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mod annoyances

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my annoyance: while looking for a new race mod all i see are female savegames armor and races ello oblivion is not a dres half ndue game so i would like to complain about the alrge number of female character saves and armour cant even find male rogue armour or a good robe for my mage and alot of CM aprtners are female wich realy bugs me c'mon an argonian hunter with a cute elf traveling with him think not i prefefr another male rogue (race is unneccesary) to make it look realisticer so can some admin create 3 seperate lists one for male one for female and one for houses ,mounts armours that can be used on both and other things but races and aprtners apart cus it realy bugs me that this site is being flodoed by annoying looking females
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I know this isn't exactly what you asked for, but since you're not likely to get it, here are a few male CM Partners:






Nix Reslain



Musa (Dremora)


Golbert (vampire)

Selection of Argonians

Selection of Orcs

Selection of Khajiits

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This is actually a relatively common, although mostly unvoiced complaint. But, this is just the way things ended up, not by anyone's desing.


I will tell you that CM Partners is VERY easy to use, and you can make your own Whatever Rogue in no time.


There are about a ZILLION people that use it, so if you can't figure it out, you can get support here very easily.



Then post your non-cute-female Partners here on Nexus...



P.S. There -ARE- males Rogues and such in some of the extra CM Partner files... you just may have to look a little harder for them.

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I might not have been clear when I said "CM Partners is very easy to use."


What I meant, is that by using the Construction Set and CM Partners you can make your own mod with your own Partner.


Basically, if you have ANY experience witht the Construction Set, then this is what I would suggest.


If you do nothave any experience with the CS, then this would be a good reason to start learning...



CM Partners typically follow your lead; if you sneak they sneak; if you don't then they don't either.


There are also some settings in their dialog that give some options on how they behave.

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