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So, How many hours do You play


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Year ago I had a save that I played more than 370 hours, that was my first save ever. After that, for some reasons, I stop after 100 hours and start from the beginning. :whistling:


Now, I'm playing Oblivion again after 2 and a half months and I'm playing 4 hours, hope I will break my own record...............

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Ha I agree spinksy!


I have played Oblivion on the Xbox for two straight years! I know that's insane! I mean, could you imagine playing just Vanilla, only Vanilla, for two years straight? And then, I got my custom build computer, and when I first installed the game it was a little the same except for the controls of course and sitting right up on the screen instead of away from it like you would do with a t.v..


Then one day I found out a little thing called.........wait for it..................MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And oh did it change my entire view of gamming!


If there are any other ex-xbox players out there then you should know exactly what I mean!


And since all that, I have been playing for two more years! So a total of four years playing this game. And it is my all time favorite. But Oblivion is not the only game that I play.....It is just the most played thing. I play Fallout 3 on my PC and every once in a while I will recieve a game from gamefly for my xbox lol. I just have to remember to dust it off every now and again :)

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i longest save is at 226 hours with main quest, deadric shrines, DB, thieves, mages, knights , kotn , and SI done, all houses, all hourse's (armoured) and a collection of weapons and armor in rosethorn hall


i usually play 6-10 hours a day lol

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I was 150 hours in on Xbox, had done everything I could, but I accidentally overwrited the save. My longest character on PC might be 40 to 50 hours.


About playing in general: I usually play only on weekends, if I have nothing better to do, which I often don't. Currently I play Dragon Age: Origins.


When I was playing Borderlands, I had my worst "playing-frenzy" ever: I played the main game + The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC through in three days with my cousin. I'm actually ashamed by this, because I never play that much. I also regret not saving it a bit so that I could have had fun longer and not use it up in a couple of days.


Anyways, it was still an awful lot of fun. :)

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