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More of a guild presence


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Okay the FG packages are done


Funny story I wandered into a dungeon on 82 % difficulty and Iw as getting slaughtered I was about to die and I tried running out of dungeon ! At the point where I was about to run 4 FG members come storming in and start killing all my enemies XD

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Oh helllllll yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh... I've been looking for a mod like this for ages. I mean, the image that Oblivion gave me when I first played it was that the Fighter's guild and the Mages guild were very powerful and influential organisations in cyrodill. But when I played for a while, I realized that you very rarely find FG or MG members outside of their guild hall, which kinda gave me the image that all they do is to bum around and act like they are doing something (i.e. both guild do not have much practical power). Alonso; You are the man.

Question: Do FG and MG members just clear out the dungeon, or do they loot it as well? Currently I'm using MMM and it has adventurers that you may find in dungeons (though rare). But one problem is that though according to Martigen they are supposed to loot it as well, they usually don't, leaving a large amount of loot for the player for free (without having to face any enemies, he gets loads of loot). Now you might say this is a good thing, but I think it makes things a little too easy for the player. Plus I'd find it much more realistic if the invaders actually looted the place and didn't let some random guy who just entered the cave and did nothing take their loot (the player).


Keep up the good work mate!

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