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A Canadian Perspective on the Mid Terms


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As a footnote to this discussion .....another Senate seat gained in Louisiana from Mary Landrieu in the run off election. That makes a total of nine seats gained in the senate from the mid terms.

And the teeter-totter flips yet again. I wonder if the public will benefit any this time?


Suppose that depends on how you define 'benefit'..... we will see fewer dem policies making it to the oval office for a signature...... but, are the republican policies really any better?

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Though I expected liberal eloquence in defense of policies instead, another sample of the twice repeated talking points.

Sigh....I guess being trapped in an ideological mind set preempts the ability to discuss the actual points.

Revisiting the critic instead of the polices...since the policies might require a more adroit defense than self righteous anger.

So be it, thanks for proving my point about the concept of liberal tolerance.


This has been my experience in political blogs/debates also...It is the main reason I don't participate in political forums much anymore. It seems to devolve into a hyperlink posting contest more often than not....along with personal insults thrown in. Funny thing is, I can remember the days when discussing politics with people never went personal...crack another beer and move on to sports.....and go home friends every night.

Tolerance is not a one way street.


These mid terms were definitely a judgement on Obama's policies...If the moderate liberal faction of the democrat party were in support, they would have turned out to support them. Instead, we had house and senate dems distancing themselves from him.


It's so blatantly obvious.





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Though I expected liberal eloquence in defense of policies instead, another sample of the twice repeated talking points.

Sigh....I guess being trapped in an ideological mind set preempts the ability to discuss the actual points.

Revisiting the critic instead of the polices...since the policies might require a more adroit defense than self righteous anger.

So be it, thanks for proving my point about the concept of liberal tolerance.


This has been my experience in political blogs/debates also...It is the main reason I don't participate in political forums much anymore. It seems to devolve into a hyperlink posting contest more often than not....along with personal insults thrown in. Funny thing is, I can remember the days when discussing politics with people never went personal...crack another beer and move on to sports.....and go home friends every night.

Tolerance is not a one way street.


These mid terms were definitely a judgement on Obama's policies...If the moderate liberal faction of the democrat party were in support, they would have turned out to support them. Instead, we had house and senate dems distancing themselves from him.


It's so blatantly obvious.








I think the inablity to discuss some issues with ideologues is the fact that so many consider anyone who would confront them on things they are so cerain about to be eirher too stupid to talk to or just downright evil. If you look at many of these people, Those on the left usually tought intelligence and call others stupid band those on the right tought morals and condider others as degenerates. They all have their standards, but it would be rather nice if the majority of them would keep them.


As for the Dems running from the President, that has happened before and by parties other than the Dems. I think Pesident Obama has become toxic, not because of what he has done, but what he hasn't done. I think he's trying so hard not to be what he considers a George Bush that he's made himself irelivant.


I think the imigration thing was more than what the right is claming it was. It was a Hale Mary shot from the far side of Oblivion. The only thing is that the Hispanic community isn't stupid and knows when they are being used. If President Obama really wanted to do something for them, he would have done it before the mid terms. I think everyone knows how insincere the man is and that's why the left stayed away in droves.

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As for the Dems running from the President, that has happened before and by parties other than the Dems. I think Pesident Obama has become toxic, not because of what he has done, but what he hasn't done. I think he's trying so hard not to be what he considers a George Bush that he's made himself irelivant.


Have to disagree here, He has not only used many of the policies that he criticized GWB for, he's put some on steroids.....like the NSA 'spying'.


It's a combination of both, as far as what he's done and what he hasn't done. In typical idealouge, head in the clouds, holier than thou fashion....he's managed to piss everybody off. You must remember, with his ilk, everybody else is wrong and he is right. He's the first president I can remember who's ego actually got in the way of his decision making.


It's like Bill Clinton said back in the 2007 dem primaries....."being POTUS is not a job that lends itself to on the job training"...

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Between the Sisters of Mercy suit in the Federal 10th Circuit, the 20 states contesting Obama's Immigration order in Federal Court in Brownsville, SCOTUS re hearing of the Mandate clauses and last but not least Gruber's grilling in front a House Select committee this week....I think that Obama's final two years are definitely going to be a desperate rear guard action for his signature legislation as it unravels.

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As for the Dems running from the President, that has happened before and by parties other than the Dems. I think Pesident Obama has become toxic, not because of what he has done, but what he hasn't done. I think he's trying so hard not to be what he considers a George Bush that he's made himself irelivant.


Have to disagree here, He has not only used many of the policies that he criticized GWB for, he's put some on steroids.....like the NSA 'spying'.


It's a combination of both, as far as what he's done and what he hasn't done. In typical idealouge, head in the clouds, holier than thou fashion....he's managed to piss everybody off. You must remember, with his ilk, everybody else is wrong and he is right. He's the first president I can remember who's ego actually got in the way of his decision making.


It's like Bill Clinton said back in the 2007 dem primaries....."being POTUS is not a job that lends itself to on the job training"...




In what he has added to what President Bush did, he has done in secret and has gone after anyone who has revealed that conduct. He has openly did a said everything that he could to distance himself from GB.


Intent is a very merky subject when you are out to make a name for yourself with those who think in only certain paterns. There are things you need to do, those you want to do and those that you want to be seen doing. That is the trilogy of reality in politics. When telling the truth is called a gaff, reality is quite flexable.

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Between the Sisters of Mercy suit in the Federal 10th Circuit, the 20 states contesting Obama's Immigration order in Federal Court in Brownsville, SCOTUS re hearing of the Mandate clauses and last but not least Gruber's grilling in front a House Select committee this week....I think that Obama's final two years are definitely going to be a desperate rear guard action for his signature legislation as it unravels.



I think it will be a travesty. The potential of the man far outreached his abilty to grasp it.

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In what he has added to what President Bush did, he has done in secret and has gone after anyone who has revealed that conduct. He has openly did a said everything that he could to distance himself from GB.

Amazing, isn't it?


What sort of elitist, egotistical attitude would justify such actions in a human being? The man went from a glorified lawyer/ community organizer to POTUS in what? eight years? He actually had more "present" days in the senate than he did actually participating. Why? Because he was out campaigning.....his specialty, and one talent he continues to excel at to t his day, and continues to prioritize at present. 'Politics first, America second'. That, along with " it's ok for me, but not for you...do as I say, not as I do" should be the democrats tag-line for 2016. :)

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In what he has added to what President Bush did, he has done in secret and has gone after anyone who has revealed that conduct. He has openly did a said everything that he could to distance himself from GB.

Amazing, isn't it?


What sort of elitist, egotistical attitude would justify such actions in a human being? The man went from a glorified lawyer/ community organizer to POTUS in what? eight years? He actually had more "present" days in the senate than he did actually participating. Why? Because he was out campaigning.....his specialty, and one talent he continues to excel at to t his day, and continues to prioritize at present. 'Politics first, America second'. That, along with " it's ok for me, but not for you...do as I say, not as I do" should be the democrats tag-line for 2016. :smile:


That would apply equally to both parties...... or maybe I should say: All parties......

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That would apply equally to both parties...... or maybe I should say: All parties......



Agreed, but, who's "in power" now?

Who's controlled 2/3ds of the legislative branch of our government for the last 7 years?

Which republican rocketed from a local community organizer to POTUS in 8 short years?


I think you get my drift, the republicans are bad, but the democrats are worse.

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