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Im Disappointed, Sad and Angry


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I’m very disappointed in the way this forums been, it’s neither the staff nor Robin. It’s these new people. I’ve been on this site for what…..4 years now. All the mods if released in these recent years, have been bombarded by this exaggerated line of so-called “Constructive Criticism”


No……….not anymore this new age stuff people are claiming is straight insulting. People really need to go take a little look down Google lane and find out what the hell Constructive Criticism means. Saying that it sucks, look like **** and needs to have this and that? Otherwise it just looks ***……you can’t throw a label on that and call it Constructive Criticism. People need to learn a little respect and show some. I’m not sure how moderators stand on this subject.


First things first. I’m Imperialmodder I was banned by Buddah. I really liked Buddah. But I was banned for posting a mod I actually spent quite some time on. But I foolishly jumped the gun, quite literally, and used a sound that was against TOS Rules, it was from another game. My bad I should have thought about it, I admit it. But I think I deserved a warning, but it’s ok I accepted the ban. It bums me out because how fast it happed and how I had no chance to speak for myself. I mean I may get banned again RIGHT now because people know who I am now. Or because of this post, Oh well that’s life but I want my message to get out to everyone. Usually when I do a post like this on any forum even if my intentions were just venting NOT flaming, it results in a ban. But this is the one of the first forums I’ve ever been on I came here when I was 12. I remember Buddah defending me from those awful so-called Constructive Criticism spammers back in the day when I was just a youngster. Even my mod was controversial or even a little offending he still did. So for him to so quickly ban me………man………..it hurt.


My point is with this mob of people slamming down my mods, retextures and what not, working hard to have someone say it looks ***. Than this isn’t even worth my time and effort. I’m not leaving the forums I’m not sure I ever could even it a moderator tried to make sure. My efforts to contact Robin about my ban on Imp, has been most difficult. I’m not sure he will ever read it, I mean he’s a busy guy, don’t have time for me right…..no time for a soldier.


It’s a shame, when I joined here it was a fun bust positive place. Lots of mods activities help if you needed it. It’s all gone downhill and it’s sad, people might claim its all good it great, “What the **** are you talking about.” It’s getting to big. It’s like when your child hood house, gets bought by crack head, and the spitting on the place you used to sit draw chalk on. I’m leaving in 5 months official for the Army in March, so I needed a global goodbye. I hope someone here can be a little respectful and companionate and understand what I’m saying. I won’t be surprised if these just get delete or very not nice responses. But it will only show I was more right then I hoped. I’d like to say to:


Buddah: You’re a good moderator if I ever had a big forum you be my main man. I can understand maybe you just forgot me, or who I was, or maybe that connection just never existed either way, know that people appreciate you, not in a suck up way, know that IM NOT ONE.


Alienslof: I’ve always tried to contact you over the years, either through you site or here, much like Robin I never connected, it saddens me I had great ideas and thoughts, that we could have worked together and made some great stuff.


Robin:……..robin……………..you’ve always been the man in machine.


With that said I take my leave. I loved this place…………..almost and online home……felt good here…..once.

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Not sure if you'll ever come back to see any replies or not, but did you even try to contact the mods through the contact page after you were banned? And yeah, this second account will be banned as soon as they notice...
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Possibly, possibly not. Generally, when people make a mistake and are able to get their word across, showing they are understanding of the reasons they were banned and show they will not do such things again or have learned a lesson (depending, of course, on the severity of the ban) and a buncha etcs (Very tired, better adjectives elude me.) they can and a lot of the times do get reinstated (unbanned.)


If the moderators feel the same for this guy then he'll either get this one banned and Imp unbanned, or Imp'll stay banned and this guy'll stay. Multiple accounts is for sure just not going to stay, and quite potentially if he's reinstated he'll be put on Strike 1 or 2 for the multi-account, but... My mind is wandering... I'm going to get to the main point before I forget it.


1: Chillax dude. The forums aren't full of trolls and flamers. Yes, they are around, but take, for example, another controversial topic in which I will not respond to any negativity on the issue: Juggalos.


I am a Juggalo, and proud of it. The fact of the matter is that our culture of Juggaloism (the religion) and just plain flat out Juggalo are so widely misunderstood it's not funny. This causes three main things to happen:

1: People have no idea what we actually are, stand for, believe in and ETC and are either

2: People think we're some gang (we're not. Very community-based, peaceful people who just happen to have different beliefs.)

3: Juffalos. Juffalos are people who think they're Juggalos and do everything against what a Juggalo stands for. The best example would be the A is to B situation, regarding Terrorists and Muslims. Muslims = Good. Muslims = Not want us dead because we're not them. Terrorists = Bad. Terrorists = Not at all what a true Muslim stands for. They give a bad name to the real people and, because the media NEVER reports about the Juggalo who helped an old woman cross the street and ONLY report about the "Juggalo" who shot up a gay bar (actually happened, this was a major Juffalo. Like... Sad as heck. He was to "bad a**es" what Choe from Virginia Tech was to not-retarded idiots. (I know it hasn't been 22.3 years, but this isn't a 'haha' joke, so don't worry.) Most people only know of the Juffalos and aren't aware of it. They think that's what a Juggalo is and that is the main reason we are hated. We aren't that, we don't commit a bunch of petty crimes for no reason or bash on anyone because of their ethnicity, belief, opinions, sexual orientation or anything. As a matter of fact the Juggalos are one of the most ethnically diverse, differing all-around people. Which confuses me as to how nobody realized that the media is reporting on posers, not the real deal.... But anyways.


It's basically the media case here. There are over 1.7 million members, not even 1% of them have been banned or striked because of flaming or trolling. 80% don't comment because they either don't care to take the time out of their day, haven't anything to really say, or just know to bite their tongue. 19.9% comment correctly, while .1%, barely, are just a-holes. Don't lose hope, it only appears we are surrounded by intolerant idiots. Trust me, I know how it feels.... I soooooo know. Just like with the Juggalo Juffalo case, when someone I meet tells me they are a Juggalo I don't question it. I don't actually expect them to be a Juffalo because I know they make up a very small amount of people who call themselves Juggalos. And yet it doesn't take long for me to realize they are totally not Juggalos. After a while it seams like I'm surrounded by idiots, that is, of course, until I compare the numbers from the real people I've met to the fake.


As for back to the ban thing.



Not many people are aware, but I too have been banned. Except in my case there was absolutely no true grounds for it. I mean, there was good precautionary reasoning involved which is why I never held a beef with LHammonds, which I'm good friends with since before it happened, (which did make a "Whaaaaaat????"" feeling for me as well at the time.) I'll actually explain the whole scenario.


It was a LONG time ago, quite a long time.... If I look at the correct post maybe I can get the right date.. One sec....







User ID:



13:21, 11 November 2007



Three years ago.


Hmm.. Seamed longer...


Anyways, I came to the forums with a Post Secret


idea about Oblivion. People telling me anonymously by either an Email (which I specified to be made up and one time use so it IS anonymous) or if they didn't care I saw who they were, PM, but that none of the secrets would be matched with a name their secrets about Oblivion. Either little things they have done, like kill all the Bruma guards in the Great Hall of the castle and put out the lights using Thieves Arsenal and arrange their bodies in a maniacal way. (Hee hee hee...) (forty times at least) (literally) (I once kept count.) (I'm not joking.) (except they were different castles.) (and sometimes I did it outside of the great hall, but always was sadistic) (I'm evil.) (And love it.) or whatever it be.


Well, someone raised to question why I ever included the dreaded word of "Email", because you know anyone looking for an email address is obviously trying to use it to spam you or hack you because that's what Email was invented for. LHammonds banned me. Now, I can understand that it could be viewed like that. I've seen how tricky these people get, so I never had hard feelings for him. I looked through every "Contact" venue I could find and finally got a hold of Mr. Scott's email address, (Ironically this was also the resolution) and he promptly unbanned me after hearing my side of the story. Guess what the first thing I did when I was unbanned? Ensured that "Ranokoasmods" was. (banned, that is.) No, actually the first thing I did was light up and have a toke because I was distraught by the situation and then extremely relieved through its ending. (God I have no life. :( ) (I'd make a perfect Moderator, huh? I have absolutely no life and am on soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. I'd be the 24/7 vigilant person >_< lol. Nah, I do sometimes sleep. Lol. Kind of makes me want to cry the more I think about it until I remember I forgot how. lol) (And now I'm smiling looking at Houdini, the Mexican Red Knee, (As opposed to the Notmexican NotRed Elbow) tarantula because even though I have no life, she EATS things while they live!!!) God I'm digressing..


I've seen a lot of people offer great constructive criticism. Hell, I'll quote myself from a little while ago:


Please don't take this as anything but constructive criticism for future references:


I am extremely turned off on the entire idea due to the description. It is very unprofessional, horrible grammar and punctuation, multiple run-ons. This really makes me think that the mod will be the quality of the description.


I do not mean to be rude, I am interested in the idea, yes, but I really think that you need to hear my honest opinion. I've seen absolutely awesome mods before that do so much and are soooo good that get so very little attention due to poor description.


If this is just due to English quite possibly not being your first language (as is the case with a lot of the Nexus), or whatever else, I will offer you me rewriting it, including all of the information provided, in a more professional way. (send me a PM if you want this though, as I might not check back to this page.)


Welcome to modding, I am excited that your first mod is so grand a concept, and look forward to seeing more. Even if not for this related issue, I would be happy to help you with any information, troubleshooting, or anything in the future should you need it.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



Very much a critique, a lot of criticism at the beginning, but constructive and not insulting. Potentially hurtful as I'm sure he put in effort, but in no way insulting.


I wish you well, my friend. But I have to stop the post very soon as my internet is showing sings of "I am not going to last the night" again. Good luck in the military, I, myself, plan on joining the Navy within the next few years. I hope you get unbanned, I hope you return, and I hope you can find new light in these following words.


Flashlight, fire, lightbulb, the sun, a candle, turned on television, flashbang, Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively, LED and of course "Luke, use the force" saber. Or, if you are a family guy fan, "Luke, use the force", "are you sure, cause I was just ganna...", "Use, use the force...", "Okaaay...." *Screams* "Are you happy now?" "I've never been happy." saber.


Also I hope the following words will help you to heal:


Band-aid, neosporin and heart-transplant.


And I hope the following words make you think of monkeys:


Shoes, cigarette butts, plastic bowls and nonrefundable.


And the following words to help you not think the community is filled with trolls.


"Humans Only - All Others Will be Shot", also, you needn't worry, as

"For every voice that carries arrogance, there are a thousand silent minds filled with blissful insight and modesty." ~ Ranokoa


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I should also mention (And refuse to EDIT as it will mess up my message) that Dark0ne doesn't respond very often if the situation doesn't absolutely need it because he has potentially thousands of PMs and emails a day. It takes me a week to get responded to through PM. Quite simply, he's a busy man.


As for AlienSlof, I don't know why she doesn't respond to you, but if you need a message conveyed I shall do it for you. She is not one at all to ignore people to just be rude, so do not worry as that's not the case. Whatever the case it she has a legitimate reason. She always has, always will, and that's why I respect her so much. She can have her opinions and emotions and toss them aside for the proper time and be professional no matter what, and respectful to even those who don't deserve it.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Maybe titling your message "URGENT WARNING! DIRE CONSEQUENCES IF NOT RESPONDED TO WITH BANANAS" will catch the attention of future PMs.

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I’m very disappointed in the way this forums been, it’s neither the staff nor Robin. It’s these new people. I’ve been on this site for what…..4 years now. All the mods if released in these recent years, have been bombarded by this exaggerated line of so-called “Constructive Criticism”




With that said I take my leave. I loved this place…………..almost and online home……felt good here…..once.


I'll leave it up to Buddah to decide your fate, since he was the one who banned you originally.


However, I will say this to you as one modder to another, a modder who has suffered endless hate and trolling:


Keep on modding. Mod for YOU. Not for them. If you then want to share it, do so, and there will always be someone who likes it - and someone who doesn't. Share it, but disable all endorsements, commenting and discussions. Take away the troll's ability to speak and ye shall know peace. Take it from one who knows. I don't allow commenting any more - the peace I now get is wonderful. If people need to report a bug, or simply tell me they like my work, I am only a PM away. I've come to the realisation that if someone has a problem with something I've made and shared selflessly, then it's THEIR problem, not mine. Some members of the human race can be a narrow-minded and intolerant lot.


Hope I can at least put it into perspective for you.

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God I so wished I remembered most of his post by the time I was done making, then deleting as it was flame-bait unintentionally (again, it is a controversial example and I had to reword it so people have less to try to troll about) then retype it again I forgot most of his post. I woulda said the same thing, and now I didn't have a chance to. Except I wouldn't have said to leave out endorsements or comments. I've never really had a problem with people trolling my mods because I've never made a mod that COULD be trolled for its category... I did have this one troll though, he never got banned and I can't remember his name, nor does the page exist anymore so I can't find out either, that continually harassed my City Stealth Exits mod... I don't quite remember how it went though. I have a good memory, but I chose to ignore as much of the detail as I could, otherwise they win!


But yes, what she said was absolutely correct. Mod for you and you alone.


Whenever I mod for "not me", it would be in circumstances only like Fort Death. I mod that for me and me alone, although it has become the heterosexual lovechild of pronam and I, and we have sooooo much fun making it, however, we do from time to time include a feature that, although we aren't making it for ourselves, we wouldn't not like it if it was there, that we know the majority of downloaders will love. We only do this out of a "thank you" respect to the people who have offered either their ideas, support, criticism or fanship of the mod or us in general. So, if you wanted, you could do the same.


Never make a mod for anyone but you, and only when you have people to have gratitude toward, include something for them that you wouldn't hate being there. You made it for you, you made it better for those who love the mods you make for you. And if they don't like it? Then make it worse. Ruin it. Pretend that you are taking their flame for constructive criticism, ask the admins NOT to ban this person quite yet, PM and get every detail that that particular person wants in your mod that they said should either be there or be different, and do everything they said to do, but make it HORRIBLE. And do it so it looks like you did it on purpose.


If they said, "Ya, this sucks because there is no companion. If there was a companion it'd be great, but right now it sucks." Look at what they put under the "Gender" and if it's a guy, custom mesh just a giant male genital and make it a new race and use that as a companion. I mean it man, like ruin it for them. Totally and completely. I'm not trying to sound inappropriate or immature here, I am be absolutely serious. This is the kind of stuff I do IRL to get IRL trolls to not only be shown that they do not have any power over you, but it is EXTREMELY therapeutic. It's essentially luring them in, raising them high above the ground using their own ego as a floating device, only to take it all away so they fall on the ground harder. But put up an uncanny act of innocence the whole time. Don't flame-bait, just ruin them.


You have no idea how satisfying it is to do so. Especially when you do it so properly and maniacally that they have little idea they just got completely served, all the while be horribly disappointed. Just try to be as careful as possible that it doesn't open a situation of a flame-war, most of the fun is being able to hit em hard without the chance of that. Also makes GREAT stories to tell your friends.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Blocking comments is a good thing. :) I have comments blocked most of the time, because they serve no purpose to me--they just annoy me, really.
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I remember you, ImperialModder.


There's something a little heartwarming about this thread. Perhaps it's the way you describe the Nexus as a childhood home. Either way, I like it.


Hopefully everything will smooth out for you. And you're right to an extent, it has gotten a bit rougher here. As more people and the community gets larger, you will inevitably encounter more less savory people. On top of that, the staff has an ever-growing pile of stuff to deal with, Robin having the worst of it by far.


I think it's good you made this thread. Sometimes it's a good last resort when all other attempts at communication have failed.


I wish you the best of luck in the future.

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Member has been reinstated after a short conversation in pm's,


It is not the act that is important, it is owning your actions that shows who you are.



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