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Mirroe mirror on the wall


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No mirrors? What are we Wastelanders, Vampires?


All these cool duds and costumes and armor and weapons and I can only see my own ass! How stupid is that?

Bring me my mirror!

I really don't care about it being an accurate 'reflection' of everything behind me, just the front of my character so I can see what I look like. That way I can try on a lot of different outfits quickly, rather than waiting for the screensaver to come on to show me, or going into free camera mode for every outfit, which is a pain in my observable ass - make it in a small closed room so there is no background to worry about.



It would be great if someone could make a full length mirror!

Thanks for reading this.

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The wastelanders took all the mirrors and covered them with muck, broke them, or ground them into sand because they didn't want to look at themselves. :teehee:


Oh, and try holding down the F key. Or, open the console wiith the ` key, and type tfc. :thumbsup:

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I am aware of TFC but that is totally cumbersome - open console, tfc, close console move to look at self, console ,tfc, close consol, f2 to select next outfit, click it, etc. NOT elegant as a mirror... I know the world's gone all ugly, but some of the armors and outfits are great to look at. LING's must get a mirror!
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I am aware of TFC but that is totally cumbersome - open console, tfc, close console move to look at self, console ,tfc, close consol, f2 to select next outfit, click it, etc. NOT elegant as a mirror... I know the world's gone all ugly, but some of the armors and outfits are great to look at. LING's must get a mirror!



How about a doppleganger? Then you could not only see yourself, you could take them with you!

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unlikely possible.


this would be a special shader property. but you would only get something like that in cryengine and maybe a few other.


I know you know a lot, but is it possible to circumvent if we get a fluid shader programmer along?

Old N.O.L.F. (a favorite) game had working mirrors (actually DE and DE2 had it also if I'm not just stupefied) and that are games generations back in game engine evolution. Now this might have been hardcoded features back then but since the shader programming in GPU has been an artform of it self for some years I'm not sure anymore what we can and can not get in a game regardless of what it was originally released with.

Of course there is a major impact on OB and FO3 since you normally play as a 1st person and have this "hand only" and not a true body in game. This of course was an intended approach from Bethesda, but still, is it possible to poke the .NIF of a mirror to work properly? Just a technical idea up in the air... I'm fully aware that this may totally screw up other graphical objects in the mirror, but as a technical question would it be possible partly or is it a totally dead end with Gamebryo engine?

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I am aware of TFC but that is totally cumbersome - open console, tfc, close console move to look at self, console ,tfc, close consol, f2 to select next outfit, click it, etc. NOT elegant as a mirror... I know the world's gone all ugly, but some of the armors and outfits are great to look at. LING's must get a mirror!


But you speak as if you don't know you can swing the camera around without using tfc.


You can.


I believe a mirror may not be possible, surely someone would've made one by now otherwise. Either that or it is difficult enough no one considers it worthwhile. :(

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it is certainly possible to write and implement just about any shader you can think of in gamebryo. sut when don't have gamebryo sdk. we have a compiled game. I am hardly a programmer or have I ever writen a shader. I have been reading up on programming for games but not a whole lot


anyway, If you can implement custom shaders in F3 and you can get a shader writen within the constraints of the engine, sure it's possible. I wouldn't even know how to do the first thing.


doesn't the water shader have some reflection?

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