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Problems with youth today...


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Im 15 (almost 16) and I wouldn't openly defy my mom (anymore, I had a serious discipline problem for a while) simply because I respect her as my mother, and i love her. Same with my dad, although backed by the fact that he had always been the one who believed in beatings as punishment, although not in an abuse way. I know when I grow up, my kids will be playing only games I have played first and decided is appropriate, and I WILL beat my kids, I don't care what the laws of the future say about it, some discipline is necessary, if my kid were to cuss me out in public they would earn a nice black eye for their trouble, then when they threatened to call social services id say something about how if they were gonna talk like an adult, they were gonna get treated like an adult.
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o_O A black eye is very different from a spanking.


Do that in public and you'd have people calling the cops. And I'd be one of them.

i agree, anything that leaves something more than a lasting sting is wrong

my dad kicked me in the butt once

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Ok, maybe I wouldn't take it that far. My dad never gave me a black eye, although he could have if he wanted to (heck, he could crush my skull if he wanted to, he is a big man) and I would actually probably just drag the kid out of the store drive home, and give a good strong lecture, if he/she continued I would THEN proceed to a spanking. Im sorry if I did not think my previous post through, just goes to show I have no business raising a kid, I am not yet mature enough.
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just goes to show I have no business raising a kid, I am not yet mature enough.


That's a mature realization there. Now if only more people realized that! Heck, if only more people realized they weren't mature enough for marriage, or even just mature enough for the adult world in general... I've seen (and talked to, unfortunately) plenty of people who, even in their 20s and 30s, act like teens and pre-teens.

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I am a parent of a 12 1/2 year old girl. She makes straight A's in school, is polite and basically well mannered. I realize as many teenage girls do that she will rebel and think I am the most horrid thing on the planet. However I consider myself FULLY responsible for my child's behavior. If I tell her something, I back it up. She is being taught that there are always choices, but there are consequences for them all and she must learn to take responsibility for them.


I try to keep track of her friends, what she likes and is into, I encourage her to explore new things. But, at some point she is not going to be happy that I am "in her business" and that I don't let her do what she wants. As painful to me as that may be, it is OK because I am not here to be her best friend, I am here to be her MOTHER.


There are many ways to raise your children, all of equal value. The thing that one should remember is that it isn't music, movies or video games that are resposible for your child's behavior...its YOURS as a parent. Both parents and youth need to learn to be accountable for their actions and decisions.

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what the real problem is, is the parents that dont raise their children properly. Plus certain video games that praise bad behavior, look at bully or grand theft auto. Modern day games that uphold bad things. Some snotty bleeps would say metal music is an influence too. They are right in the case of the satanic bands, but many metal bands are full of nice people, and they dont preach "do this" they preach "don't do that" in their songs. Just look at Ozzy's crazy train. The so called prince of darkness sings "maybe its not too late to learn how ot love and forget how to hate)

I played Grand Theft Auto when I was 7. So far I am fine and did not bully or kill or shot anyone. :whistling:

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I think that some of the talk of previous generations alwas saying that theone that follows them is worse is partially due to a pride in your own generation. Who says "yeah my generation completely and utterly sucks?" not a whole lot of people. And in general negative reinforcement is unfortunately how a lot of people resort to trying to teach and keep people in line. Heck I'm a camp counselor and sometimes I would use negative reinforcement, (which is something I always tried to work on) which in small doses is healthy. My parents spanked me, and my Dad did all the time if he didn't think my apoligies were sincere (huge difference between him not thinking so and their not being so) and I think it helped me when I was younger, I was a major pain from 2nd grade up until 7th grade, getting in fights all the time and I think the spankings and all that helped to put an end to that, now stern lectures get through to me easily 20 times more. Anyway back on track, I thin that if someone in my generation screws up big time what do people do? Make a massive deal about it and stereotype the whole generation from it. It's ridiculous but it happens all the time with such extensive media coverage, people think all (or at least the majority) papparazi are assholes, and all actors/actresses battle with drug and alcohol addictions and all this other *manure* because that's what we hear about all the time, you don't hear about the good so with only the negative to influence opnions it makes the entire generation look like a bunch of lazy, incompetent, arrogant, asses. Regarding the influence of video games I call *manure*. They don't influence your behavior if your parents aren't idiots. You shouldn't be allowed to play a game until you are mature enough to understand that the game is different from real life and that what you do in the game is different from what you do in the real world. In Fallout 3 I'm a wandering guy with a shmancy gun that shoots, kills and plunders at random, but in reality I'm civil, kind on the whole, polite and I treat people with the respect they deserve, I might not like them, I might hate them, but I don'tfight them or kill them because I'm mature enough to not be so naive as to think that the game is a guide to the way to live my life. Games are meant for entertainment in them it might encourage bad behavior but it's because that's entertaining to experience, you're playing a game not real life, if your not mature enough to realise that in the game there aren't lasting consequences but in life you through your entire life away when you shoot someone or steal something then your not mature enough to play that game.
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i hate this *censored* planet people now dont respect there elders and i say all the little snot noised kids should die but thats my opinion and they younger generation need to learn respect
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