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So, once again I failed my Thieves Guild playthrough.


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Back when I didn't know how to avoid Brynjolf completely to continue my other quests, I did end up completing the entire Thieves Guild quest line. Never again. I felt like a thug harassing nice, poor people and forced into the NIghtingales made it worse. (BBkit's comment above made me lol).


I avoid the Thieves' Guild with all my characters and have never joined the DB at all.

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I can do Dark brotherhood and recommend it to vampires and werewolf after being vampire clan leader if vampire.


Though if when I play a paladin type guy I would not, it would be OOC. My vampire is kind of like a Anne rice vampire, less of an initially self hating buffy/Angel type...with those morals or a mix of the different ones. To be good at rp and debate you need to be able to see from different perspectives.


The targets could also be feeding victims, rp wise, even if gameplay wise there cant be shown to be effectively. Ironically DB members also need some skills of a thief to avoid bounty in some case though its put to different use.


Thieves Guild, well...its distasteful to me from the get go, being a thief or needing to be,...besides he already takes what he needs when he loots. I also don't want to deal with bounty issues or hostile guards and such...even my vampire gives gold to beggar children and such, why not?


Maybe little Lucy or whatever her name is can get herself some hot chocolate for now and eventually a weapon or magic book, to survive and learn to be an adventurer if un adopted.


My vampire would never be mean to small children or hurt passive animals, respecting both. With a good character, he or she is complex and its never just black and white.


He sees himself as a hero in the way Lestat de lioncort might (from first few books), though not exactly like him. He has a bit of Armand too, and even a touch of akasha, even seemingly conflicting traits, well, until you look deeper.


He also wants to be thane of theses holds and save skyrim...and to be honest the TG starter dude creeps me out much more than Astrid for some reason.


My regret with DB is that they don't hold to the 5 tenants or that stuff anymore so there is little romance,..too mercenary, There should be more off a hidden reason ultimately behind there actions...maybe something to do with the god the night mother was associated with....and potential conflicts as in if you get rid of a npc you cant do there quests, or trigger blood on the ice if you optionally kill nestine or whatever her name is.


I recommend reading about the chain before you start no one would know all these conflicts, like the straw that broke, say if you want to be thane of riften too.I was by the by happy to get rid of the low life skrooma dealer and help lizard lady.


Also you only kind of lead it/highly regarded, when there is almost nothing left to lead. That seems to be a trend in skyrim factions, a little joke on the player. A real vampire is going to kill people anyway.


A regular Dragonborn player is going to do a dungeon and kill 100's of bandits, and other people. Do you really think all those bandits and assorted people are 100% evil?


You think they don't have lives or mothers who love them? What about the women there? You break into there place with weapons and followers of course there are going to attack you, you take there stuff. You disturb the dead and loot corpses in crypts.


What about civil war? Skyrim is a tough world, its not modern or politically correct in ever aspects, also its a fantasy story with werewolves, movie style vampires that shape shift into demonic creatures.


Racist viking types on one side, imperial dude at start of the game asking the torture master to hurry along and come with them to keep them safe. Serana basically participated in a Black mass willingly to become a vampire, with all her family members going at it at once with a evil god S and M style for power, even though she felt it was degrading and knew her father also had to sacrifice 1000 inocent people. No telling what else she got up to. A little late for regrets now sweetie. Yet shes not really entirely evil herself, Serana, shes actually rather nice in many respects.


After harkon tells you some of this, what dose your character do? Asks about his vampire powers and starts quests for the dude. Stopping to indulge in the human cattle down the hall of course. Then later: Your an insult to are kind, with Serana his daughter in tow. Harkon is of course the pure villain for wanting to blot out the sun?


Harkon was just foolish and self centered, possibly the type that lacks the ability to feel for others at all, possibly suffering from the same mental illness as Angelina jolies character on the movie, girl interrupted.


Think about it.


As for the dark brotherhood its just the next convenient quest chain for your vampire character.

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Good post Skyquest :)


I have tried both the TG and the DB once each and found both very distasteful and won't bother with them again, I couldn't even complete the DB, deleted that character, didn't enjoy the game. Since then I have always destroyed both the TG and DB...just consoling the TG's members to non essential and console unlocking the door (I do know about the Destroy the TG Mod, but for my RP sake am staying with console), funnily enough the TG put up a better and harder fight than the DB :)


I enjoy playing characters with no moral concept, neither good nor bad, but do not enjoy playing characters who are intentionally cruel or unjust. My favorite Skyrim character is a born Werewolf, with very little connection to humanity, is wild and animalistic, with litte understanding of human behaviour or ethics, though that also means he does not understand the concept of stealing, or lying, there are a small number of quests he can't do because of this... but he loves the hunt and a challenge and the TG and DB offer good opportunity for both and so he destroys them, not to help the victims of these organizations, but simply for the excitement, his a pure Predator.

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There is only 1 hurdle you have to get over, why did I join the Thieves Guild in the first place. You aren't joining the Borden milk delivery service here. To me, joining the Thieves Guild is easy, because many times I know from the jump they are weak and I can use that to my advantage. I help make them a little stronger, and in turn I use and abuse the assets that I brought on board for my own personal gain. Win-Win.


Only reason I do the Goldenglow job is because Vex thinks she's gods gift to the infiltration business.

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I role play the thing - I got there being Archmage & Harbinger, but in the library at the College I read about some location where dragon shouts might be located. My research led me to believe the best place to learn more would be Riften. I run into the dodgy characters there...

Bunch of pathetic losers really, led by a distasteful cretin. Dislike him immediately. I'll show you....here's what I'll do - I'll take this guild away from you...


Turns out he's a thief stealing from thieves. Doesn't deserve to live in my books. And in the process my ends get met too. I learn those forgotten words of power, I become stronger. Sure, they benefit as well, and I start using them for my own ends: spy on the Thalmor, undermine the rebels, spread the fame of the Dragonborn, the Hero, who will unite the Empire under a worthy ruler....


Will I pledge my soul to Nocturnal? Never. Will I say I will. Well, maybe. Hey Nocturnal, join the queue of daedric princes who think they'll get a piece of my soul - Meridia, Hircine, etc.


It seems to me that the dragonborn is the kind of character that has to look after number 1. Let's face it, everyone else wants to use him, starting with the Blades, the Companions, College, DB, TG, rival warring factions, all the daedric princes, and everyone else strolling around the frozen wasteland.


Well, the strong survive, and carve out their own destiny. And use whatever tools will forward that goal. The TG is well placed to be a good tool for the dragonborn - spies, infiltrators, rumor mongers, you name it.


At least in my rp

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I can only play the TG and DB quest lines if I'm playing a specific role playing character. But even still, like so many others have said, it just makes me feel "dirty." I find it very difficult to role play a cold blooded killer or a petty thief. I have gone through both quest lines in full, and I have to admit, there are some really cool parts of both lines. I especially enjoyed Delvin's voice in the TG. Of course I normally play Orcs who follow the code of Malacath which prohibits stealing and senseless murder. I only attack if attacked...etc etc.

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The thing for me is, by the time you get to Riften, thieving just seems so insignificant compared to the stuf you could be doing.


Offcourse that's not what the actual questline is about, but it's still what you're going to be doing ALOT off if you actually want to see the guild grow.

I'm the Dovahkin. Dragons die when they hear my Voice! Send someone else to fetch your chandeliers.


And offcourse the whole pledging your soul part. Sure I'll be your champion. I'll fix your temple, or fetch your star, or whatever it is because it's a mutual benificial deal. You get a nice clean temple, I get a cool sword.

A few years of extra luck is not worth guarding your temple for all eternity. I don't need your luck. If I did, Alduin would have been a minute late and my had would have been chopped off

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I have to agree with RobBruce. I feel the TG is located in the wrong place, story wise. Being referred to as "lad", makes it feel like it is the very start of the adventure, so I feel TG should have been in the first city you visited, which would also work for the vast amount of quests needed to become guild master.


So, if you join TG while still being glad you made it out of Helgen alive, and looking for somewhere to call "home", this could have been a great way to start the character experience, and as you gain experience, you might want to enhance your fighting skills (or perhaps you want to infiltrate and influence), so you hook up with Companions, while still keeping your hand in with the TG.


Ultimately, you might want to join the College, as having those magic abilities is surely seductive. But maybe you're the cold blooded type, so you join the DB, or maybe you care about the CW, so you join a side.


But, all the time building the influence of the TG throughout Skyrim.

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