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I do a bit of airsofting, and I personally use spring or CO2 guns. Electric need charging way too often and often break. Spring guns require no maintenance or things like batteries and stuff to buy. Spring guns are also the strongest and most accurate, but single fire only. If you are using your airsoft guns for something other than target practice, such as war against your friends, then you will NEED a fps of over 300. A 250 fps gun cannot even be felt with a light jacket on, but over 470 fps is a bit of overkill and can actually hurt someone.
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I don't currently have an airsoft gun but I will be getting one soon. I suggest you get one of those 200 bucks M16/M4. Best thing about them is there are A LOT of mods for them. Everything from red dots scopes bayonets and even grenade launchers.

This one costs 170 plus around 50 bucks for the battery and the charger.



I fired an airsoft gun similar to it and its really great. Worth the 200 bucks completely.

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