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Beam Weapons


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Dear Readers,


I don't know how many threads like this one currently exist. i admit i didn't check. but perhaps the topic has grown stale in other threads and someone needs a space to develop interest in their mod, or a place to list newly produced ideas.

personally i have little to no modding experience, likely do to my inability to do any coding, or utilize 3D modeling software. but my idea nonetheless is this.


A weapon, likely using the model for the laser rifle which fires a solid beam. not a pulsed laser like the vanilla laser weapons. as long as the fire button is held, it fires a beam.


if anybody who reads this thread can and is willing to make this mod, go ahead. if it works out great, maybe say you got the idea from my thread, your choice, I'm no credit hog.


possible things to consider


beam color (red is overdone)

realistically to do the same damage as a laser rifle, power consumption would make the rifle version use ECPs, the pistol use MF cells, and the heavy weapon (possibly a shoulder mounted SPARTAN laser-esque missile launcher remodel, with the gatling laser backpack) using five ECPs per ten seconds.

and ammo consumption- how much ammo does firing it for five or ten seconds use?

where does the player acquire the weapons.

how much hp does each weapon have


if you read this thread and can't make this mod, but have ideas relating to beam weapons--post them!


Edit: new idea


tesla pistol, tesla rifle.

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In reply to evilneko,


i checked out the EVE you mentioned. and i gotta say he's got some great stuff, but i didn't see weapons like those i described above. i also found a file called charger weapons, which looked a little like my idea, but i think those still work like vanilla lasers, except for graphic differences and using the weapon's health as an ammo meter that recharges over time.


i don't know if Wei Jiesen and Cipscis are still modding, but if anyone can get in contact with them this thread may be worth mentioning.


As for Nadin,


when you say you've tried it before, do you mean you've tried to make a mod like this before? and what do you mean by flamer like projectile? more detail would help.

also, you offer to do modeling work on the weapons is greatly appreciated. just keep up with the thread, and get in contact with others who want to possibly make this mod happen.


and to all readers. remember, this thread is a jumping off point. post your mod or links to mods relating to the topic, or just commentary or ideas.

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I've tried making a beam weapon. As seen in the videos, it causes jerky animations and lots of lag. To solve this, you would need a custom projectile model which, like the flamer projectile, is animated. You also seem to want a new model for the gun itself. I was saying that if you get those, I should be able to set up you gun for you.
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I've tried making a beam weapon. As seen in the videos, it causes jerky animations and lots of lag. To solve this, you would need a custom projectile model which, like the flamer projectile, is animated. You also seem to want a new model for the gun itself. I was saying that if you get those, I should be able to set up you gun for you.


what if the beams used the tesla cannon beam on a smaller scale, with a recolor (possibly). that would still look very beam-like, and I'm pretty sure it's already animated.

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what if you guys stop trying to figure out particle systems yourself and let saiden handle it for you?






sure, if he wants in on this, i watched the videos you posted and it looks okay. but what nadin is saying seems to me to be more around determining how damage is dealt on impact, if I'm reading his posts right.

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dunno, sounded to me liked he needs 'animated projectiles'. which he means particle systems in the case of the flamer. even though the beam weapons saiden did aren't made completely with particles. :shrug: dunno.


anyway, saiden already fulfilled your original request for a beam weapon, or at least took care of most of it.


unless you don't like the look of the projectiles. in which case good luck deciphering the particles- you will have start with a vanilla nif and edit from there to get the effect you want. there is no way to export custom ones. saiden aparently hex edited some of his custom one into workable nifs. but that will be far beyond anyone else most likely. so beware, they will probably be quite confusing for a while if are new to them. and it is mad tedious as you don't have a realtime update display of them. but it is certianly well within the realm of doable.

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