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What armor or clothing would you like to see in oblivion?


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I would like to see:


  1. More clothing for each social class that actually looks like it belongs to that social class. Unfortunately, a great many of the clothing mods out there are intended to be "sexy", but the time-frame, here, is roughly Medieval Europe from what I can tell, and the clothing then tended to be quite utilitarian, except for the better-dressed upper class.
  2. Armor that actually looks like armor. I know. This is a fantasy game, so knock yourself out with the spikes and crests or let your enemies knock you out when you put on that stuff that's so skimpy it would get you arrested for indecent exposure if you walked down the streets of most U.S. cities wearing it. Unfortunately, Oblivion doesn't penalize you for wearing armor that doesn't actually cover your body, but that's another issue.
  3. Two-piece alternatives to the "robe". It's annoying that a robe takes up two places on the body (which means one less enchanted piece of clothing you can wear).

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Oh I hear yer. But really, people like us have to make that stuff for ourselves. Some really epic armour is out there, but for the most part, people use sites like the nexus for uploading skimp and little else sadly. It's genuinely sad, we've got such an aawesome toolset and we use it to make softcore porn :(


But anyway, criticising does nothing, so we may aswell make our own, Each to his own, even if that's a catgirl in a bikini with breasts the size of Canada.

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Don't take me wrongly, Vindekarr. I don't mind skimp, softcore porn, or even hardcore porn in Oblivion. This game is big enough to handle it all. My problem is that the "skimp", as well as the overly fanciful stuff people wear for "armor", seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, throughout the fantasy genre, whether you're looking at games, movies, or even literature. There comes a point at which the options available, if you're into that sort of thing, reach ludicrous levels, while the more "reasonable" stuff, that those of us into realism, role-playing, and immersion prefer, have a few paltry options available. I lamented about this in a different thread with regard to the plethora of armor and clothing available for the HGEC female body, which is clearly inferior to the Robert's female body when you examine them in detail side-by-side, and yet comparatively few modders are supporting the Robert's model. Something gets popular, and then it almost becomes a mantra for modders, who then ignore the many other venues for their skills. It's not unlike the virtual stranglehold that Microsoft has on PC operating systems. It's hard to shake the incumbent off his high horse.


I'd make stuff for my own characters if I could, but in attempting to model and create textures, I've convinced myself that I simply have no talent for that sort of thing. I applaud those of you who can do it, but as a user, rather than a creator of such content for Oblivion, I'm at the mercy of those who can ... and most of those who can have chosen not to. That's their prerogative, of course, and I don't criticize them for their decisions. It just leaves me with a pretty lame set of options for my characters, so I concentrate upon utility, rather than eye candy, in this game.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I would like to see armor from the movie Kingdom of Heaven, I found one mod that has the Jerusalem armor, but i would like to all the armor from the movie :) that includes the style of helmets and gloves and greaves etc. I would do it myself, but I have no experience with blender or modding in general :P
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Don't take me wrongly, Vindekarr. I don't mind skimp, softcore porn, or even hardcore porn in Oblivion. This game is big enough to handle it all. My problem is that the "skimp", as well as the overly fanciful stuff people wear for "armor", seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, throughout the fantasy genre, whether you're looking at games, movies, or even literature. There comes a point at which the options available, if you're into that sort of thing, reach ludicrous levels, while the more "reasonable" stuff, that those of us into realism, role-playing, and immersion prefer, have a few paltry options available. I lamented about this in a different thread with regard to the plethora of armor and clothing available for the HGEC female body, which is clearly inferior to the Robert's female body when you examine them in detail side-by-side, and yet comparatively few modders are supporting the Robert's model.


1. Sex sells.

2. I've always found Robert's female body replacer a bit too mannish compared to HGEC/Exnem.

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The chainmail bikini look drives me mental, too, and it does seem to be more common than functional armour.


I'm not sure this is the place for me to get on my soapbox about gender, so I'll refrain... I'll just leave it at "this annoys me". I'd much rather have functional armour for my characters than having them look like they've stepped out of some lonely fourteen year old's hentai folder :/


It's not like I want aforementioned mods to disappear but... man, just having a chance to find decent female armour mods amongst all the HURR HURR LEWK BEWBIES!!1 ones would be refreshing.


I'd hardly call robert's mod "mannish" either, it just doesn't look like a blowup doll :/

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2. I've always found Robert's female body replacer a bit too mannish compared to HGEC/Exnem.

Maybe that's because you're used to all the überfem bodies that litter pornography and other fantasy. Robert's female body is a normal, average woman. I look very like that IRL, myself, and I've never been accused of appearing "mannish". In fact, I know quite a few women who would kill to look like that. Not everyone has hips that can compete with a horse or boobs that can compete with a cow, and not everyone actually appreciates those features on an otherwise, trim body. The EGEC/Exnem body meshes have some severe problems. It's one of the reasons our very own AlienSlof doesn't support them with her own mods and supports Robert's bodies (male and female) exclusively. I simply got tired of a reasonably good body plagued with stick-like arms and legs, and that's why I switched to Robert's female body for my female characters.


My desire is to see almost any armor or clothing which is non-skimpy (since modern "sexy" fashions are immersion-breaking for me in this game) that are wearable without clipping on the Robert's muscular male body and the Robert's female body. Unfortunately, getting anyone to design clothing which is relevant to the implied time period in Oblivion, or to design armor that looks like it would actually be functional, is like trying to pull eye teeth. As you said ... "sex sells" ... and I guess that applies to modders, too, who get "paid" in downloads rather than in the satisfaction of having done something which adds realism, rather than eroticism, to the game. This is nothing against the erotic. A lot of that stuff looks fantastic, and one of the reasons I use the muscular body from Robert's set is because I love AlienSlof's work (and that's the body she mods for), but for my characters I'm usually going to go with "normal" fashion unless there's a special occasion that would dictate otherwise.


erszebet: I couldn't have said it better, or more eloquently, myself. :)

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Ferryt, we're friends now, okay? :P


The only problem I've had with Robert's mod so far is that on women, the dremora textures I'm using are a bit buggy. There's minor seams on the shoulders and since AlienSlof redid the face textures for her male dremora, there's a really bad seam on the neck.

It's no big deal since I usually wear fairly covering armour, but it can be a little annoying when I'm wearing light arena raiments, for example.


I don't mean to make a value judgement about the body replacers / armours that are more erotic, reading my post again I did seem pretty snarky. It's just a bit of a berserk button for me, I guess!


I also have a big thing about armour having to at least be convincingly functional. I got into an argument on another forum just this morning about armour for a male character that had the stomach exposed. Um, what? Is he really not that fond of his intestines or something? :P


Back on topic: I'd really like some more stealth-type armour in the vein of the Dark Brotherhood getup, preferably with nicer stats. The Dark Brotherhood armour is pretty damn classy looking, but at higher levels it's not really holding up too well.

Also more armour in general for Roberts mods, I can't seem to find many :c

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