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Dragon Age 3.


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EA has purposefully made The Sims 4 very mod friendly and as one of their biggest selling franchises (even though the release was somewhat disappointing to so many) didn't seem to fear mods from stopping people from spending money for DLC and/or expansions they may (probably will as the game needs something more than what it has) release. Why couldn't they simply make that a thing with this and put me (a user of fine mods by other people) out of my misery?


Why? I would love a mod that slowed down the greebly spawn cycle just a touch. As an example, while the missus was telling me something, I had my character remain in one spot killing rams as I listened to my wife without missing something in the game - by the time I killed the last ram in the field, a fresh one spawned right in front of me! I killed it and another spawned, and another, and another!


I also found at my current level I would take more time to kill a bear which in one area appeared in pairs. By the time I killed both a new one would spawn and wander by and so on. If I managed to sneak past I would run into more tough greeblies and fight an endless cycle... and if I got fed up with it (because of the constant combat I couldn't save) and tried to pull back to camp so I could go to bed in real life and needed to save, I would be caught between two such groups - was easier to let them kill me so I could get some sleep that night!!!!!


Others may not agree, but now I have played a tad more, I am finding it somewhat repetitive which is starting to be less challenging and = boring... <Sigh>


Because making mod tools by trying to convert or create from 3rd party software is pretty low on the list when you have things such as bugs to fix. All the 3rd party software they use costs thousands of dollars of licencing costs per programmer and trying to convert that to mod tools takes time, money and expertise from main development of the game. Games such as the sims and skyrim don't run into these problems because they own all the tools and they can give it away for free, which is different for BioWare. EA might owns the engine itself, but they don't own the software tools that they use to develop their games. If you feel bummed, then don't be because they would rather focus on the game rather than spending resources on good will that only PC users use.

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EA has purposefully made The Sims 4 very mod friendly

I tried to research this and ended up getting a cookie from Origin in my browser. Subsequently my PC has now stopped talking to me as it feels violated.


Silliness aside, most mods for the Sims are not mechanical or add additional playtime/content. Most of them are cosmetic in nature, meaning that you still need to buy all the expansions and other DLC in order to get more to the game. As each expansion costs almost as much as the base game, usually comes with some significant mechanic change while being fairly bare-bones in terms of variety (buy the DLC for the complete expansion), people are kinda bent over the barrel. Either you buy the expansion, pay more for the complete expansion, and now can use new mods again, or you will not be able to use anything new since the expansion changed something. Meaning that people who may not have wanted to buy the expansion now have to in order to use new content. This si why they released modding tools and made some things fairly open. That said, between all mods being funneled through their own site and the thousands of dollars you would need to spend on all the DLC to get the complete game, I wouldn't call it mod friendly... Or atleast not mod community friendly.


Dragonage is an entirely different thing. It is a narrative based game, and most of the mods made for it are not necessarily cosmetic, but are aimed at changing/adding game mechanics, changing difficulty, adding variety, and essentially adding replay value. Replay value, atleast from the standpoint of a game company is a bad thing since it means that people will keep playing that game instead of buying additions or buying the next game being dangled in front of them. This does not lead to the same sort of self-feeding profit model that the Sims has, and therefore it is not in their interest to go out of their way and spend the money releasing tools for it.

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Sigh, i always curse when the game is only available via origin, damned overgrown virus of a beta.


In any case, I would very much love to see mods and even better official mod making tools, however this is EA and Bioware, neither of which have been particularly supportive of mods aside from biowares half-hearted at best mod/project site. As for either of them 'focusing' on bugs? well i am still waiting for bugs to be fixed from DA:O and DA2 as well as the Mass effect games (anyone got stuck on the floor panel of doom next to EDI in the cockpit lately, hope you remembered to save beforehand, its always there regardless of PC and how much you swear at bioware), and i know full well that those will never be fixed.

Sadly EA or Bioware will likely only provide such tools if:

1- They can be bothered

2- They realise that certain RPGs sell in large numbers over extended lengths of time due to the significant amount of content produced via mod makers.

3- Money

4- More Money

5- And that they care about and respect the games community, in other words - MONEY.


Therefore i am hoping that enough capable people are interested in the game enough and for long enough that 3rd party mod tools are made, give such people a few weeks, if nudity mods start appearing in the next few weeks then there is hope something good will show up afterwards. If not then hope BiowarEA is feeling generous.

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That armour exists in-game. You need to craft it with materials or generic material rather than using armour sets.



Are you sure you can make her armor exactly like that alternative? While I would prefer her armor from the second game, the alternative is better for me than what I've seen her in so far and I can't seem to be able to figure out how to give her armor that exact look.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cheatengine 6.4 is out there, a few guys have reported a few mods available, but you have to mod it yourself, I keep getting editor not populated, there is nude armour for the players in the game but without genitals heheheh, if any body here can use cheatengine, please post how to edit inventory.

for those new to dragon age like me, beware before you buy it, you cant aim to shoot, no aiming cursor, you just look in the general direction and hold fire button, slap stick auto aim kicks in and after 50 or more arrows you might kill someone, pfffffffff but it has good graphics and character models so will keep it and resume playing after our great modders here give us some nudie and weapon mods.

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In case people here are wondering what the status of modding DA:I is, here ya go:



FIRST) Identify game assets (textures, mesh, etc..)

1) Read the CAS files in readable form (uncompressed) -- done & released (release 10 or higher)
2) Find texture and mesh examples on the CAS files -- done & released (release 10 or higher)
3) Extract the texture in readable form (dds) -- done & released (release 10 or higher)
3a) Extract the game 3d models in readable form (obj, 3ds, fbx..) -- done & released (r 10 or higher)
3b) Extract game dialog text -- done & released (release 25 or higher)
3c) Extract game sound files -- done by other modders, not on our tool

SECOND: Modify simple Textures & Mesh

4) modify textures (gimp, Photoshop, Paint.net) -- donedone & released (release 10 or higher)
4a) Modify Mesh (3ds, maya, blender, daz3D) -- donedone & released (release 10 or higher)
5) Make a tool to import modded textures into game w/o crashing the game -- done, not released yet
5a) Make a tool to import static mesh (statues, chairs, rocks) - done, not released yet

THIRD: Modify skinned/ rigged Textures & Mesh

6) rig modded Mesh to fit the npc bodies in game (3ds, maya, blender, daz3D) -- done, not released yet
7) Make a tool to import rigged mesh (armour, hair, weapons) - done, not released yet

FOURTH: Modify game character Textures & Mesh

:cool: rig modded Mesh to fit the Inquisitor bodies in game (3ds, maya, blender, daz3D) -- done, not released yet
9) Make a tool to import rigged / dynamic mesh (armour, hair, weapons, body. face) - TO DO

Once step 5 is released rule 34 will come into effect and the mods will start to flow. Progress has been remarkably quick for a brand new engine, thanks to the heroic efforts of the hack/mod community. Also, I'd have to agree with the others who have pointed out that the game will likely be cracked by xmas.

Edited by TheJudaime
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Apparently this game is about as stable as nitroglycerin




Its a pretty widespead issue. Its one of the most broken games in recent history.


Bioware is setting the new low for quality. Its absolutely inexcusible that they'd release games this broken. Did they even beta test this game? Any beta testing at all using PCs with a variety of specs would have found these issues. Do developers honestly do traditional beta testing anymore? Or do they just shovel off the beta versions on day 1 and let paying customers who expect a complete, working game suffer the frustrations of being a beta tester? If we're going to get broken games, they should at least tell us we're getting the beta version, and not 1.0.


Anyone who was thinking about getting this game should wait for it to get out of beta, unless they're OK with suffering the frustrations of lost progress, or broken saves, etc. You don't wanna be that guy who has to upload your save file to see if anyone else on the internet can use it to get past the scene you're crashing at every time? I've seen several forums where people are asking for others to do that.

Edited by Beriallord
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