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Poetry by MW

Master Marksman

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When my friend started to post poetry on his facebook page, I decided to do so also. It turns out my poetry isnt that bad. I think.

Each one is not very long (as facebook restricts it to about 400 characters). Each one rhymes far too much, but I think it has some rhythm to them.


Lets start.


The morning touched sunlight returned,

I woke to see our world had turned,

And what we built was scorched and burned.

Should we all love, grow and create,

When all we make is death and hate?

...Is something pure, so touching and great,

Destined to fall a hopeless fate?

How man has made the perfect dream,

An empty quote of air and steam.

When will man turn around once more,

And finally see man take flight and soar?




I saw my life just pass me by,

The flash of lights that touch my eye.

I see myself rise to the stars,

and barricades and binding bars,

Of oceans far within my hand,

...and those who hold me down to land.

A life of strength and change and hope,

but between them is an iron rope.

To dream about the strangest ways,

but live our lives in hopeless days:

Is there more, or is there less,

then working for a social test?




Humankind has met their match,

An evil foe, born and hatched.

With talons dark and crimson red,

and veins of blue from toe to head.

A beast with swords and blades for claws,

...and shields and walls of fur for paws.

My friend, if you knew this beast well,

and held its hand and heard it yell,

My friend, if you saw its gaze,

and saw its eyes of ages blaze,

You would see yourself.




I sat down at my wizened table,

and lifted up my pen so able.

An old book lay: half undone,

with the lines of only one.

I saw each chapter, each page, each spill,

...where time itself could stand so still;

where I myself could see the start,

the end, the road, the turns; my part.

And when my pen had touched the end,

last line, last page, last turn; last bend;

I felt myself, pen so able,

Finally rest on wizened table.




I sat at my quite quant abode,

When in all of life, I solved one code;

How life will come from end to start;

From broken soul and beating heart.

How life will give and take much more,

...To bear such fruit, but soured core.

How life will take you to ones edge,

A bladed foe, a friend or fate;

My friend, I tell you now -

That life gives all, but it must take.




I sat upon the great traverse,

And within I saw the great reverse.

Upon my side, the sun rose high,

But none of nature held one sigh;

Upon the other, the sun touched none,

...But peace and calm for anyone.

My bridge I saw was safe strong:

To bask in sunlights growing warmth,

Or bask in solaces dim reprieve,

The scent of grass,

The scent of power:

I stood upon the great traverse

and within me, grew that flower.




I assure you that if you type these into google you'll understand the MW part.

Also, I'm not going to post the initial ones because there is no gurantee ayone will read that far, or read in the first place.


Anyways, have a read. I dont mind. A comment would be a nice exchange though. (:})

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The Stanzas are simply Awesome! I did type the lines in google but had no success with deciphering what MWstands for, anyway the poems are great. are you the poet? If yes- You've done a marvelous job , if not- You still got a good taste in poetry. :thumbsup:
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