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I would like to point a website out


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Wow, could serve for some useful concept art if you wanted to make a building that's falling apart. Nice to see some images of how a building really naturally decays, rather than some random guessing.
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Quite interesting. It's a great reminder of what a powerful tool the internet is in creative pursuits.


At first, I thought to myself 'Oh, bloomy bell, not more brute vandalism being proclaimed art', but I think I've warmed a bit to these urban explorers. As long as all they take is photos and keep their own (and others, of course) safety in mind, then it's no problem. I also like that they share their sights with the rest of us like this. Thanks, fellows!


Of course, it's not without it's risks, and I certainly hope they keep that in mind. If I recall correctly, a kid got himself killed in Stockholm a while back, when he was exploring some utility tunnel and fell down a deep shaft, and the media had quite a fieldday in this new and dangerous youth-corrupting activity. But I'm sure the more 'professional' urban explorers knows what they're doing.

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Thanks for the link, I love looking at sites like that. Some of the most fascinating photos I've seen have been from the area surrounding Chernobyl, especially Pripyat. It's unique because the the area was abandoned in a hurry and then sealed off. Today you can still see shops, homes and schools as they were left back in '86 complete with old Soviet propaganda, a place frozen in time. Also interesting is the way nature is reclaiming it, I guess in the end it will be lost to the wilds.



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