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Purple hands when wearing any clothing (Robert's Male Body)


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So, I'm fairly certain this is likely something extremely stupid and simple, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out. When I'm running around naked, everything is fine and dandy. Nothing wrong.


The problem is that I don't often run around naked.


Whenever I equip any piece of armor, clothing, anything that shows fingers or hands, said fingers or hands turn purple, which as I've learned from my digging about in search of a solution, indicates that the required textures are missing. This is in no way a major glitch or game-breaking, but my god is it annoying.


I'm fairly certain it's an error with how I installed the mod, or lacking hand meshes for clothing. I installed Robert's manually, due to NMM not cooperating with me on that particular file.


A picture of the glitch in action




And as I noted, when males are naked, it goes away. (Don't worry, censored.)




Thanks you to all who can offer help.

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  • 2 months later...

The purple color indicates that you do not have a hand texture installed. If it was a missing mesh, you would have a large red cube shape with a white exclamation mark in it.


The best thing to do is open the armor file and look for a glove .nif file. Open the .nif file in NifSkope and make sure the path to the hand texture points to the Roberts texture.


Also, make sure you have installed all the hand mesh files that came with the Robert's download.

Edited by M48A5
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Its a problem that does pop up, normally its either:


1. Race conflict, Roberts needs to edit the races to give new hand textures. If its being overridden then it will cause purple hands.


2. Custom race not set up to use Robert hand textures, fix by editing it in GECK.


3. Raider race made playable and not updated for Robert hands.


4. Not installed mod correctly.

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I've had this happen too with a custom race lacking a _sk map (the one that looks like a colorful normal map). Once I put one in the same folder as the rest of the race's textures, even if it was just the vanilla one, the problem went away :)

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