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Which Mythological Creature?


Which popular creature?  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. as above

    • dragons
    • elves
    • werewolves
    • vampires
    • wizards, mages, etc.
    • gods or goddesses
    • demigods or demigoddesses
    • mermen or mermaids
    • giants
    • other
  2. 2. why?

    • more majestic, powerful, etc.
    • more central to game, fictional realms
    • more central to mythology
    • has more connection with my life
    • other

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Voted "wizards". I have a weird obsession with necromancers and marsh witches.


Also, I love the tale of the Wild Hunt (I'd have picked gods/demigods as well if it were possible)...

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I chose Elves, because they are, to me, the most beautiful and wise of the mythologocial creatures (depending on whom is asked, of course).


For the past three years, I have become an Expert on Tolkien's Elves; if anything, I desire them to be real - while sadly, they are not.

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I believe Cyborgs, Robots and the Augmented should be added as catergories. They are common in mythology and are very often empathised with, I dont doubt that a lot of nexusians would select this catergory if it existed.


I find augmented a fascinating group both to write about and to create worlds for. Creatures that are born as one thing, and then transformed into something quite diferent by science or magic.


This can mean anything from humans who have willingly had their bodies laced with mechanical parts to augment their physical prowess, to those who's genetic structure has been altered to remove congenital issues or alte/improve biological conditioning.


As a writer these have almost limitless potential. We take our humanity for granted: most of us are born with the standard issue loadout of four limbs, a digestive tract, a cardiovascular system, a skeleton, a reproductive system, and in some cases, a brain.


But in the very near future, we may not neccessarily have to keep that equipment pack. Maybe more limbs, alterations to any of the afforementioned bio-systems. The potential is limitless.


It's because our body works in the same way that machines of this era do. Nerves transmit electrical impulses to muscle and tissue to manipulate it-the same way that electrical impulses travel through cabling to manipulate machines, Interfacing man and machine is easy to explain, and gives vast, and I mean VAST potential for a wonderful future world, and that's why I love the augmented in all their forms. Robots, Cyborgs, Mutants, Servitors, En-Humans, Abhumans, and machinee-people of all types.


I think WarHammer 40K was very ahead of it's time in it's descriptions of how machine and man can come together. obviously in such a religiously charged universe they couldnt just make everyone a cyborg, but since those early pioneer writers, the WarHammer universe has used the potential of augmentation as a writing tool to it's fullest. With whole factions such as Mars being entirely devoted to machinery, while other groups entirely focus of genetics or psychological augmentation.

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Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,

Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.



Voted Elves


Its odd but as an avid bookworm even at an early age, Tolkiens words and the pictures in my head of the wondrous worlds he decribes in his books means that elves have always figured prominantly in my imagination.


Am I fan, I guess so, to me Tolkien was a wordsmith of the highest order and I still read LOTR at least once a year, its become more of a mythology than just a story and one I can get totally lost in each time read it.


So yup, elves.

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Dragons are my favorite.


To the ancient peoples, they actually had some basis in reality. People would come across dinosaur bones and perceive them to be bones of dragons, which really wasn't too far off. Because dragons have a lot in common with Dinosaurs. If someone found a large skull of a predator like a T-rex, it could easily be mistaken for a dragon if you didn't know any better. Some dinosaurs could fly, some could swim, some were land based, dragons also take the same traits.

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I voted other on both...


I like dragons and vampires both equally.


Dragons because they are powerful and large flying creatures, and vampires because the idea of having to kill in order to live, and having to stay away from society and prowling in darkness seems interesting.

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