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Need help with my problem.


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I have a problem and I'm hoping someone will be able to help me. I recently downloaded the mod to replace animations, it worked fine at first, but now it causes my game to crash if I try to load up one of my saves, or even start a new game.


"Model Load Error: Meshes\MercoCreature.NIF cannot load file in Meshes\MercoCreature.NIF.

Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF."


That is what is says but the files are there beside the Marker_Error.NIF , What can I possibly do to solve this issue?


Any and all help will be appreciated, Thanks in advance.

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I have had similar probllems, but not with that particular mod. If you use your PC for long periods without de-fragging, the nif file in question becomes so fragmented the gme cannot find it, thus it uses the default nif.


The best way do correct this is to use a good disk defragmenter - I use Diskeeper 10 - regularly, and by that I mean after avery session playing the game. Whilst you may feel this is not needed as you haave a large hard drive or drives, it is not true, it doesn't matter how big the drive, it will still need defragmenting on a regular basis.


In fact if you haaven't defragged your drive for a long time, then be prepared to spend at least an afternoon[doing just that. I can assure you that you will be pleased at the result, and you'll find your computer will run a bit faster as well.

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