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The raiders were repulsed from two of four major gateway stations and managed to get past two other. Betena, now as a young woman in battle power armour, led a whole lot of soldiers against a treacherous outbreak of fighters inside the city. To the surprise of the attackers and the traitors, a counter conspiracy plan had been enacted and hidden pockets of defending warriors came out of nowhere. Also carefully picked loyal Clansguards went into action.


Bullets and shells, pulsebeams and blastpulses, exploded down and across big tunnels. Power armoured figures, roboremotes and robots fought each other. Civilian volunteers joined the defence and less joined the traitors as the influence of Unity and, its reaction, AntiUnity, was felt in the city.


Betena did not pretend to know everything about what Unity was or how it had come about. What she did know, like many others did, that it had something to do with the arrival of the Centrolis on the Earth (Terra). At least that was when it began to first emerge amongst humanity in any real noticeable, measurable strength. Now it was emerging in the city and in the process was ripping apart families, clans, networks and other groups.


Yet it was also bringing new hope to the Clansdom of the Third Waypath against all the problems, often hidden, that had been ripping it apart, including the growing division between the Subwayers and the surface dwelling Clansfolk.


Betena found herself standing next to Harlequin as Jonah who wore assault power armour even as she did. She turned her head and spoke to him. “The same darkness that infected CentraliaCity was here but is gone now as it abandoned that other city. I do not think that it managed to do the same sort of harm here as it did there.”


Harlequin as Jonah responded. “Clansfolk have had a bad tradition of exotic cultism, of creating religious based clans. One such was created here and over twenty thousand people went off to somewhere unknown. The ClansSheriffs tried to find them at first and then ClansMarshals sent out small expeditions. One such expedition went deeper down under this city and vanished.”


Betena sighed. “When you are ready, we will go seeking both groups.”


Harlequin as Jonah nodded. “Yes, we have both gone down this path before, into the dreaded horrors. Yet we need one other to come with us.”


Betena nodded. “She is here.”


Rhonda Rhodes came striding towards them and then halted in hooded robe with her breasts largely bare with their striped patterns built up from the skin. She clutched her staff and nodded in greeting. She was not surprised that they did not seem surprised to meet her though she had not announced she was coming to the city.


Rhonda Rhodes spoke. “It is time to go.”


So they went.

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JuTarento, the name, was falsely used for the big underground capital city of the Clansfolk. The capital city's true name is JuLarero, which has replaced the name falsely used before and which will be used for the capital city in future.


JuTarento is a large port town on the surface.

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Avatars of Alphana, Betena and Gammati went to OrbisTransZier where waited all three sets of triplets but also OummuO. They dared to do so for one second outside of OrbisTransZier meant one minute inside, which meant that one minute outside was one hour inside. So the nine triplets were gone but five minutes from Megaton, TekVault0101 and Sugartown but actually spent five hours in OrbisTransZier.


There they met many folks that had been sent through by OummuO and others already. A super-soldier, people from TekVault0101 and many others including rescued settlers. Lifeforms grew at the outside pace of time so grew relatively slowly inside the OrbisTrans.


Ghouls were cured of skin conditions, regained skin and hair. Memories returned to them of before ghoulification. Memories were often painful and even more so for zhouls. Capsules of Tranquility and other treatments helped.


OrbisTransZier had expanded quite a deal but to avoid over crowding some folks had gone into status or had been dropped off at other, safer places in Centralia that they had come from.


The three neobabies played at the edges of a great bowl of water, a pool that began at the edges very shallow and only gradually grew to much deeper at the centre. They played with young children, puppies, kittens and other pets.


OummuO floated in the air. “OummuO fears for the future of OummuO but not just for OummuO. OummuO fears that falsehoods of past, present and future have confined OummuO but not just OummuO into a pathway of doom.”


Gammati had taken the shapeform of a young woman in a yellow jumpsuit. She picked up a puppy who wagged his tail madly and licked her face. Then she put the puppy into her lap. “We do what we must and what we can to learn the truth and to respond to it positively, to rescue what we can from this doom that you speak of.”


OummuO spoke. “OummuO wishes for all of you to remain here, as I will, in the form of aspects of yourself. OummuO will assist you as will OrbisTransZier. OummuO states the Unity Thirteen must need rego over all of the clues as previously given as from the dreaming of OummuO. Yes, OummuO does not know of the clues any more than you do.”


Jasmine spoke then, turning as she ceased brushing her hair. The amazing size not just of the big domechamber but the big, wonder bowl shaped pool was something she had not experienced since she had been outside of the vault many years ago. “Clues are as in the following order: OummuO of Unity Thirteen, the Nine of Unity Thirteen, Orderhood of Steel, Guardian Thirteen of Centralia, Centralia is not just Centralia but is more than Centralia, from SkyIslands looking down, Centralia above, in the middle and below; assume nothing, not even your own existence; focus Doomsday focus and count them all, list them all and network them all.”


She paused and then went on. “The Old Patriot Thirteen, the New Patriot Thirteen, the New Patriot Republic, what Nathan really knows, the Unity Thirteen, the human rot in Centralia City, the Retirowa as Samsu, what Elder Owyn Lyons knows, Datafile 768-0987-098-RAN-980-098 in the Smithsonian University Museum, SVR Normalville in TekVault0101 and the rise of UnityFree.”


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Gammati spoke then. “OummuO of Unity Thirteen? Why was that the first clue given? We considered this, as in Alphana, Betena and Gammati, and we concluded that it was because you were the first emergent element of Unity Thirteen.”


OummuO responded. “OummuO is not truly of the Unity Thirteen. Foolish UnityMind was tricked into thinking OummuO but OummuO is much more ancient. Now OummuO must face dark possibilities that OummuO was itself tricked into becoming part of the Unity Thirteen. The Unity Thirteen must learn the real reason behind its existence. Which leads OummuO and others to the second clue, the Nine of the Unity Thirteen, being three sets of triplets. Each set of triplet being a male or female neobaby, a boy and a girl. OummuO suspects painful truth.”


Buffy nodded. “Nothing that we have not already suspected, that our so called families, our parents, of UnityCommons are not our parents at all. What are we then? Clones?”


Betena spoke, being in the shapeform of a young woman in a purple one piece swimming suit. “Constructs of a unique kind linked to the very essence of both Centralia and NeoCentralia. Yes, conversely, you are also human, superhuman and more. Perhaps OummuO understands you more.”


OummuO spoke. “OummuO understands you should not exist but OummuO loves you, will strive to have you survive, live and thrive.”


“Should not exist but we do exist. Do we not bleed?” Bobby frowned softly. “Do we not weep, laugh and all that sort of thing?”


“So do androids, holographic projections of computer generated images and special effects equipped robotic puppets.” Buffy sighed. “What else is true of us.”


OummuO spoke. “You are not truly nine at all but are one that are nine that are one. You are one with nine aspects and nine aspects of one. The Unity Thirteen in truth is the Unity Five.”


“Well, so much for individuality.” Jadekin sighed. He picked up Jiffy, who had come running over to him, and also a kitten that had done the same, to fuss over both of them. “Still, I feel good, we feel good, enough as I am, we are.”


OummuO communicated yet again. “Alphana, Betena and Gammati are my children but are the real parents of the Nine. Alphana birthed Benny, Buffy and Bobby. Betena birthed Jilly, Jessy and Jacky. Gammati birthed Jiffy, Jasmine and Jadekin. The birthing process took place even as OummuO birth Alphana, Betena and Gammati. When you Nine as One appeared here on Centralia, the Centrolis, you did so shortly after your actual birthing. You never did really exist on-in NeoCentralia but that is good for that place is a fool’s damnation that distorts terribly all who are part of it except a minority.”


So, the earliest memories of the three sets of triplets, as bad as they were in condition, were actually not true at all. Did that makes matters better or worse?


They all had a swim, even the alien OummuO who took upon itself briefly the formS of a bottle nosed dolphin, a big turtle and a rubbery octopus, all at the same time. The children played happily and safely with all three as did neobabies and pets.


As previously agreed, they all staid beyond the five hours or at least in a sense they did for they were all elsewhere as well.

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Matters had not gone well for Patriotoza as James since his appearance in Portsburg, the big port city on the very edge of Centralia (the Centrolis). He had been forced to dodge various hostile forces, swarms of zhouls at night, rogue robots and much else.


The metamutant raiders were having as much trouble taking the city as he was getting smoothly through it. It did not help that the Subways beneath Portsburg were largely flooded and heavily populated by nasty mirelurks, razorfish and other aquatic nasties. The local survivalists were largely descended from military and paramilitary forces and they were tough. The survivalists had gained mysterious service-support and they were making the metamutants pay for every metre of ground gained.


Now he was feeling sorry for himself as he squatted in a PreDD diner, behind the counter, drinking a bottle of lightly chilled NukaCola. Across his lap was a portable heavy machinegun, a PHMG, that he had stolen from a dead power armoured survivalist.


Something had come up, though, something that was diverting his focus from his goal of getting to the New Patriot Republic. He was picking up a kind of energy signature that made little sense to him, that was of alien psychic nature, that was disturbing him. Yet he had experienced such before, only far more powerfully. This was the energy signature of the dark, mysterious forces that had attacked the Patriot Thirteen suddenly and devestatingly on Doomsday.


Back then he was President James Patriot Jackson and he had powerful forces of many kinds to assist him but he and the other Patriotoza also had many powerful enemies and other troubles to do with. They had not been in any position to defend themselves against this sudden new attack.


He reached out and picked up a NukaCola cointruck. These were almost identical to the NukaCola toy trucks but one put coins in them for charities sponsored by the NukaCola people. When it turned out that all the charities were bogus and the NukaCola management were using the money for fun and games, the Patriot Thirteen had hurt many of them. For the Patriotoza hated such stupidity and they hated also that they had not gained a cut of the profits. They had gained some kudos with the people by paying out real resources to real charities in compensation but it was not enough to stop World War Four, of course.


Patriotoza as James smiled fondly at the memory of him strangling to death the instigator of the scheme with just one hand as he lifted the slimethug off the floor. Oh, those were the days!!!


A radroach wandered up and the former President of the United States of Greater America, stretching from Alaska to Chile, poured it some cold NukaCola into a cracked saucer. The radroach drank it slowly, savouring the taste of it, while James gently stroked its back. He had considered eating the radroach but really, he was just not in the mood.

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