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Scheduled down-time 7th of September on all sites


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lol OMG, Johnnydeath13 was banned because he used the word di** ? I think a new banning system should be put in place, like temporary bans. I mean I think that way too much users are banned from the nexus sites. "I am more than happy to ban your account." You seem to enjoy this way too much, lol. Isn't buddha supposed to be "the enlightened one." who guide mortals to peace ?




ps: please don't ban me XD


edit: OMG pushkatu 12,688 posts.

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JohnnyDeath13 didn't get banned, he got a warning.


I don't know if it's just me or something but I still can't get the Maidenhead server to work; trying to download something gives me a timeout error.

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Firefox 3.6.9 seems to work fine for me. Logged in or not. Reloading the page still showed the same layout. Also tried shrinking and expanding the page and it still seemed to work properly.



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Dark0ne explained the situation in this post.


Basically, he added the chat feature on the sites which required an update to the CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) which controls the layout of the page. Browsers typically keep a cached copy of it so it does not have to re-download it on every page you visit...so if the page looks messed up, you have the old CSS cached on your browser. Doing a refresh / reload "should" grab a new copy and eliminate the layout problem. If not, try deleting cache, close your browser and open it again.



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