteries about what happened that remained unsolved for the while. The thug gave a scream of rage and leapt up onto his feet with amazing speed. Then, taking out a long dagger of weird design, he raced towards Jacky’s back. The dagger blade glowed softly blood red, being of a kind of hard crystallic material.


Suddenly sensing great danger from the strange dagger itself, Jacky whirled and fired his six-shooters even as he drew them out with amazing speed. Bullet after bullet slammed into Benjamin, killing him at once. Benjamin shuddered but kept coming. Jacky stepped to one side and Benjamin slammed straight into a pole that helped to hold up a shop awning. The dead body collapsed and shuddered horribly, letting go off certain bodily fluids.


Jacky was the first to reach the strange dagger but something, a strong but subtle sense of danger, told him not to touch the strange blade. He touched the handle and then, before anybody else could take it in, wrapped a small exotic bracelet around the handle. Then he made the strange dagger vanish.


Like Bobby, he had no idea where such things went.

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Jasmine knew well the damned area of Subvault-01-Alpha which was largely bare, metallic spaces with most user friendly aspects locked up or stored away. How? Because she had gone there remotely many times.


Nobody was allowed to enter or leave their own subvault. The same rules went for people in all subvaults except for very special circumstances. The reason was to prevent the rapid spread of infections and to increase security in other ways.


People from different subvaults could meet through super virtual reality interactions, or SVRIs.


Another way was to do what she was doing as she did an inspection tour of that other subvault that was even bleaker than the one she lived in. Using people to control roboremotes allowed the AI-supercomputer network-systems in TekVault0101 to focus on more important matters, or so went the official theory. She suspected it was just a way to keep a lot of folks busy.


Jasmine travelled part of the huge subvault but not as herself. Her mind was cyberlinked to an eyemote, a dumber version of an eyebot, and she was generally controlling it while the basic smartcomputers in the eyemote regulated the basic functioning. It was a strange sensation and not everybody was good at doing it but she was officially noted as an excellent roboremoter.


Why she had the eyemote halt in mid-air as it hovered on its fanjets, she did not know. Such eyemotes were lifted by a combination of liftergas tubes and the fanjets. So she nudged it to turn on itself, to pan around with its main 3Deye, a sophisticated 3Dcamera with many special functions.


At a glance the metallic wall panel she was examining looked just fine but something was wrong. She steered the roboremote closer, moved it with gentle nudges through the air, and then she saw it more clearly. There was a very small panel inset into the wall that was cleverly disguised but not enough for very close examination.


From the eyemote she extended the machine’s one and only double jointed manipulator arm. Carefully, showing her great skill, she opened the panel and then inside was exposed a very valuable and very dangerous treasure. To look at it was just a damp looking bit of chalky substance of dark green grey colouration that was wrapped in thick transparent plastic. It was heavily concentrated drug paste known as mentumas that, if broken down, could be sold as a fortune as many hundreds of one use hyposhooters.


Corruption, organised crime, greed, it was all much of a muchness as far as she was concerned. She had tried to avoid getting involved with either the selling or buying side of the semilegal and illegal goods and services but right at that moment she had unintentionally landed right in the middle of it.


Except something did not make sense. If nobody went into or out of that particular subvault, at least in theory, and had not done so for many decades, why would anybody hide such substance there? Of course somebody could be using illegal mote operations to both deliver and pick up the drugs from that particular place and yet she could easily think of a lot of easier ways to move drugs through TekVault0101. This was true even if it meant that drugs had to be smuggled between subvaults.


Sensing increasing danger, she carefully put the panel back in place and then scooted the eyemote rapidly along the isolated hallway. In a moment she was out of the area and she sensed decreasing danger with out any idea what the threat had been.

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Thank you Maharg67,

Nice mystery setting you came up here in all three stories. Your style in writing is always a pleasant one to my eyes. I liked the one about Jacky Jackson most but the others are very good as well. Please keep on writing. I wanna know how this post nuclear mystery could possibly solved. It might be "31esouheraw" related? ( I would like that.)

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I agree with SilverDNA's assessment. I'd also add that the forward seems derivative of an rpg; where the setup is laid out for the reader to give perspective on the upcoming story. I'm unfamiliar with the following...


*Logan's Run

*Firefly, Serenity

*Super Fluffy Bunny

*Dancing Banana Show


But I loved Buffy SO much (the series)...I miss that show.

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Thank you SilverDNA and Species5478 for your wonderful feedback.


SilverDNA: 31esouheraw?




Logan's Run is a 1970s science fiction movie about a futuristic pleasure city in a post nuclear war world. In some ways it is like Fallout 3, complete with the ruins of Washington DC. I suggest you check it out. The special effects were very good for the time it was done and the story was quite good.


The same goes for the television series Firefly which is based on the idea of humanity in the future leaving the Earth to go to a new solar system. Firefly is the name of the small spaceship in which the main characters are based. The movie Serenity is based on the TV series.


As for the Super Fluffy Bunny and the Dancing Bananas, they are a product of my awful sense of humour but they may appear in some form or other in the story, most like in the same sort of way that Grognak the Barbarian and Captain Cosmos do. That is they are on billboards, holotapes, etc.

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