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What armor or clothing would you like to see in oblivion?


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Continuing my What type of "blank" would you like to see in oblivion topic. tell me what kinda clothes, armor, apparel, etc that you wanna see in oblivion. I personally would like to have a hatchetman necklace ( for those who do not know what the hatchet man is its the symbol of Insane clown posse, a really f***ed up rap group in the U.S.), some witchblade armor (from the anime not the comic book) and a set of clothes from different anime series like: inuyasha, bleach, death note and final fantasy X-2.
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I would like to see more light armour that actually looks like armour. Everything is either tin-can heavy armour (I agree 100% with Maro Rufus on that topic!), or silk bikini `light armour'. In general, I would like to see more armour made for/converted to TGND, because its lack of options is the only thing I do not like about it.


In clothing, I would like to see more lore-appropriate clothing. Perhaps introduce different styles from different nations by having clothing sets themed around each race (kind of like that awesome `real swords' project). Pants would be good too. If my character is a female thief, I either have to choose between leaping between buildings in a skirt(!), wearing only her underwear(!), or something ugly like Sackcloth Pants. More pants options would be great!

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The Hashshashin Armor is quite nice, and very much along the lines of what I look for in armour mods. I have never tried the Dreadweave, as it looks too sinister for the kinds of characters I play.


Probably my favourite light armour so far is Athol Brose. Another skirt, but it *looks* like it is light armour strapped over clothing, and I can switch between the armour and clothing to make it look like I am taking off the armoured parts when around town. Even better, it is fitted for most (all?) body mods :)

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Geez obviousley i need to look more thoroughley through the clothing mods. I havent even heard of half of those lol.
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I'd like to see All vanilla Armor & Clothing adapted to Double Melons GUTS body replacer...

I posted a post in forum, but................... :confused:

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