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So there was a greater evil in that place other than the ClawLord, who was more animalistic intelligence and cunning than anything else, a stronger power. Was it manipulating the hivaca who had come with great Centrolis (Centralia) as it came down to land in the Atlantic Ocean, ending World War Three and somehow saving humanity while making an amazingly soft landing in the waters.


Of course World War Three, the appearance of Centrolis, the vanishing of nuclear missiles and the soft landing were all closely linked. Centrolis had come through a rift partly caused by earlier nuclear explosions, had then stolen the nuclear missiles and used their energies to help slow itself down. It had stopped the nuclear war also to make the world more livable, more usable.


Later Centrolis had stolen large areas of land mass from various continents to fill in gaps, to create a landscape, but had moved safely nearly life in doing so. Oddly enough much of these events were forgotten by humanity. This was neither natural or coincidental.


Outside of Centralia, in PostDD times, had arisen many thousands of small regimes, rising and falling, but three had arisen strongly. The United Civilized States, of the Enclaven, the Eurasian Dynasty and the Collective Union of Freedom. The UCS was based in former Canada and Alaska. The EAD in Russia, China and much else of that region. The CUF was based in Great Britain and the old Continental Europe. But whispered of darkly were the Zaztec Empire of South and Central America, the Zulutarka of Southern Africa and other such regimes. The Australian and New Zealand Unified Federation of Commonweaths, or ANZUFC, was spoken of also as were the New California Republic, the Southern Confederacy and Oceanic Linkage.


As for what survived out in space, who knew? Skynet shot at anything trying to go to and from the surface of the world. It even shot at the SkyIslands if any of them tried to go to high into the atmosphere, or so witnesses had stated.


What was the source of the evil? What was its true nature? It was linked to but was neither Patriotoza (Patriot Thirteen) or Unity. OummuO stated so with much firmness but with the indication that the link was still largely to be understood. One other source was a strong possibility: that was the Ancients who had departed in the Centrolis in order to gain knowledge, power and immortality. When Centrolis had come to the Earth (Terra), there had been no obvious signs of the Ancients. Had they been transformed somehow, had been absorbed by some kind of very powerful evil?


Another swarm of hivaca hunterbugs came, rushing with basic intelligence only, and again OummuO as Stella and Tover blasted them with energy weapons. The sounds of the energy weapons echoed down the sewer tunnels as did the louder sounds of the attacking hivaca, quasi-insect creatures.

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OummuO as Stella and Tover discovered prototype medical armour or medic power armour to be used by specialised medic troopers in combat. Inside was preserved a human in some kind of odd status field. This was in a side chamber, an odd space half filled with an odd range of items that had been dumped there in a hurry on Doomsday. Or so OummuO as Stella soon figured out. Madness reigned on Doomsday and so this did not surprise her.


There was a basic sturdy robot on tracks being exposed swivel mounted sensors, a 20mm autogun, a shortlong missile quad-launcher, 3Deyes, mine detectors, motion detectors and other equipment. It was a dronebot of the Stark Corporation, a corporation that after World War Three moved to Europe in order to avoid being taken over by the Patriot Thirteen.


There were portable databanks, a Fatman mininuke launcher, some mininukes, a few boxes of can-rations, stimpaks, stunpaks, rejuves, a fire-fighting power armour suit, a deathclaw claw in a status storage capsule, a World War Two vintage .45 calibre Thompson submachinegun, a stack of 3D girlie magazines, a stack of Grognak the Barbarian toonbooks, some jars of peanut butter, a basic mannequin android, a large box of PreDD books and much else.


All of it was oddly well preserved, the chamber being in some kind of time effect field but not one caused by any technology. No, it was done by what OummuO as Stella sensed was a basic distortion in the very time-space fabric itself.


The soldier wearing the medic power armour was one of the Brothers of Steel, a name for the power armoured Mobile Infantry of the United States Marine Corps of Greater America, the USMCGA. He awoke to look around with shock, not knowing that just over five hundred years had passed since he was a soldier in the old USGA.


Blackson had removed his helmet and he studied OummuO as Stella and Tover, taking them as a young woman and a big hound. Then the red brown man spoke. “So, how long? Why do I get the feeling I am not in Kansas any more.”


OummuO as Stella smiled at him. “Why, were you in Kansas in the first place?”


He snorted. “Yes, I was quoting Dorothy in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I should be on Centralia somewhere.”


She shook her head. “Centralia, Old Olney, about five hundred years after Doomsday.”


He sighed. “So they used the doomsday weapons.”


She spoke. “Call me Stella. What exactly happened on Doomsday is still unknown. It was not so straight forward as the use of the DD-weapons that the Patriot Thirteen had stored away.”


He frowned. “Five hundred years? Well I was with the MI 555th Brigade trying to protect Old Olney from NeoSoviet scum. Well that was the theory. We were expecting NeoSoviet power infantry, jetpack infantry, robots, hovertanks, anything and everything. What attacked us was very different than any of that. Black metallic glistening creatures they were with long tails, retractable claws with two arms and two legs. The tails struck at one like a squorpion but longer, more flexible. Some were smaller and faster, some were bigger and stronger. Some were like spider things, quite smaller but those things could also fly clumsy like with these strange translucent wings. They fired spinedarts, they spat toxic blood that burned. We wiped out a whole lot of them and then… I don’t know what happened. Then there is just darkness, no memories.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “We fought them earlier, or at least one variant or caste of them. Hivaca. I wonder if they hitched a ride with the Centrolis as it went through time-space. Perhaps they attacked the Ancients, the long ago ancestors of the Clansfolk who came from the same world that the Centrolis did.”


Private Blackson shrugged. “Wouldn’t know about any of that. We called ourselves the Brotherhood of Steel. We had our new power armour and our robots, our mechas, our Battleslammers our vertibird GGGs and our submersible ATVs. GGGs were Gun Grey Giants. Battleslammers, well big battletanks that could float on water or in the air if they had to. We were full of SVR training simulations and battle drugs. We thought we could take anything down with out a sweat. Those… those hivaca, as you call them, they changed our minds.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “Hivaca have a habit of humbling hitech military forces. Tover and I destroyed a couple of swarms of them. The strangest thing is that on this world they existed only as fictional monsters in a variety of movies, 3Dmovies, 3DTV shows, comics and other such mediums. Yet here they are, inside the Centrolis, also known as Centralia.”


The man grinned. “Makes you wonder what else could have come from space if the hivaca could do so.”


She smiled. “Now you can tell me the truth. You might be wearing a Brother of Steel set of power armour and pretend to be one but you move wrong, talk wrong, smell wrong and your mind is wrong. Super-soldier of some kind.”


Blackson frowned. “JAGAF!”


OummuO as Stella touched his forehead with the finger of her other hand and then slipped away her gun. “Your people are now working with mine. So a JAGAF taskforce was infiltrating Old Olney.”


He shrugged. “Truth is we knew about the hivebugs, the hivaca. We were sent down to clear away their infestation, to wipe them all out, even the queen. The higher ups didn’t want no samples or anything. World War Four was happening, I suppose. JAGAF was having doubts about the Patriotoza. We chose to come disguised as Mobile Infantry of the Marine Corps, not our untrustworthy leaders. Except our equipment was modified to take account of our enhanced abilities. I can sense other JAGAF out there. They confirm what you say. JAGAF are in Sugartown with the Jackson Triplets but also in other places.”


OummuO as Stella nodded. “You JAGATs have some kind of unity of mentality?”


“Part of us being clones, I suppose, but we are still individuals.” He saw the Grognak toonbooks and grinned. “Wow. Can I read them?”


She nodded. “Yes, when you get to OrbisTransZier. You will like it there. It is still a young OrbisTrans and growing but it has more than enough resources for you. OribisMind will take the synthetic psychic controller out of your brain that somebody put in there while you were blacked out.”


The JAGAT gave her a puzzled look. Then he and all the other resources in the chamber vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


Instead of leaving, OummuO as Stella sat down cross legged on the floor and began to meditate. Tover lay down beside her and lay his head in her lap, then went to sleep. OummuO as Stella had sensed something special in that chamber and she was waiting for something to come to her that might give OummuO some important answers to old mysteries.

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Projected from-through the Bobbins Triplets came the Bobbins Twins. They were the a young woman and man, being Boblaze and Boblade Bobbins. Boblaze was female, Boblade was male.They were youthful, nubile, fast and strong, being in tight black jumpsuits and masks along with special boots for being sneaky. They had some curious mixtures of weapons of small guns, energy blades and Ninja devices both traditional and advanced.


There was a limit to what could be generated in such a fashion.


Boblaze and Boblade Bobbins first appeared in the maze of tunnels close to and around Deep Megaton, the bunker where a population lived in some isolation from the others of Megaton.


The metallic stone tunnels were an odd mixture of three phases of construction, the first being military of the New United Nations Exploration, Charting and Colonisation Program, the second being VaultTek and the last being added more recently by the people of Deep Megaton. They stood in a big enlarged chamber showing signs of all three phases.


World War Three having abruptly ended, the New United Nations arose from the ashes of the old one and was one of the primary organisations to start a exploration, charting and colonisation program of Centralia (Centrolis). That was after the amazing events of so much land vanishing from parts of the world to fill in the gaps in Centrolis. The rest of the world was in a mess and in comparison Centralia had much to offer. So millions of people began to be sent there in fleets of what ever aircraft and ships could be found to take them.


It was the Grand Centralian Transmigration.


Somehow matters had worked out much better than most people had expected they would. This was partly because Centralia had much rich and fertile land, was full of valuable exotic resources and because of reasons people could not easily explain.


Deep Megaton had once been part of the NUNECCP. The New United Nations had formed an assembly and had high hopes for it was very democratic and had many progressive programs. Then it had collapsed and had been replaced again by the United Nations which was little more than a puppet for powerful government, corporate, organised crime and other forces.


The seeds of World War Four were sown in those years when so many hopes for real reform of democracy and a fair sharing of the resources of the world had been crushed. The Unity first began to emerge as a series of reform organisations, underground rebel groups and protest movements.


The people in Deep Megaton were just Megatonfolk. They had taken over the bunker upon finding it mostly abandoned. That had been when Megaton was founded. There had been surprising resources in the bunkercomplex including robots, a fusion generator, water purifying equipment, AI-supercomputer network-systems and much else. There was also a small population of survivors who knew how to run the network-systems of the bunkercomplex and were only too happy to teach the newcomers how to do the same job.


Deep Megaton was one of the main reasons that Megaton had survived.

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Boblade spoke softly. “This area is not charted, is not on the official 3Dmap of Deep Megaton.”


They noted a metal plate fused to one wall. It did not look official for all it had on it was the mark:




Boblaze shrugged. “The big final question to everything and the big final answer to everything?”


Boblade shrugged right back. It kinda made sense.


They both sensed danger, subtle and yet deadly. They continued along the hallway, of course they recorded yet more data. The hallway tunnel began to ramp downwards.


Then it ended in what looked like twin metallic elevator doors and yet something caused the twins to be wary. They moved carefully closer and then noted the control keypad on the right hand side of the elevator but also the same type of sign with the same identical symbol on the left side of the elevator.


They examined the keypad carefully. Then Boblaze went to the sign on the other side of the elevator. Thus it was that they found the real controls beneath the sign and that the obvious keypad was a non functional dummy. The real keypad had a fair few buttons and symbols. They tapped out a careful number sequence deducted from the symbols on the keypad plus the symbol on the sign.


The elevator doors opened to reveal an elevator chamber but they hesitated to get in. For it was partly full of skeletal remains of humans in blue vault-jumpsuits with the <!?> symbol in yellow on them where the normal vault numbers would normally be.


There was a hole ripped in the metal floor of the elevator chamber showing a shaft plunging down into the ground as if by huge claws. Another bit of damage showed where the elevator controls had been destroyed beyond repair. The elevator was going nowhere.


Boblade frowned. “They were all armed with pulselaser pistols or carbines, were desperately trying to escape from something, were terrified almost out of their wits.”


The Bobbins Twins carefully stepped into the elevator and looted anything useful that they could find after doing some carefully examining and data recording. They closed and relocked the elevator doors, carefully hiding the real keypad controls once more. Then they vanished and returned instantly to where the Bobbins Triplets were waiting for them in the Bobbins place in Megaton.

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Thank you, Species5478, your support never ceases to be enriching and important to me.



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Sarah Lyons of the Soldiers of Steel of the Orderhood of Steel, was puzzled by what she was seeing. A convoy of atomic powered trucks was not unusual in some areas but in that isolated place it was. There were five of the common big round nosed six wheeled trucks but also two bigger, longer eight wheeled machines with built in cranes at the rear and double horizontal sloped faces. Protecting them were five battlebuggies and four slower, stronger, better armed armacars. Another odd factor was that all identification marks had been removed or covered.


She and the Lyons Pride elite had gone into the area after odd reports had reached the OofS of the activity of a large number of well armed intruders. There were a few small settlements in the area of what could only be called quasitribals, that is people who were somewhere between settlers and tribals in nature. This was a so called Lost Zone, an area left isolated as much by accident of history than any real choices made by anybody. The area was on the very outer edge of the official borders of the United Settlements of Centralia. Yet the convoy had come from the direction of CentraliaCity itself, the capital of the USC.


The convoy halted, spread out a little, in what might have been called a shallow shovel blade shaped valley between two very large, shallow hills. It was even as the vehicles came to a halt that a great, well hidden power hatch slid open in the ground and exposed a sloping tunnel mouth. Out of it spilled Talon Mercenaries in assault power armour, lighter than that of the battle power armour worn by Sarah and her troopers. With them came robots and workers in exosuits to unload the trucks, which they began to do with great speed and efficiency. While many items were hidden inside boxes, crates and canisters, others were obviously such as weapons, warmachines and even robots.


Sarah Lyons had run straight into a major operation of treason and corruption taking place within the USC but she doubted that the Lyons Pride could start to deal with so many enemies. Yet Sarah was painfully aware that she was now linked to Unity and so this once she chose to exploit this factor. Unity knew what she knew and so Unity spread through out the Wastelands would know. The news would get through about this major internal attack on the USC and the strengthening of the infamous Talon Mercenaries.


Then she was not alone. Another three figures in battle power armour had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. They crouched as Sarah did, behind some boulders, and the nearest spoke quietly to Sarah.


“I am Alphana of Alphana, Betena and Gammati of the Unity Thirteen.” The woman soldier spoke in the language called Esperanto. “What you see happening here is not what it seems. The Talon Mercenaries are hired not just to guard the unloading but to give the wrong idea to anybody who spies upon this scene taking place. Those down inside the hidden base, which itself is only a staging post for the equipment and supplies to be moved on, are not Talon Mercenaries. The Talon Mercenaries have only been allowed to go as deep as a barracks area close to the ramp entrance itself and no further. The Talons do not know the nature of the base or those who truly staff it and run it. I know this because it was easy enough to scan the minds of a few Talon Mercenaries who have learned more than their secret masters have guessed.”


Sarah frowned. “Nice trick of yours, appearing like like that. Well, I would have reported this at least as partly a Talon Mercenary operation but we of the Orderhood are not fools or inexperienced with such tricks. We have even used them ourselves in the past.”


Alphana frowned softly. “The corruption in CentraliaCity is very entrenched and is worse that mere normal criminal corruption. Some very dark force is very close to taking almost complete control of the city’s various networks and services including the government itself. Yet the core, the real nature of that dark force, had managed to keep secret. I can transport us to CentraliaCity in a special fashion that will alloy you to bring your battlecars with you along with some others one of you has collected.”


Battlecars were somewhere between battlebuggies and armacars by nature.


Sarah frowned. “More pets!”

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The OrisOrb was a special vehicle with many abilities, including defences, but it was not designed as a weapon. It floated just above the ground at three metres wide but made things vanish into itself. Inside was a great big dome shaped chamber with a disk shaped control dais at the middle. The Lyons Pride, the new pets of a molerat and a rocksnake, were easily dwarved by its size as was Alphana and her own platoon of clonetroopers.


Alphana explained as she stood on the dais with Sarah. She was woman shaped now and had her helmet removed. “You do not seem too overwhelmed by the nature of the OrbisOrb.”


Sarah nodded. “Back in North America the Lyons Pride was involved in some special operations investigating captured alien technologies, weird hybrid technologies and other devices of wondrous nature. We even saw something like this but it was blackened and cracked.”


Alphana felt startled and a shiver of cold, of fear. “Are you sure it was like the OrbisOrb? Oh, yes, I can lightly scan your memories. It is hard to destroy an OrbisOrb and none were supposed to have ever come to this world except this one plus two others. Yet there it is in a broken bunkercomplex buried beneath the smashed city of Chicago.”


Sarah turned to Alphana. “I get a sense of you and yours. OummuO was supposedly created by the UnityMind.”


Alphana smiled. “One of UnityMind’s growing list of self deceptions. OummuO allowed itself to become part of the Unity Thirteen and began to carefully, sneakily take control of it away from UnityMind and the UnityElders. The UnityElders are so corrupted, so dark of mentality and so under the influence of a secretive external force, they are no longer truly part of Unity. The same can be said for the UnityOrders that the UnityElders created and then transformed into something darker by purging them of all earlier followers that they replaced by distorted clones of various kinds.”


They were travelling to CentraliaCity and it was going to take about half an hour as the OrbisOrb flew through the sky over the Wastelands. It was invisible and otherwise very well hidden. Yet something followed it at a safe distance, a thing of black energy with a shining red splash inside it, a thing of evil like that which had come out of Doc Hoff’s apprentice, Ned Salter. Alphana was aware of it as was OrbisMind that controlled the OrbisOrb.


They passed over small USC settlements, over military forts, over groups of travelling wild creatures, over big growths of softly shining purple weed, over a smaller secondary river along which travelled a trading barge and then they were approaching CentraliaCity. CentraliaCity was founded inside a great transparent dome that had only one large crack. Inside was a semichaos of towers, geodomes, blocks and other structures. Over a million people lived in the city, including below in a great bunkercomplex.


Even as the OrbisOrb slipped through the city’s dome as if it did not exist, the signs of battle in the city were evident. The sounds of fighting drifted up towards the transportation device even as it floated down to halt just above the flagstones of a large semi-open courtyard.

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