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Baurus Dead...


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Why cant i keep both Baurus AND Jauffre alive after the last quest in the main questline? WTF!? Im PI**ED! I even typed in "tcai" in the console, to make sure that no one dies :) , but Baurus ended up dying, COME ON! I remember that when i beat the main quest on the PS3, it was the other way around, Jauffre died, Baurus stayed alive. How do i keep them both alive...im very disappointed. I really want them both alive...


Are there ANY console commands i can use to assure they both stay alive?


Also, what happens if i resurrect Baurus? Any negative impact? Will dialogue change, Jauffre will no longer have the "Baurus" dialogue option?

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O.K. I have never really paid attention as to who-does-not-die-when-this-person-dies, but I can tell you how to keep them both alive. Alright, when you are on the battle field defending Bruma and the Great Gate rises from the ground, before you enter, make sure that both Jauffre and Baraus are not in battle with any of the Daedra and that should keep them alive.


Hell, try this: Once that gate pops up, run to where no enemies are, go into the console, click on Jauffre and type "moveto player" and then do the same to Barus, then quickly run back to the gate before they get into combat with anything and enter the gate. Once you close the Great Gate then they should be alive. If that does not work then I do not know what to tell you. Maybe Bethesda intended for one of them to die. Who knows?


Just try this and hopefully it will work for you my friend :)



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O.K. I have never really paid attention as to who-does-not-die-when-this-person-dies, but I can tell you how to keep them both alive. Alright, when you are on the battle field defending Bruma and the Great Gate rises from the ground, before you enter, make sure that both Jauffre and Baraus are not in battle with any of the Daedra and that should keep them alive.


Hell, try this: Once that gate pops up, run to where no enemies are, go into the console, click on Jauffre and type "moveto player" and then do the same to Barus, then quickly run back to the gate before they get into combat with anything and enter the gate. Once you close the Great Gate then they should be alive. If that does not work then I do not know what to tell you. Maybe Bethesda intended for one of them to die. Who knows?


Just try this and hopefully it will work for you my friend :)




Nonono... Im talking about Light the Dragonfires...That Bruma was easy. I just had to type in "tcai", didnt work for Llight the dragonfires though...

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click on each one and type Setav health 5000 that is plenty of health they will never die



Sooo...how does that work? I hit the tilde key, while its paused i click on the specific NPC, and i type "Setav Health 5000" ...What if i want to revert their health back to normal levels again later?

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The commands? They work precisely as you said. Just open the console, click on Baurus or whomever, then type in 'SetAV Health 50000'. To lower it, just use a lower number. THe usual health for an NPC is 25-200.
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click on each one and type Setav health 5000 that is plenty of health they will never die



Sooo...how does that work? I hit the tilde key, while its paused i click on the specific NPC, and i type "Setav Health 5000" ...What if i want to revert their health back to normal levels again later?

If you want to make him his usual strength again just set his health to 175 that is the average health of most characters^^ :thumbsup:

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Before you type "SetAv Health 854687......", you have to type "GetBaseAv Health". The console will return the maximum health of the target.



Let's backup their original health:


- Select Jauffre. Type "GetBaseAv Health".

- Select Baurus. Type "GetBaseAv Health".


The console will return their maximum health. You have to memorize them (Write them on a piece of paper).

Now let's create 2 gods:


- Select Baurus. Type "SetAv Health 99999".

- Select Jauffre. Type "Setav Health 99999".


Now you have to kick the daedra's ass (IT'S THE BEST PART). You know what to do.....http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

When all is over, you have to restore their original health:


- Select Jauffre. Type "SetAv Health x". where x is Jauffre's original health

- Select Baurus. Type "SetAv Health y" same as above for Baurus


N.B. The health of this guys change according to the player level.

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