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My best friend, when she was pregnate and in the hospital... kept seeing a woman wearing white, standing in door ways watching her. She asked the nurses about her twice, both times they said she was talking about.


Fast forward two years...


Cali(her daughter) is about 2 years old now. And lately she has been asking her mother about "the lady in white". Appearantly, although Paradise(the mother) doesn't see anyone, Cali keeps saying she sees a lady in white, even when no one else does.

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  • 9 years later...

Spirits are very real.


I had the fortune to see a few in my teenage years. I won't tell the few experiences I've lived because most people wouldn't believe it anyhow. Though, I haven't seen them in forever, but I do feel them near. My ex says she seen a spirit in my home. My cats would see them wander around and I would just stare at my cats and just know...


I used to research many ancient fortresses and castles all over Europe that til this stay still hold it's own mysteries. I've always been fascinated these things after living the experience. And I won't forget the first time I seen one. The adrenalin... The moment... your body just grows cold and you become stiff and pale. I still get those shivers when ever I feel their presence around me.

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Where to start, i had the strangest experiences in my life. How would you feel actually making contact with a ghost, speaking to it as if talking to it on a civil conversation, that is the freaking thing about this story. :ohmy:


One night i was staying over at my cousins place, the reason we stayed over we had a huge blast of a party :D it was his birthday after all, so we decided to stay the night. That night i had the guest room and i had to work the next day, it was late around 2 in the morning. His house is a 4 bedroom 2 story house in the middle of the city in a typical neighborhood, nothing to high class. That night i didn't get to sleep around 4am, struggled the next day, but i managed. just before i fell a sleep i swore i heard voices like someone was calling my name over and over again like if it was inside my head, i didn't freak out or nothing i woke up looked around nothing was there and then closed my eyes again, sense it was a odd experience which seemed to crazy to be real, the voice was a female voice I'm guessing in here late 20's judging by her voice, i told her in as if i was thinking it can you please get out of my head, she stopped yelling my name and i slowly past out, but 5 minutes later i heard the alarm being set, noisy thing that was, old digital clock that looked like that came from the 80's. I realized that was actually a good idea, considering that i had to work the next day. Was it trying to warn me of something like me probably being late that day if it wasn't set at the right time, which was even odd considering we had no one pass away that we know of in that house, could it be from previous owner, but how did it know my name, and set the clock exactly when i had to go to work, as if she knew me.


I couldn't get that out of my head that day, one of the most crazy ghost experience i ever had. You know those people sensitive enough to listen in on ghost or talk to them, what are they called mediums, strange even thinking of the possibility. :woot: :wacko:

Edited by Thor.
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I lived in a haunted house for a few years - the ghost didn't cause any problems, we just heard her falling down the back stairs every once in a while. (She supposedly died of a broken neck from falling down those stairs) The previous owner of the house brought in a Catholic priest to try to exorcize the ghost but it didn't take - the ghost was a Presbyterian and wouldn't have any of that papist nonsense.


The house is a Victorian and over a hundred years old - it has quite a history besides the official ghost.

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I guess its weather or not depends on the ghosts believes ehh, i bet it doesn't work on everyone depending on the culture of the ghost.


The freaky thing about the haunting at my cousins place, she knew me, which was the freaky part. She knew my work schedule included, the alarm was set exactly when i had to go to work that day, i didn't even set it myself.

I only visited that house only 4 times in my life which is the oddest part of it all.

Edited by Thor.
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Well i'm an atheist therefore ghosts don't exist...obviously :rolleyes:


Growing up when I was younger I was convinced I experienced ghostly happenings in my parents home - hearing walking in the attic, footsteps up the stairs and the landing, the feeling of being watched etc. Then I grew up and was capable of logically explaining everything through psychology and realizing the house is quite old.


It's funny how all ghosts are either old woman dressed from the 19th century, or monks, or 'white lady', or 'black lady', and so on (if you are reading this thread you know the rest of the cliches) but where are the ghosts of slugs, horses, trees, cavemen? And from what I understand, the theory of ghosts is that this is a result of leftover energy but if that were the case why don't I ghosts of my old phone, or my dad's old car? Quantum physics proves that EVERYTHING is made from energy so where are the ghosts of my old pair of trainers, the crappy old set of drawers I smashed up and threw away, and the tin of beans I ate the other day?


You can't argue with logic can you? If you think you can you're wrong.

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Seeing as ghosts are a precursor of a belief in gods and afterlife then I think it's safe to say that religion cannot be so lightly set aside in this context.


I have no doubt ghost watchers or whatever have concocted new meanings to explain spirits such as electro-magnetic energy, but it's widely know they are all frauds (if you look deep enough).


Maybe you convinced yourself you seen a ghost first hand but I would bet my right hand you weren't exactly on the ball at the time, for instance one of the more common causes of such apparitions are a result of hypnopompic and hypnogogic states.

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