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What happened to this man?


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Once i saw a Horse run through a wall, and as it fell through it cried. It was by the IC wall just by the doorway. It crashed for a sec and resumed game play. Funny enough didn't crash while exiting. By the IC stables.


Lol it was completely random.

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He is just a ghost who is waiting for the Ghost Whisperer to show up.


PS: like previous responses

Edited by Maharg67
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I think a very mean spirited modder(such as yours truly) decided to put a building exactly in that spot, and wasnt kind enough to check for shabbily dressed men before spawning the structure.


Otherwise, perhaps, drawing on Z's idea, maybe the building was a Transformer, and transformed while he was in it. We all know what kind of havoc that can cause-usualy it sees those inside either hurled out the window, or jammed through the outer casing on a wierd angle.

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