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What's the worst/best thing you've done lately?


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Ok guys, so I'm at work and I'm bored. I'm to tired to go picture hunting like I usualy do, so I decided I like to hear what you guys have been up to/done lately more, be it good or bad, than just lurking around, reading topics I have close to no clue about.


Worst: I ate some spicy food today and my stomach is turning it's back on me for doing that. (I actualy ate to much spicy food, but I am ashamed to admit that outside the "walls").


Best: I helped some of my clients with something that's not on the "must be done" list and I received a nice reward(no spoils sorry).


So what have you been up to lately?

Note: For the bad/worst stuff you have done, remember the rules of the forum before you post, thanks. :)

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The worse thing is I am painting my house. :sick: :sick: :sick:

I simply hate that kind of job. I can find at least 100 of other things i´d rather do.


The best I have done was helping a friend. She had a virus spreading through her e-mail adress system,

and forced her computer to it´s knees. 12 hour of hair ripping hard work, but I succeeded. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


And the very best I did: I got tickets for The Wall concert with Roger Waters in Copenhagen May 7th 2011 WOOOOOT :woot:

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Alright, time to post.


Worst misdeeds I've been up to lately? hmm. Well I think I gave an old lady a heart attack. You see I was on the way home from work in my van, which I had originaly bought because I thought it was a cool car but really was more trouble than it was worth. So I'm driving down my street, and shift down to pull into my driveway, the deceleration causes the engine to backfire very very loudly, and the old lady walking past jumps a METRE! into the air in shear terror. One minute, silence, the next, a bang like a howitzer firing.


Best? set aside my entire usual day schedual to be with my new girlfriend, who had a bad virus. I feel good about that since she was a lot more comfortable-and recovered a lot more quickly than if I'd been a selfish ass and left her alone.

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Worst: Telling my sister she could drive my LX Torana. She ground the gears *Cringe*


Best: Helping her move out of house. Feels good man.


best? shooting an EVE vigilante who had attacked me and my girlfriend, protecting my lady's honour and making some ISK in the process.


good? finaly getting window seals for my '76 falcon, and a heater, too bad it's about to be spring, but anyway, it's almost finished.


bad? winning a game of StarCraft II with the cheesiest, most lazy assed tactic ever, the baneling rush.


worst? killing him after he ejected. mwuahahahahaha! (the EVE equivalent of tea-bagging him, very costly for him) :devil:

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