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"Blood, Sweat and Tears"


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Hey everyone, if you want to comment on grammar and spelling...please do. I suck at that. Also feel free to point out what parts I've done well or not as well; then I can get a general idea what everyone is looking for.


And you can feel free to develop little theories and stuff on what's going to happen based on what you already know about Fallout 3...I do have it all planned out in my head. :D


I'll try to organize this mess of a story very soon.

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Everything can now be found on my "About Me" section of my profile. You can get all updates there.


I have also cleaned out lots of the old posts. Added title art to the first post and created forward and back links so it can work sort of like a book now.


Part 2 will probably not come up for a while...but who knows? Whenever I have time. Getting busy again. Now you all can enjoy what I've done so far in a more organized fashion.

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Chapter 8: On the Road Again



It was a long night for me following the visit from our glowing and unexpected guests. Butch, Saya and Saori hit the sack after roughly an hour of being dazzled by the tiny insects. They slept soundly. (Well, except for Butch, actually. He couldn’t get any shut-eye with all the light…even with his shades on.) He tossed and turned without end. Jericho soon joined the trio against his promise to help night-watch, but I let it slide; he did save our lives, and he deserved my immense gratitude. Our gratitude. I nudged his chair a bit closer to the campfire to keep him warm and resumed my posture near the water. I waited for hours and hours, staring out into the all-consuming darkness. But nobody came to my relief, and somewhat to my dismay. I was wide awake; I wanted action because we desperately needed answers. The Enclave had pursued us for information about the FEV Virus in the past, and even without us they are now an inch closer with this “Project Purity.” If they won’t stop, then we’ll just have to make them. They’re out there, and I know it.


I had everybody get up at 7 AM sharp. There was no breakfast, and with that, we rolled out into the harsh Capital Wasteland. The arduous trek had begun once again.


“Christ it’s hot out here!” Butch complains. “Can we rest or something?”


“Well, you can go under that small tree over there. It’s not so bad. We’ll just see you in Rivet City then, cool guy.”


Butch just squints at me, not quite knowing how he should be feeling: angry or just plain tired.


It is the middle of the afternoon. The day is like a giant furnace; it is far hotter than it had ever been in the past. It must be at least 90 degrees. Above us are a cloudless sky and that burning ball of gas we call the Sun, whose heat is beating us down with all its might. The trees around us seem to be shriveling up with each agonizing step we take. Everything is hot and sticky, and certainly reminds me I could use a bath once we get to the city. That sounds so good…


“Hey kid.” Jericho jogs a bit to catch up with me up in front. “Have ya been to where we’re goin’? You know, Rivet City.”


“Yep, I’ve been there,” I answer. “Or we four have been there, I should say. But only a few times. We mainly just bartered for some firearms and stayed at the Weatherly Hotel. It was nice and all, but nothing special.”


“Huh. Well, even after all these years, I’ve never been there. Even an ex-raider like me don’t have the balls to get that close to D.C.”


I have to recall that talk from the previous night. I said he grew a pair, right? Now he can definitely go. But I think I’ll just play nice.


“Really? Well, it is a pretty neat place. There’s a nice bar at the bottom of the boat that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.”


“Heh. I’ll be sure to look foward to dat then.” Jericho throws his cigarette he was smoking into the distance. “Man, now I’m all out, damn it.”


“Keep your pants on,” I assure him. “Rivet City has everything. Except Super Mutants and all that other crazy s***.”


“Yeah, yeah.”


I wipe the sweat off my brow. Everyone keeps walking, one gravel-and-dust-spewing step at a time. It turns out that the Enclave base where we were captured at was pretty far up north, so it’ll still be a while until we hit the river that divides the city and the countryside. As long as we stray away from the larger artificial structures and stay out in the hot, arid wasteland, no raiders will mess with us. Along with our fully clothed attire, they must think we’re totally psycho right now, anyway. (No pun intended, by the way.)


“Ugh, this heat is killing me,” Saori groans. I briefly glance behind me to see that like her mood, her hair is sagging down in exhaustion, completely out of shape. “Things must be so rough for you now after what happened to you, Saya. Are you feeling okay?”


Saori puts her hand over Saya’s forehead, but Saya just smiles as she gently lowers the soothing palm away from her.


“I’m doing fine…you all don’t have to worry about me! I just needed a little comfort from Butchy here, that’s all.”


With those words said, she jumps and clings onto Butch. Her small body is hardly a burden to him as he still upholds his current walking pace. He turns to look at her and just grins. And I can’t help but grin too; sometimes I forget we’re just four close friends from the Vault who all grew up together. We were all in the same educational classes, raised by the same few people, and even ate in the same room. We only had each other. Those are the memories I’ll always love and cherish…yet it is my fault there aren’t any more of them. My innate curiosity about the outside world intrigued my friends and got us just that: a one way ticket to pure anarchy, bloodshed and violence. And all by yours truly: the Overseer of Vault 101. We never saw anyone else from the Vault again.


It was all my fault.


My grin fades away as I recite those brief but heavy thoughts. But it’s alright; we’re at the edge of a small hill and I can see the wharf all the way from here. The water glimmers with warmth and seems inviting. Maybe once we get down there we’ll just sit around in the shade, cool off near the water and eat what little we have left. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.


We’ve been walking for an entire day and evening is here. Rivet City is so close. Once we get there, it’s an ice-cold glass of water on me, guys.




Edited by AliasTheory
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nicely done,eventough there's not much action in last 3 chapter :rolleyes:


still,its getting better and better after each chapter.


Tch, you really think Rivet City is going to go as planned? Heck no. No story is interesting without conflict. I'm writing a combat scene as of the present.


I wanted to elaborate a bit here because I haven't really touched on the main characters' pasts or their personalities enough. I felt it would at least be appropriate to do that and describe an everyday scenario out in the wasteland. :)


@Omeletter: I think I have better shots than that. ^^


Agh! Special thanks to deathknowz, who has pointed out a flaw I agree with in the screenshot! Now I can't unsee it! D: Could fix it but...eh. Picture serves its point. Gah, also reminds me the poster has a few screw-ups in it too...!


*head asplodes*


And please comment or PM me or something if you support this story. I want to see how many readers I actually have...on the Nexus anyway.

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Nice writing and fallout-tography you have done. Really nice job.


At the momento I am tired, so I don't have lots of insightful stuff. But I do have this one. Wouldn't they all know who 101 doc is? If the lead character can spot Autumn after two or three meets, they would recognize the doc. He treated their owies (how bad a wound could they get in the vault?), the dad of the wanderer and their friend, and in the same vault for 15+ yrs. They would know his voice, poise, figure, and whatever else. At least the voice in the hologram they would recognize. Especially the two girls. Women are better at that sort of thing. Don't ask me why. It just is.


Oh and another thing. No mention of the Lone Wanderer? When I did my first couple playthroughs (before I started modifying my game) I was james bond.....well mayby thats a little exagerated. Just in the sense of having lots of collateral damage. This made it probematic when escorting people like Sydney or Cherry. They died a lot from the explosions. Now back to the lone wanderer thing. Wouldn't people say "aren't those the fabled vault dwellers" (these kind of stories don't lose any drama in the telling). Then if you're an evildoer, "ah **** its those ******* vault 101 psychos. I heard the guys up north got slain by ONE of them! What could we do against FOUR of them!". These stories spread faster than the plague on a windy day. Like when they were in Megaton. Lucas Simms would remember at least the Dad mayby junior and might mention it.


I am going to read the entire story again sometime tomorrow or the next and put it through severe analysis. My contribution to the F3 Nexus is through testing and analysis. And if this is hard to understand that is probaly my fault. I was tired when I wrote this.



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