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About Windows 7 and Oblivion


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O.K. the bind I have gotten myself into this time (I know, its a never ending cycle) has to do with Windows 7.


I have been running XP Home for about two years now and my dad offered me 7 and I said what the hell! Why not, I could use an upgrade. And I asked him about all the specs like, is it good with games, is it a lot,if any, different from xp and so on so forth. Well he told me that it was better and actually made my games run faster because 7 can allocate ram better than xp can. Do I know if it can? NO lol! But I CAN tell you one thing though....... I am running Fallout High-res, no lag, and that has never been done before on my system! Until now with 7.


But here is where the problem arises.... After all my little happy with Fallout lol, my friend decided to tell me then that Oblivion would not work on 7 due to Oblivion just being to old or something like that! And oh did my heart drop! Because if

there is anyone out here that knows me, then you know how much I love this game (Maybe a little to much at times).


Now with that said, I would like to ask this: Does anyone play Oblivion on 7 and if you do, how did you get it to work? If there are no differences between XP and 7 when running Oblivion than O.K. that is great. If there are some weird things that I will have to do to get it to work, then please let me know.



Thanks to everyone who attempts to help me out of this little bind that I have gotten myself into once again!



P.S. Oh, and when I mean thanks, I mean thanks in the form of Kudos! But only if you try lol.



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I also use Windows 7 and have had no major problems as a result of the operating system. The only thing you need to be aware of is you should install Oblivion to somewhere else other than Program Files (e.g. My Documents, C:, etc. ) if you intend to use mods at all. Also, if you have enough diskspace, backup oblivion once you finish installing and patching it, so you can avoid having to reinstall it in the future.



Edited by Zetsubo Ketti
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So far (since last December) I have had no problems running Oblivion on Windows 7.

And to Zetsubo Ketti; I have had no problems placing it in Program Files..? Unless you mean about UAC asking for permission every time you try to install a mod...


So.. Yeah, you're safe if you're planning to use Windows 7. :)

I think it works just the same as XP but I haven't used it for years so I'm not sure.

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Well kudos to the both of you! Thank you two very much for helping get that over with.


I just did not know if it would be a waste of time trying to install it and not work, and then go through the pain of running a defrag and so on and so on lol.


Well as soon as I get home, I will be sure to install Oblivion and try my hand at it and hope that it even runs smoother than the last time. I mean I have only had 7 since yesterday lol.


Well thank both of you very much!



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Many people - including me are running Oblivion on Win7 - It works better than on XP.

As was already said, It workks even better if it is NOT installed in the default location due to the UAC (Fallout also)


Mine is installed to C:\Games\Oblivion, and C:\Games\Fallout3 - my steam folder is installed to C:\Games\Steam Everything works fine, and no UAC problem.

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I use Windows 7 x64 and works much, much better than Windows XP x32, no more CTD! Recommend it with the 4Gb patch and Oblivion Stutter Remover!
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I use Windows 7 x64 and works much, much better than Windows XP x32, no more CTD! Recommend it with the 4Gb patch and Oblivion Stutter Remover!


What are these 2 mods you mentioned, please? Do they work well with Win 7 and where may I download them?

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I use Windows 7 x64 and works much, much better than Windows XP x32, no more CTD! Recommend it with the 4Gb patch and Oblivion Stutter Remover!


What are these 2 mods you mentioned, please? Do they work well with Win 7 and where may I download them?


Ok, lets see:


First of all they work perfectly under Windows 7, I have more than 300 mods installed, graphics all to max, 2048x1536 resolution, QTP3, OBGE, Better Cities, full FCOM, full Unique Landscapes, well you get the point, and NOT one single CTD in 3 hours of gameplay!!! I am so happy!



The 4GB Patch, get it here: http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php

It allows to Oblivion EXE file to use more than 2GB (old x32 software). For me it used almost up to 3.2Gb one time. This reduced the CTD almost to 0.


Oblivion Stutter Remover, here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23208

Require OBSE, here: http://obse.silverlock.org/


Impresive tool, made for one of the Oblivion greatest modder.


One tip: Set the ini like this,


- FPS Management (disable it)

- Critical Sections (use it as default)

- Heap Replacement (use it and make this tweaks)


-> Thread heap=5


-> and where is =450 set it to =800 (because you can use more memery now)


Also download and use Streamline 3.1, here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10400

And use it only for Stream Purge, with the option set to "normal" or "4".


Hope this helps!


If you need more help let me know.



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OBSE will disable the LLA flag when you run Oblivion with it. It shouldn't matter since OSR replaces the heap anyway. I set the heap size to 1024. If you have a quad-core processor you can try and change the default mode in CriticalSections to '3' (stuttering). I have an Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 and this works best for me. Also try adding 1000 for every extra physical thread you have to DefaultSpin (I use 4000 here).
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Ok, well seeing that everyone is getting Oblivion to work amazingly on 7 lol, I have not... I started to install the game last night and it was all the down to the very last bit on the install and then it said something about an error that happened during the installation on the game and dda few other things that I do not remember.


So, could this problem have occured with me allowing Oblivion to be installed the default way? Or should I tell it to install in C:\ Games? Should I tell it to install there?


And what is wrong with how the default install is?

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