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(Suggestions for improvement are welcome.)


Chapter 1: First time user


"A few still know the truth. It is around us in signs, and paintings, faces, documents, but...but we don't see it. See, we are...heh...we are blind to our own creation..."


Subject: 18

Nixor Bellum


Time period: 1412 AD

The Hundred Years War



Scanning process confirmed complete...

Accessing memory...


An endless whiteness on the move; centuries of history rushing by at every given second, rebuilding a lost world only retrievable through computer code from the sky itself. Whiteness gives way to a dark and damp night overlooking Eastern France. To the west, a war is brewing, but Nixor finds himself facing in another direction, but the action is not his own. For a moment, he believes he is dreaming, but as everything moves forward as in an organized sequence, it is clear that this is far from a dream. As he draws away from the full moon, he can see from a bird’s eye view as the air around him rapidly descends into a terrifying freefall, and just as it seems that a broken neck will be his fate, all rests silently below onto the forest floor.


The crickets chirp in a loud chorus, and the wind is in a rushing hurry as the leaves spread thick around him in brushing groups. The muddy soil at his feet is the shuddering reaction he has come to known throughout his life, and the sounds of wolves howling from beyond the trees sounds eerily realistic.


"What's going on?" Nixor thinks to himself as he attempts to pull away, but it's as if he is caught in a web that he can’t seem to untangle himself from.


No matter how hard he tries to escape it, the stubborn essence only resists, forcing him to watch as a scene, as if from behind the screen of a crowded movie theater, plays out before him.


"What is this?" A whip of wind suddenly passes by, followed by a rough tug, as Nixor is attracted to a woman on the run; a baby crying into the night rests in her arms, wrapped in a blue blanket.


"Shhh...shhh..." She urges the baby as she looks over her shoulder,


"Joan please, you must stay silent!" The immediate assumption is that this child...this Joan...belongs to this women concealed in black robes, the crows exploding in a frenzy as she interrupts their scavenged meal, the fluttering of their wings disappearing above them.


Following shortly after is the agitated grunts of men from beyond her, Nixor looking back as branches are snapped in half from the main trunk, the barks of dogs foaming at the mouth and tugging at the leashes of their handlers.


The woman hurries herself along as the hunting dogs in the distance close in, "Come on! They couldn't have gotten far!"


Her muffled breaths only worsen as she is forced from a rest, but her determination urges her on, she mustn’t stop.


Her cloak that has concealed this shifty face from Nixor as he has been along her, catches a protruding thorn bush as she runs past it, tearing off a section of her arm sleeve and most of her hood. The woman’s face is of young, middle age, the scars at the tip of her chin and at the edges of her cheeks suggest conflict. There isn't time to get a good long look as everything closes in to something else that has been hiding, something that looks like it shouldn't be there. In the hand from which the sleeve was torn, rests a small orb that appeared to be a glowing apple, brighter than even the moon; a thousand suns perhaps. Its contact with her hand shows a remarkable bond as it responds to her touch, gradually intensifying in luminosity with every jiggle in her hand. Nixor couldn't quite put his finger on it, but this "apple" resembled the ones depicted in the fall of man, but what was it doing out here on Earth, wide out in the open? Is this what they were after, is this why these unseen forces were chasing this women and her baby?


"JOAN!" Things take a rapid turn as Nixor is forced violently to one direction, where the baby is unraveling from her carriers hands, and tumbling onto the ground below as she is flung off the cliff they have come to, soon to be dashed onto the rocks below.


But to Nixor’s amazement, Joan is pulled right from the air itself as she is levitated by this mysterious fruit, safely resting back into trembling hands.


“Oh…thank goodness…”


"In a hurry Marry?" She flings herself around in a fright to find a small battalion consisting of roughly one hundred British soldiers. The general stands proud and in trained posture, his two German Shepherds at his boots glinting from the apple, foaming at the mouth, waiting for their master’s command to murder again.


In the near distance is the city of Paris, built up from the busy trade streets just below them, overlooked from the sheer curvature of the cliff mouth. The sturdy stone walls, seen just barely from this position, see the gates welcoming the wealthy traveling merchants and the marching armies of the French empire returning from battle, oblivious of the conflict just behind them.


"Give them to me..." The general demands as his soldiers unsheathed their silver swords, the longbowmen pulling back the strings of their bows, their arrows neatly positioned, their exposed fingers stressed and sore.


"God will smite me before you take my Joan away!"


"Hand them over now, and I can promise you a swift end. Longbowmen at the ready!" They shuffle as their marksmanship takes effect, one eye closed and the other opened, their heads still and concentrated on a lone target.


Marry backs up to the very edge as the bowmen ready their arrows, looking below as a lone rock takes the plunge as it is kicked from the back of her slippers. The foreshadowing couldn’t be stronger.


He inches closer, "Did you really think you would get with it? We saw the scriptures, we read the predictions, we know what she is and what she will do. Serving under the Crown for Henry V of England, I hereby issue your arrest for heresy, and your immediate execution of you and Joan at the kingdoms interest."


"Joan will not die today; she will liberate us from you and your corrupt king of England.” She looks back down at the long drop below, but with a stroke of luck, a passing hay cart becomes her closing window of opportunity. She kisses Joan lightly before making her final words,


“Evil will not succeed this day!" In a desperate, last effort to save her supposed daughter, Marry throws her and the apple off the cliff, the screams of perishing agony, and the whistling of arrows not soon after.


As the two land safely in a pile of hay on the passing caravan, the scene comes to an end as two voices interrupt the sequence, arguing amongst themselves,


"He's going into cardiac arrest..."


"He'll be fine, just continue with the memory..."


"Fine? If we don't pull him out now he will die, and then what would all of this have been for? We can't afford to lose this one, not while the stakes are this high..."


"Mrs. Valois!"


"We have to pull him out now! Do you hear me? NOW!"


"Alright, alright! If it will stop your badgering then go on ahead, but if they..." The whiteness returns, and then back to the present, to late November of 2012,


"They won't..." A woman, wearing strange robes like the one before but now only white, overlooking Nixor, restrains him as he struggles to get free.


“Oh my god Leo…I-I think he’s waking up!”


“What, but he’s suppose to be in comatose; was it the Animus? We have to run diagnostics while we still-”


“There’s no time for that!” She gently pushes Nixor’s hand to his side as she injects him with a needle, his eyes now carrying the burden of the clearless chemical.


"Calm down.” He reaches out to her without a second thought, again rejected,


"Please...you're safe now..."

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  • 2 months later...

Very excellent!


Very good start and I look forward to reading more and to learning just what the relationship is between the woman and her daughter, on one hand, and the modern scenario on the other.


Kudos given (my apologies for I assumed I had done so ages ago otherwise you would have gained Kudos from me before now.)

Edited by Maharg67
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Very excellent!


Very good start and I look forward to reading more and to learning just what the relationship is between the woman and her daughter, on one hand, and the modern scenario on the other.


Kudos given (my apologies for I assumed I had done so ages ago otherwise you would have gained Kudos from me before now.)


Thank you M. :happy:

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Very well done, someone it seems sent back in time to witness and participate in an historical event. Thank you for a fascinating story, I will look forward to seeing it continue.


The old man tips his hat,


Storm Raven



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Woah, trying to do two things at once, huh? Hitman and this? That's fine, but I hope you don't get your ideas mixed up. :happy: It's just that I probably would.


I'll look forward to it.


I'm being careful to challenge myself alias, it's a way to see just how I evolved as a writer. I can't focuse on just one stroy, but if I find difficulty, I'll ease up a bit and put my attention to one story at a time if I need to.

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Very well done, someone it seems sent back in time to witness and participate in an historical event. Thank you for a fascinating story, I will look forward to seeing it continue.


The old man tips his hat,


Storm Raven




Thank you friend, but the idea is based off an already exsisting video game, but the ideas I put towards it (Such as the characters and time period) are my own. I'm not claiming rights though; don't want to get sued. :ermm:


But please, by all means tune in for more. I have a lot of good ideas, and I hope to have some people join me along the way. :happy:

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