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Oblivion 2?


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i may be completely getting half remember age old posts wrapped round my head the wrong way but i seem to remember someone a while ago speculating ES5 may be set in skyrim (might be wrong... :/) due to his theory the next game is set in the place the majority of rumors that are overheard in the current game are regarding... re: Morrowind seems to have allot of rumors mentioning Cyrodill...


this may all be complete gibberish, i'm regurgitating half remembered stuff from ages ago :geek:


Edit: actually, what really pi$$ed me off about Oblivion is... Isn't Cyrodill meant to be a tropical jungle climate? and what the HELL is with all the 'generic fantasy creatures'??... minotoars? Ogres? Trolls!!?


I may be wrong, but i really believe i'm not, said creatures (plus more featured in Oblivion) make no appearance in the Lore except within the actual game....... :wallbash:


way to go throwing in a load of 'what will appeal to a more mainstream audience. lets make battles entirely twitch based and ditch 4/5ths of the character development system'.... i know i know, old argument, but still, lol

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One would hope they are taking notes from Bioware and Dragon Age - for voice acting and cut scenes of course. I don't think the style in Oblivion will work after Bioware made PC RPG cutscenes an alternate to Hollywood movies.
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One would hope they are taking notes from Bioware and Dragon Age - for voice acting and cut scenes of course. I don't think the style in Oblivion will work after Bioware made PC RPG cutscenes an alternate to Hollywood movies.



I honestly don't think it would be possible to have a similar type thing in TES games for the simple fact they are sandbox. Dragon age has a linear progression so it is possible for the world to seem to change as the player progresses, it is possible to portray a rich narrative plot and shape the world around it as though the character is moving through the story and making a real impact on the world.


TES games have a REALLY big problem when trying to do this because they are set in sandbox worlds, meaning any intended change stated through the story line can only be placed physically in the world to a limited degree. Have you ever noticed the wierdly lacking sense of impending invasion from the realms of oblivion? How no matter how much of an effect you have on stories and events... nothing.... really.... changes.... Its still the same world, still the same meadows and dungeons, still the same people, nothing being changed or altered to any major degree.


That is because in a sandbox world, the world is created pretty much static and then the characters and stories are placed 'within' that arena. It is simply not possible to 'physically' portray the depth of narrative games like dragon age can.


There is a trade-off: do you want a rich and detailed world where you can go anywhere and do anything at your own leasure, that sadly lacks a really fullfilling movement in narrative... or do you want a richly deep narrative and twisting story line that feels as though it is reaching out from the meer conversations and effecting the literal world you are in (in game of course), yet have that world restrictively linear with no ability to 'do as you want' and having to follow what the story has for you with no real control over where you go next.


it is simply not possible (yet) to have both. they are mutually exclusive. I honestly prefer Oblivion to dragon age for the 'replay-ability'. After completing dragon age once i got about half way through the second run and stopped playing purely because i knew exactly what was going to happen next. In Oblivion emergent experiences caused by the environment keep me going.... Whats down that next cave, in that next ruin e.t.c. And i know aside from the fundementals, each battle i have is going to be different from the one before.


Oblivion will (to a majority of a degree) keep throwing new experiences at me, where as Dragon age won't. It is simply down to a matter of what you prefer.

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I had a dream the other night and I saw the MW and Oblivion games combine into one super tes game. It was called Flintshire!


Burb... Or maybe I have been playing tes series to long!?!?

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