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Morrowind Mods - Nexus Mod Manager


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I used NMM with Skyrim for a while at nearly all Skyrim mods could be downloaded and applied through NMM.


Now ive turned to Morrowind and its just the opposite. Most if not all of the mods for Morrowind will not download with NMM and I have found that a few will on occasion...


Whats up with that?

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Morrowind was released in 2002, NMM Nine years later in 2011 - that means Morrowind mods were not made to work with NMM. Many will and many won't - based on the file structure used by the mod. When Morrowind was released there was no such thing as a mod manager, and ALL mods were installed manually only. Most of the authors of the old Morrowind mods are long gone - so they were never updated to work with a mod manager.


Then, Skyrim was also released in 2011, and modding now had several mod managers that expected mods to have a certain file structure that nearly all mod authors used. Meaning Skyrim mods were made to work with mod managers (including NMM) from the beginning. :thumbsup:

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I use NMM without any seen issues and are 60 hours into my playthrouh with rather "heavy mods" such as wizard island, Wyrmhaven, Solstheim Overhaul and EEC Expansion. The thing I need to do is to manully download the mod (read the funny written and mythical readme) and then make a zip/rar file that follows the structure that Morrowind wants (ie /datafiles/textures and /datafiles/meshes).

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