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Any Mods I really need to get?


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Hi guise,


~ Apologies if this doesnt go here, move it if needed ~


So I'm beginning my first modded playthrough of Skyrim (played Vanilla many times on 360 and just wanted to spice up the game) and I kind of went batshit crazy and added 60 some mods. Here's my mod list:


Unofficial Skyrim Patch





Omegared99 Armor Compilation

Omegared99 Weapon Compilation



Ultra Realistic World Lighting (Dark Nights)
Cutting Room Floor

Wearable Lanterns


Skyrim Immersive Creatures

Vals Crafting Meltdown

Cloaks of Skyrim

Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons

SkyRe - Main

SkyRe - Enemy AI

SkyRe - Lighting

SkyRe - Standing Stones

SkyRe - Races

Unique Weapons Redone

Agent of Righteous Might - Quest Mod

Breezehome Estate

Corners of Skyrim

Inconsequential NPCs

OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim

Dynamic Things

Helgen Reborn

Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization

Midas Magic Expanded

Better Magic

Interesting nPCs

Hoth - Follower Mod

Alternate Start - Live Another Life


Blacksmith Water Trough Fix

Unique Border Gates

Dawn of Riften

Dawn of Solitude

JK's Whiterun

JK's Windhelm

JK's Markarth

Immersive Patrols II

The Honored Dead

Northern Cardinal

Skyrim Radioactive

Follower Command Overhaul

Markarth - Skycity

Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges

Immersive Fallen Trees

Extended UI

Skinnier Compass

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Superior Rorikstead

Overflowing Enchantments

Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim

Honed Metal

Scoped Bows

Accelerated Layer


So yeah that was a lot of mods. Any mods that have flown under my radar or any mods that I have to get? Im a big fan of immersion and city expansion mods. Im not really interested in any meshes or textures as I have the Texture Pack Combiner installed. Also, not really interested in any armors or weapons unless their reskins as I have my fair share of weapons. Thanks!


My processor is a Intel® Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.4GHz

And I have an Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 660M as Graphics card. T




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I would highly recommend dropping Claralux and getiing Lanterns of Skyrim instead. Claralux causes lots of problems, Lanterns of Skyrim does not. Nuff said.


I also highly recommend iHUD (Immersive Hud) by Gopher. Outstanding mod.


I also suggest the trio of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade, and Clothing and Clutter Fixes, all by Kryptopyr.


Just a couple of ideas.


Oh and I cannot play without Automatic Variants, but thats just me :)

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I really like immersion mods, so Frostfall and iNeed are a must for me. I also used Simply Bigger Trees for awhile and loved it. I just changed over to Dark Fantasy Overhaul recently for a play through and love that more - it's not comparable with SBT.


Also, I noticed you have Claralux installed. Do not use that mod. It will destroy your save. Google Claralux save game bloat and read the nightmare.

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I would highly recommend dropping Claralux and getiing Lanterns of Skyrim instead. Claralux causes lots of problems, Lanterns of Skyrim does not. Nuff said.


I also highly recommend iHUD (Immersive Hud) by Gopher. Outstanding mod.


I also suggest the trio of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade, and Clothing and Clutter Fixes, all by Kryptopyr.


Just a couple of ideas.


Oh and I cannot play without Automatic Variants, but thats just me :smile:



I really like immersion mods, so Frostfall and iNeed are a must for me. I also used Simply Bigger Trees for awhile and loved it. I just changed over to Dark Fantasy Overhaul recently for a play through and love that more - it's not comparable with SBT.


Also, I noticed you have Claralux installed. Do not use that mod. It will destroy your save. Google Claralux save game bloat and read the nightmare.


Ah thank you guys, I have unistalled Claralux and installed Lanterns of Skyrim. Just doged a bullet there, so really, thank you.


@DurtyNelly: By Dark Fantasy Overhaul, are you referring to this? http://aceeqmodding.weebly.com/dark-fantasy-overhaul.html

I dont know if any of the tree mods are for me, however Im really debating Dark Fantasy Overhaul but it seems like too many dead trees. I dont know, we'll see.


@Drax8: iHUD is a great mod, just got finished installing it. However, the crafting overhaul, isn't really what I'm looking for. Also I did add automatic variant. Thank you!


Any more suggestions? Bring them on!

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If you ever tried to use horse in vanilla game and cursed its stupid AI, then Convenient horses is for you, Even more if you want to ride with follower(s).

Skyrim Bridges for immersion.. covers a lot of them and they don't look like each-other clones anymore.

edit: nvm... if "Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges" means Skyrim Better Roads and Skyrim Bridges, then you're covered. Roads from first mod and bridges from second.

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Ah thank you guys, I have unistalled Claralux and installed Lanterns of Skyrim. Just doged a bullet there, so really, thank you.


@DurtyNelly: By Dark Fantasy Overhaul, are you referring to this? http://aceeqmodding.weebly.com/dark-fantasy-overhaul.html

I dont know if any of the tree mods are for me, however Im really debating Dark Fantasy Overhaul but it seems like too many dead trees. I dont know, we'll see.


@Drax8: iHUD is a great mod, just got finished installing it. However, the crafting overhaul, isn't really what I'm looking for. Also I did add automatic variant. Thank you!


Any more suggestions? Bring them on!



No worries. Putting in hours of play only to have one mod break your save is no fun.


Yep, that would be the one. Admittedly, it's not for everyone. There are a lot of dead trees, especially in the Reach, yes. But, I was looking for something like it to match the mood and feel for my Requiem 1.8 play-though. It makes the land look barren and harsh. I added a dark gritty ENB and it made the world look as unforgiving as Requiem is.


Speaking of horses, someone mentioned Convenient Horses (another must for me), but a nice complement mod that I've been using is Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds. It's the best horse re-texture I've ever seen for Skyrim horses to date.


I also really like Animallica the Lore Friendly Version.


That's about it on my list. I use a few armor mods, nothing crazy. My list is mostly texture mods if you're interesting in any of that, because Requiem takes care of everything else for me.


Also, you'll like Hoth. :) I used him for a bounty hunter type character and he's good fun. You might try Inigo also. He's a really fun follower with lots off interesting things to say.

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I know that you have JK's Whiterun, Windhelm, and Markarth. I really recommend that you uninstall those and use Dawn of Skyrim (the complete 'Dawn of' package). The 'Dawn of' series is great, immersive, and Dawn of Skyrim has it all under one plugin. You should try to get more compilations like Dawn of Skyrim so that you have more room for other mods. (best practice is to get less mods that do more rather than more mods that do less).


I recommend Expanded Towns and Cities mod complete. It does not touch the big cities, but it does touch everything else. Looks really good.

I also recommend you get the other patches for the expansions (Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, Unofficial Hearthfire Patch, Unofficial High Resolution Patch)


Finally I recommend an Alternate Start mod (either Live Another LIfe, Skyrim Unbound, or Random Alternate Start). It doesn't look like you are using one, so I would get it if I were you so that you can skip Helgen.

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