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Im Disappointed, Sad and Angry


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...Things have changed a lot recently and it angers me . There has been a lot of adult mods lately and apparently that's all that people want to download.Everytime there is a new BBB conversion or a new adult mod people rush to download it and endorse and make file of the month. It doesn't give a chance for good Oblivion Mods to have a chance to be recognized whatsoever. I know about 10 - 20 modders who have pretty much quit modding because of this. No one seems to want to play good decent mods anymore...

Modders don't quit modding because of this. Show your work with read-me, videos, images, ..., advertise only and wait for the downloading intentions before giving your work (uploading), a good mod asks always a lot of time. In any case, Tesnexus is a good site to present a mod and simply serve as link. In the near future, "Downloading intentions" could be a new interesting option as "Total DLs", "Unique DLs", "Views", ...
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...Things have changed a lot recently and it angers me . There has been a lot of adult mods lately and apparently that's all that people want to download.Everytime there is a new BBB conversion or a new adult mod people rush to download it and endorse and make file of the month. It doesn't give a chance for good Oblivion Mods to have a chance to be recognized whatsoever. I know about 10 - 20 modders who have pretty much quit modding because of this. No one seems to want to play good decent mods anymore...

Modders don't quit modding because of this. Show your work with read-me, videos, images, ..., advertise only and wait for the downloading intentions before giving your work (uploading), a good mod asks always a lot of time. In any case, Tesnexus is a good site to present a mod and simply serve as link. In the near future, "Downloading intentions" could be a new interesting option as "Total DLs", "Unique DLs", "Views", ...


I'm sorry?

I have put my work on hold because of BBB and adult mods who get all the attention, and I know for a fact I am not the only one - far from.

If you put time into something you want it to get attention, and that is simply not possible with all the teenage boys endorsing BBB and only BBB (and other adult manga suits that make your character look like she's a manga alien)

No offense intended.

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You have to be aware for what kind of users you modding, if you modding a game like this. Most of them are kids. Even if you would delete all adult/manga mods and whatsoever, the interest for epic roleplaying mods wouldn't raise. You must ask yourself, if you want the attention of some kids and mod something, that fits their interests (boobs, guns) or if you want create something, that you proud of by yourself. Modding for the audience will mostly lead to frustration. It's just like with sales for games. Every common Shooter-Game gets high sales, while most games with innovative concepts, complexity and new ideas are not sold well. In consequence there are less and less games like that. But as a modder, you can ignore this and really mod what you like to do. It doesn't matter if anyone likes it, as long as you enjoy making it. Because the crouds will never appreciate games or mods, that aren't mainstream. Yes, mainstream in modding does exist, it's like said, new guns, new graphics, new girls stuff and so on. No need to follow it.
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Welcome back, ImperialModder!


It's very nice to see you return.


And to everyone else here, the simplest truth in modding is this: do it for yourself.


If you create a mod that you want to play, then if others enjoy it that is incidental.

It's when you start out deliberately trying to please an audience that you can get discouraged.


You shouldn't be modding 'for' anyone but yourself, or you'll get sick of it quickly.

We don't work for anyone, we create these mods because we enjoy doing so.


I usually leave the comments open for suggestions, but I'll skim them and if none of them take my fancy or I disagree, I just ignore them. When you're dealing with deliberate trolls or flamers just click the 'report' button and the moderators will do the rest.

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I know I'm new here, but I've been visiting for a while before I registered.


I can 100% agree with the sentiment that ignoring trolls is the way to go. Not even giving them the option to diss is great.

I was reading another forum earlier today and I had to stop after a while. Why? Because they trolled the hell out of an old game I happened to enjoy. I wasn't participating in the conversation, but just reading some of the posts made me annoyed. Having something you enjoy crapped on by ignorant fools is bad enough, but having something you spent love and time on dissed by incompetent people who are often too lazy to do anything themselves, that just takes the cake.


On the flip side, it's great when people do comment positively. Perhaps some people can more easily overlook the trolls than others?


There's another site that has a lot of episodic videos posted every week. Most get a decent amount of comments (nothing like youtube mind you). Some comments are full of praise, but some are negative. It's interesting to see that some of the most successful creators completely ignore the posts. I think they don't even read them. Others engage the readers and it's often to reply to negative comments. Perhaps they feel they need to defend what they made, but I think those that completely ignore the comments are those who sleep the soundest at night.


Anyway, you'll have time to broaden your horizons while you're serving, so I wish you good luck with that. It can be a very rewarding experience, especially if you make sure to take advantage of every opportunity they give you.

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Well, I'm not giving up. :) I just don't give a monkey's.


Quoted for Truth.


I couldn't give a great big toss about ratings or how many downloads or file of the month. I don't care for the big bouncing boobie mods, so I don't download them. I ignore them and loook for stuff I do like. I'm certainly not bothered if those mods overtake mine. I don't mod for the ego, for I don't have much of one. I mod for me. I share because I like to, because I believe creativity should be encouraged. If just one person downloads it, then sharing it was worthwhile to me. I don't mod for glory, never have done. I mod for the personal challenge, or because I want that item in my game.


If no one else wants it, I don't care. I have fun making them and using them. Everything else is secondary.

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I'm sorry?

I have put my work on hold because of BBB and adult mods who get all the attention, and I know for a fact I am not the only one - far from.

If you put time into something you want it to get attention, and that is simply not possible with all the teenage boys endorsing BBB and only BBB (and other adult manga suits that make your character look like she's a manga alien)

No offense intended.


If people can't be bothered to look past the top 50 then it's their loss, why let their laziness stop you doing what you enjoy?

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I completely agree with AlienSlof

It's the main reason I got into modding myself.

Because I enjoy it and if at least 1 person downloads it and actually LIKES it. Then that it was worth making.

Only thing that ticks me off is people commenting on a mod that don't AGREE with it.

If you don't agree with it, don't look or even bother with it.

That's why I never get involved with all those nude mods, I don't agree with them because the excuse of "Realism" isn't good enough for me.

But I don't go around ranting about them, I never even mention them because if people want them, it's their game.


Do what YOU want to do.

Make whatever your mind thinks of.

Upload it if you want.

and most importantly. ENJOY IT.


You only live once (Or twice... or inifnite times depending on what you believe)

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